Chapter 19: the departer

Alice eyes turned back to their normal color and said " lets go home what you say guys ?" They all cheered and Yuko said " finally this nightmare is over !" As they put their air bubbles on and walked out of the prison and into the ocean they swam home.

Two months later Alice and Yuko walked up to the manor and Syaoran said " welcome back what brings you two here ?" As the two walked in they saw everyone here and alice said " Yuko why are we here ?" Yuko smiles as everyone gathers in the living room and Yuko gets down on one knee and said "Alice Rose we have been through hell and back becoming the most powerful B.A.V's and now i must ask you will you marry me ?"

Alice covers her mouth in shock and said " yes not just yes but hell yes ill marry you !" Everyone clapped and Alice kissed Yuko passionately then Mia walked up as Yuko put the ring on Alice's finger and Mia smiled said " so pretty!" Alice smiled and hugged Mia and said " so did you ever ask him out ?" Mia smiled and said " yeah we are dating but its still weird being mostly on land but i have gone to beach a couple times."

Emi smiled and looked at the Alice and said " you have came along way snice the day we meet huh?" Alice laughed and said "yeah but i do miss the hearts haha" Ian chimed in saying " yeah but now your the queen of the sea and land how does that feel ?" Alice smiled saying" its still new, me and yuko spent this summer fixing what Raven and king Zen messed up now the sirens and nymphs are in a better life and we live in a under water castle ,however, we still have out little place on land we visit often."

Saki smiles as Ren showed up and Saki said "From prisoner to queen huh ill have to visit your castle after my and ren's honey moon when we get married for Ren proposed to me last week !" As alice hugged Saki they all sat down at the dinner table and scar said " oh Alice I'm no. Longer the butler we have a new one named Kenny." Alice laughed smiling at her friends she had felt in this moment she was home.