

My brothers and their girlfriends are inside the elevators, like yeah! All of them are here! It's like they were following me...

What are they doing here?

"Are you gonna come in or what?" Beck asked.

"Sure" I replied.

WHYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Why did I get in, in the first place? My mind was screaming saying the word why, yeah why? Everything was quiet that I startled when the bell rang, "Are you okay?" Ari asked. I smiled and said, "I'm okay, I'm so sorry".

As I was standing in the hallway, I screamed inside, I could barely make an eye contact with Ari!! What's wrong with me?

I head back to my room and cooled my mind a little bit, that was crazy.

"I need a great disguise so that I can freely walk in front of them," I said to myself...

I wore a mask and head to the mall, I'm buying new things for the new me! Which is only my appearance.

First I got to a salon... I changed my hair color to ash blonde, my current hair is blonde... and I styled my hair into a princess braid

"Madam you look good!" the hairstylist said.

I smiled...

And I wore a strawberry dress with cream sandals

As I went outside, I found my brothers with dad, I looked down 'cause Beck was looking at me...

I head back to the hotel and have late lunch... It was 5:30 by the way...

Later that afternoon, I saw them on the glass door carrying their stuff it seems like they're going



Someone's calling...


Sam: "Hello"

???: "Hi, is this Samantha?"

Sam: "Why?"

Oh no, forgot to put away my sim card...

???: "Umm is this a wrong number? My friend's lost that's what her brother said to me"

Sam: "So, yeah, you got the wrong number but can you tell me what she looks like?"

???: "She's tall and had mid-sized eyes, and also she had a long nose..."

Sam: "That's it?"

???: "Oh! And she had long, soft blonde hair..."

Sam: "Okay noted... I'll just text or call you if I found her..."

Cloe: "And my name is Cloe! I'll just send you some pictures of her..."

Sam: "Bye!!!"

- End Call -


I can barely, talk and had an eye contact with people... Samantha! What is wrong with you!? And Cloe... I never had a friend named Cloe, or maybe she's one of the fake friends... She couldn't even describe me in detail. They're still looking for me...

"Hey, beautiful girl! Do you need help?" The guy asked.

"Um... yes please, thank you!" I replied.

"No problem..." He replied.

This guy helped me with my things, but my things are secured so don't need to worry that he found out I'm Samantha Shay, but besides he doesn't know me either... Or maybe he did. I'm scared of talking to strangers 'cause that's a number one rule when we go outside in public, and It's not a surprise for me that strangers won't trust me instantly when I want to help them carry their things...

"Where's your room, Ms. Strawberry?" He asked me.

I replied, "Room 107, floor 10. Thank you for helping me...?"

"Alex Hilton" He replied softly. I slowly got admired for his beauty, kinda looked like Lucas Jade Zumann, I can't stop staring at him, the way he moved his eyebrows... how interesting.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sa-"

He can't know I'm Samantha... I might get doomed. We can't trust everyone.

"Ella Snow..." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Ella Snow..." He replied.

Did I just say I'm Elle Snow?! He doesn't know me! But... my father is a famous one and I've been to some of the news. Wait, I was a kid when it went out.

"You too, Alex Hilton" I replied.

I went in inside my room and sighed... Nearly caught... how am I gonna do this if they're everywhere, I think I can't do this...

But, am I just dumb? He doesn't know Samantha at all! Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

I keep saying some stuff that isn't really me, and then I regret saying it... what is wrong with you, Samantha?!


"COME IN!" I said.

"Sorry, but your stuff is still outside," Alex said.

"Oh right... thanks for letting me know Alex". I said.

Alex helped me carry my things inside my room, it's not that many that Alex still helps me it was just 3 bags and 2 grocery bags but still thankful for him...

"Thanks for helping me again, Alex I appreciate it".

"No problem just call me anytime you want".

"You're work, here?" I asked.

He nodded...

"Oh really, then okay... but thanks though," I said.

"Oh, a tip! Here $50!" I added.

"See you soon or later!" I said.

We both waved as if there's no tomorrow or we have no chance to meet up again... I even can't sleep because of him, he's so handsome and I felt trust in him, but we can't trust everyone, right?

7:37 in the morning

And it is morning, the alarm made noises again and telling me to have this a brand new day. I went to the hotel window and start to appreciate the bright morning beautiful sun.

In the east, there is a mixture of yellow and orange on the horizon. As all of the purple and deep blue faded away, the sun took its mighty position at the top of the sky shining so very blindingly beautiful. All things now are clearly seen made me more excited to start this beautiful day.

I keep telling myself something positive so that I can still manage to be myself and not to be afraid of being alone...

