Chapter 18 : off with his head

Alice slapped the fire and lighting whips down on the ground and they showed sparks with flames and alice said "lets cut him down!" As alice pushed the door's there was a man sitting on his thrown and said " if it isn't alice rose and her gang its nice to meet you alice ,Raven has spoken highly of your powers do you like. The kings eyes of kill ?

Alice looked to the king the man who was behind all the blood shed and death and she yelled " time for you to die !!!" As she cut her hand she dashed forward to him but she was cut off by guards but she just took both her hands and grasped their hearts pulling them out one by one . As the king eyes widen he said " is this really the end??"

Alice looked furious as those gold eyes gleamed and then she licked her lips and said " time for the pain this time ill let you squirm unlike your daughter who i pinned down and killed her slowly just like you will be!" As yuko looked at alice and said " sweetheart i think it will be better if you hold fire and me the lighting." Alice nods in agreement and hands him the lighting whip as yuko cut his hand showing his red thirsty eyes.

Then Alice whipped the king ad the fire blade hit him the king screamed in agony as yuko hits him with the lightning whip his body goes into shock and electrical shocks are shown all over his body . As they keep at it hitting over with fire then lightning his screams kept getting louder and louder then ren laughed and said " hey you two i know your having fun but now its time to end him!"

Yuko nods to alice and Alice rushed up to the king and sticks her hand in his chest and said "goodbye king zen" as she rips his heart out she then cuts his head off as his head rolled off his shoulder alice yelled " the king is dead we are free bow to the new queen me !!!!"