Meet & Greet

We run out of gas.

"Oh, c'mon! Dad, you didn't check the car before we were inside" Spencer complained.

"Spencer!" I said.

"What?" Spencer annoyingly replied.

"Can you just please talk properly?" I said.

"If they did it, I would do it," Spencer said.

"What do you mean they did it?" I asked.

"They did a bad thing," Spencer said.

"Spencer, that's our father!" I said.

"So you're answering me right now?!" Spencer said.

Here we go again...

"I don't care if you're older than me or not, but what you did to Sam and dad is not good," I said.

"Yeah, include that adopted one," Spencer said.

"She's not adopted!" I said.

After I said my word, I punched Spencer without hesitation... this is too much, I won't let this pass by. Spencer and I fought until we arrived at the restaurant. Our parents met each other, Spencer and I had to keep our fight ours since Spencer doesn't want to apologize to us or at least one of us.


Charissa: Hey, Baby! I'm here at the table with the fam, where are you???

Beck: Hey! Okay, we're here, we'll go there

Charissa: Okay, we'll get everything ready

Beck: *seen*


We arrived at our tables and had a big dinner with the whole family. Spencer acted like nothing happened when he's with Lia and when he's alone, he death stares at me, what's wrong with this guy?

"Hi, guys!" I said.

All of them looked at me and smiled, except Spencer... you know him, but anyway, I sat beside Ari.

"Hi, I'm, Luna Margaret Shay, these men are my sons, nice to meet you," Mom said.

"I'm Frank Justin Shay, nice to meet you, everyone," Dad said.

Everyone introduced themselves:

[BECK]: Charissa Hilton, Lisa Hilton, Mike Hilton.

[SPENCER]: Lia Anderson, Cuddy Anderson.

[ANDRE]: Vivian Garcia, Jake Garcia.

[DANIEL]: Catherine Vega, Tana Vega, Jade Vega.

Everything went well, except how Spencer looked at me and also at Sam and dad. While we're in the middle of it, all I was thinking was how Sam's doing there, Is she okay? Because of my non-stop worrying at Sam, I texted her...


BECK: Hi, Sam! Are you okay in there? Do you already eat dinner?

Sam: Hi, Beck! Yes I just ate a minute ago

Beck: We'll be home, later

Sam: Okay, no problem


"Beck, is Sam coming here dear?" Mom asked.

"No, she doesn't wanna come" I replied.

"Who's Sam?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, she's my daughter" Mom replied.

"Why isn't she here? I wanna meet her" Lisa said.

All of them wanted to meet Sam, but what Spencer said is really not nice...

"No, you don't wanna meet her, she's the worst," Spencer said.

"Spencer! Watch your words!" Mom said.

"What did you just say?" I asked mom.

"You don't wanna hear it" Mom replied.

"Spencer, I can't believe this is how you talk to your sister," Lia said.

"I don't care, she's not even my sister, she's adopted," Spencer said.

"Bro! Sam isn't adopted," I said.

I can feel Spencer embarrassed at the dinner, they forced mom to call Sam and ask her to come to the dinner so they can also meet her, and...

"Okay, I will go there," Sam said on the phone.

"Okay, my daughter's coming here, she may be late a little" Mom said.

"I don't care, I can't believe you agree to this" Spencer said.

"And I can't believe that this is how you talk to Sam. You are a grown man Spencer, stop acting like a kid" I said.

Sam arrived and all of them are amazed by Sam's beauty... but not gonna lie, she's kinda beautiful than my girlfriend Ari... it runs in the blood.

"Hi, I'm Samantha Shay, nice to meet you everyone" Sam greeted.

"Sam, sit with me," I said.

Sam is in the middle between mom and me, all of them want to talk about Sam until they know the secret...

"I'm their half-sibling," Sam said.

"Oh, really? I thought you were adopted... 'cause that's what Spencer said earlier" Lisa said.

"Spencer?" Sam asked.

Lisa nodded. While Sam was talking to them, Ari, Cat, and Lisa became close to each other... Cat is Andre's, Ari's mine, and Lisa is Ari's mother. "You don't wanna hear it, Sam... if you're smart enough then..." I said.

"Beck, I know now, it's okay... I'm used to it" Sam said as she rubbed my back gently.

"No, this is mean. Can you just at least apologize to her, Spencer?" Beck said. My eyebrows always curl when I talk to Spencer...

"She's adopted!" Spencer clarified.



Beck talked Spencer, straight to the point. And as I was there standing beside Daniel, not being able to do anything. Beck started to punch Spencer after what Spencer said. Cat and Daniel took me away from them while the rest are separating Spencer and Beck.

Cat and Daniel went back 'cause the fight got bigger, my brothers are fighting... I was left clueless.

The bunch had been a lot of fun if I'm not around, and if I am, Spencer and Beck most likely to fight around. I was selfish, for not doing anything to also protect Beck from Spencer and getting into fights.

I was left, alone... hearing them shouting here and there, I saw people who walk by staring at me and the fight whispering to their friends. I'm embarrassed.

Now my mind's starting to think to go home and live my own life... Well, I have a lot of time to take things my way... with no one's watching around and providing everything I need. "Would others do the same?" I asked myself. But would they?

We arrived at our room and I started to pack without them knowing. I called and booked a flight to Seattle with my friend, Kiera. You may be wondering who Kiera is... well, she's my dad's driver's daughter... yeah, something like that and we're starting to hang out after we met each other.

We arrived in Covington, instead and stayed at Kiera's house, I told her that I won't stay with her because of what I'm doing right now, but she said that "Sam, you can't live on your own, you're 15 years old... something might happen to you". She didn't know I have a house... so, it's not a surprise for me to see her worried. We're in Covington while my house is in Seattle, what a long ride...


A new day was born, and I felt my body hurting from last night, I fought with Spencer that Sam and I rode a different car to go back. I head straight to her room, but...

She's not here, her luggage was gone, the bed was properly arranged and the hotel housekeeper was cleaning the room... so I asked her, "Excuse me, where's the person who stayed here?". What she replied is definitely what I don't wanna hear.

To be continued...