Chapter 17 : to the king

As Raven's body lied there Alice's eyes gleamed a gold color and she said " now to the king what you say?" Saki nods and said, " that sounds perfect the other group should be there by now." As Saki pulled out the map she pointed to the blue dot and said " this is us and we have to go down this corridor and unlike to get raven it's guarded with nymphs that are very skilled fighters ."

Then Ren looked to the red dot and said " this is where team B is and they probley have both the soulless and ones with a soul of B.A.V's. So we will have back up so our first priority is to meet up with the second group!" Alice nods and walks to yuko as her eyes started to turn her normal brown color and said " who all did you bring ???"

Iris smiled and said " everyone but Yuki he didn't want to get wet or turn to wolf form ." Alice laughed and said "Yuki so silly" as they took off running down the corridor as the path was lit they all were running so fast it looked like a blur of. Smoke and then they met up with the second group and Scar said " you made it welcome back alice"

Then Mia looked to Alice " are all the guys your lover or just Yuko ,because scar is cute?" Scar blushed and said " n-no just yuko is her lover" Mia nodded and said " okay cutie" the rest of the gang laughed and then Ren spoke pulling out the map " okay so going forward we need to be on our toes because besides the nymph guards there are booby traps along the whole corridor."

As they pushed the doors open a they walked through the doors as they slammed behind them and then a fog of smoke came behind them and Alice screamed " run the fog burns you !" As they ran as fast as they could the came up to the guards and Alice cut her hand as did yuko and their eyes turned red for Yuko and gold for alice.

As the others had their swords ready for battle yuko and alice tag them on ripping out each guards heart dogging the guards attack and going straight for the heart as they reached the next door Alice said to the gang " his head is ours for the taking" as alice slashed the fire and lighting whips.