Sam helped Kevin

"You did great Sam!" Amber said

"Thanks, and I nearly laughed when you... Alex and Elle shouted" I replied to Amber then looked at Elle and Alex

Some girls run towards me and pushed me away 'Cause they're only there for Kevin

"Baby, Are you alright? Does your face hurts?"


"Ah... I'm okay" He replied to the girl while slowly pushing her away

"Do you know her?" Tyler asked Kevin

"No..." He replied

"What is this all about Kevin? And who is this girl?" The principal asked Kevin while his face are turning red because of madness

"Dad, I don't know her!" He replied

"Tell that girl to go away!" The principal said

He did as his father said to him... He told her to get lost and don't ever call him baby again

And suddenly... The girl left

"To be honest, I really enjoy the slapping, but you slapped him, right? Or he was just acting"

"I slapped him, and if I didn't where does that slapping sound come from?" I said and asked Elle

"Good question, but I'm so proud of you" She replied

"But Ms. Shay?" The principal said

"Yes?" I turned to the principal and asked

"Why did you slap my precious son's cheek?"

"It was so soft that I don't even want to slap him but..." I replied

"But?" He said

"But my anger told me so..."

"And Why?"

"Stop acting like you didn't even know"

"What?! I did it because Kevin said that He want to partner you 'Cause he know you'll right the play with a kissing scene" He replied


He nodded

"Really? With that man?" I replied while pointing at Kevin

"I'm handsome and charming just like you said when we first met," He said proudly

"And you're proud with that?" I asked

I know I'm so angry at him that I want to punch him and throw him off the stage, that's so rude but I don't want to make the principal angry at me so instead he'll be angry at him while I'm pushing him to tell the truth

Kevin nodded


"Gross? You even want to kiss me"

"ah... is that eww?" Amber said

"Shut your mouth, Amber. Sam is gonna hit Kevin at the bus" Elle said to Amber

"WHAT?!" We all said

"Why are you gonna hit Kevin at the bus?" The principal asked

"I don't know and I don't even know how to drive a bus" I replied

"Okay let's get this straight... What do you know that I don't know?" The principal asked me

"That Kevin is using me to get a higher grade at performing arts" I replied

The principal looked at Kevin and stared at him... Is this a death stare or they're talking but both of them only understands?

"You... LIED!..." The principal said

"Ah... WHAT?! I-I d-didn't lie! SAM! WHAT ARE YOU-"

Oopsie... What did I just do?

"You did great kid" Elle whispered

I looked at her and she nodded

"Why did you do that?" I asked softly to the principal

He looked at me and said

"did what?" He asked

I looked down... and carefully raising my eyes to see the principal and looked at them

"Can you guys... give us a moment please?" I asked

"Sure, no problem... let's go guys," Alex said while touching Amber and Tyler then come off the stage

"Ah... Kevin!" I called him and raised my hand

He looked back...

I told him to come on the stage and the people we're leaving at the school theatre so Me, Kevin and the principal left inside the school theatre

"Kevin used me," I said

"I know that kid... Why didn't you told me about this?"

"Look... I don't know that both of you guys are related I thought it was just a coincidence, Well... there's a lot of people whose also last name is Fallon" I replied

"You know what? Stop acting good you aspiring actress who doesn't even know how to act" Kevin said

"First, Don't ever call me that Second, you are the one who doesn't even know how to act Third, I think you overused your perfume that your bag is filled with empty bottles of perfumes that you smell like one giant perfume"

"at least I'm a giant perfume that everybody loves"

"But you just got reported, a man that destroys the sense of smell, and I should have told you about Elle, She's a good driver of a bus and I want you to tell her that she will meet you at the road and hit you WITH A BUS!" I replied like I'm rapping HAHAHA

"ENOUGH!" The principal said

"Oh! Sir, you're here! I'm so sorry about that"

"Oh, it's okay... I agree with you"


We both laughed

"And Mr. Fallon I know an acting class"

"Acting Class?"


I asked Mr. Fallon to borrow his laptop 'Cause my laptop is in my locker and I have to walk but I'm lazy and he said yes, I opened the website where I took my acting class before and it's called "Act out!" And He wants to attend Kevin and his daughter Amelia who wants to be an actress like her idol, Angelina Jolie

"Kevin, I know you're mad at Sam but She's helping you... promise me you'll change, Okay? that's all I wanted to see from you"

He nodded

"I better go leave I have things to do and you all should talk to each other. See you! Excuse me,"

After talking to the principal, I let him talk to Kevin... it means that I left them both inside the school theatre


"So, How was talking with Kevin and Mr. Fallon?" Alex asked

"It was good, I left them inside the theatre"

"You left them?! Inside?!" Tyler said

"Um... Yeah!" I said

"But the door was open, right?" Tyler asked

"Of course the door was open... Tyler what I mean is that I left Mr. Fallon and Kevin inside so that they can talk to each other deeply..." I replied

"Ah... Okay,"

"I really love the slap part the whole crowd was like SHOCKED!" Elle said

"Of course they were shocked, I slapped the principal's son and the real thing is, they didn't expect that," I said

"He deserves it," Elle said

We look at Elle

"What? Many girls didn't revenge on Kevin since they don't wanna be called by the principal... and you have a chance, You have the play and Kevin is absent 4 days before the play so you didn't have extra time to practice because of that Kevin who wants to hang out with you that you two forgot the practice" Elle said

"Elle... that's the first time I heard you talking for so long," I said

"Yeah... Even the author is exhausted typing the words that I said to you" She said

They laughed...


Kevin was mad at me because I brought him to the acting class 2 weeks ago but we forgive each other now, Kevin had fun at class with her sister Amelia and He's now focused on his studies and He improved in short, He did what he promised

Everything changed after the play but Elle is Elle... She still wanted me to get hit by a train... YES, TRAIN! She improves the train but at least she doesn't want me to get hit on a train or bus but I'm not sure if she doesn't want me to get... ahh nevermind you know what I mean



It's them!

Elle: "Sam?"

Me: "Yes?"

Elle: "Can I come over to your house tomorrow? Since it's Saturday"

Amber: "Can I come too?"

Elle: "No!"

Amber: "Oh yeah, I have shopping to do with my mom tomorrow"

Me: "Okay, You can come"

Elle: "Okay,"