It's not the first time but only this time, I just get nervous I think it's because they don't know I'm here or they're worrying or I DON'T KNOW!

How can I be so selfish and rude leaving without saying goodbye... Not telling them where I am and keep them worry about me, I asked myself,

"What if they hired some spy to look for me? and what if Alex was under my mom?"

I think they can't do that such thing, I already left but I don't know if I'm going back...



Kiera: Hi, Sam! I'm so sorry, I left you alone at the hotel. are you okay in there? Just tell me when you want me to get you there, okay

Sam: Hi, Kiera! I'm okay in here, no need to worry. How is Gia? Is she okay? What happened?


I kinda forgot about what happened, I guess, I said a lot of positive things and affirmations that I forgot that Gia is in the hospital, how careless...

I went outside to my room and went to the cafe


As you enter through the front doors, you can really smell the freshly brewed coffee even outside, people sitting and reading their favorite books and typing to their laptops is what you expect in a cafe.

"Can I sit?"

I was looking down while this stranger asked a question... Then I quickly looked up, because I heard a familiar voice...

"Alex! Of course, sit!" I replied happily. who could've thought I would meet him today, how fascinating.

"Thank you, Ms. Strawberry, I mean Ella," He said and chuckled.

I chuckled...

"Stop calling me Ms. Strawberry, but why?" I asked curiously.

He stared and study my face, I didn't even bother to say anything, and instead, I also did the same thing and he replied, "Because of your dress, but it looks good on you though, it really fits you".

I smiled.

"But wait aren't you working instead of eating with me?" I asked curiously.

"I was just joking, I'm not working here..." He replied.

We both laughed...

We've talked for an hour and talked all about our lives but of course, I didn't forget what am I doing, and it became an awkward situation 'till I asked him this question...

"Are you told to be with me?" I asked.

"What?!" he asked

"I mean did my mother send you here to follow me?"

"No! I don't even know your family! Why? Do you hate being with me?" He asked.

"NO! Sorry I'm just asking..." I said.

"Are you hiding something, Ella?" He asked.

"No! But do I look like I'm hiding something?" I said.

Instead of answering my question, he continued eating his meal.

"I'll take that as no" I said.

We continued chatting and it's almost 10! and I just got out 9! That was so cool!

We're both having fun talking and getting to know each other... and I think I like him!

We have the same likes and we just met yesterday, but I think it's better to know him deeper than liking him in meeting the first time


Sam: "Hello?"

Cloe: "This is Cloe remember me?"

Sam: "Oh yes! Cloe, I remember you! Yeah, what's up? Did you found her?"

Gah! My sim card... I forgot to put it away...

Cloe: "Yep, her brother said that she found her in Hotel Valencia..."

After what Cloe said, I hang up quickly. My heart was beating so loudly, Alex looked at me... wondering and asking me what's wrong.

"I know you're wondering, we've talked for hours and I just said I'm busy then yes! I'm really busy... oh! It's 11! Sorry but I have to go!" I said panicky.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Seattle! 'Cause I'm going to study there you know grade 10, going to be a senior!"

Did I just say that I'm going to Seattle? He chuckled after I said I was going to Seattle

"Congrats! Do you need help? Just in case, you have a lot of things!" He asked.

"Yes, please!! I'd love that! But thank you!" I replied.

My way of talking to him speed up, knowing what Cleo said, that they found Samantha, here in where I am...

Alex and I picked and carried all things outside and after 10 minutes I got a ride to the airport!

I lied about going to Seattle, I promised Kiera, right? You can't break promises, especially when you agreed to do the thing.

"Goodbye, Ella! Have a great year, see you soon!!"

I waved back at him while getting inside the cab. It was an hour later and just got arrived at the airport.


People are leaving their loved ones behind, sometimes for a long time, and other people are reuniting with their friends and family. There is a lot of hurry and a lot of hugs. Crowds attended the restaurants inside the nearby shops. I arrived inside a store, but soon after, people were pushing into me, wanting to exit the door. I landed on the floor, but in the distance, I heard the gate agent telling people to board plan 657. I hurried to grab my bag, brushed the footprints off, and jetted out the door as well.

I just got on the plane but what Cloe said makes me nervous but why am I thinking that Seattle is a dangerous place for me in today's situation? They can find me there!

I searched Daniel's Instagram 'cause I think he may be posting that they're in my house... every time he and we had a beautiful day he post it on Instagram... Or some random things. Maybe when I left that's a beautiful day for them...

"Let's see..." I whispered to myself as I clicked the search bar.

Oh, here it is! Daniel Shay! So guess I'm right! He just posted a picture 10 minutes ago and he just posts my living room with them! And he captioned that "@Sammy where are you we just got here in your house and you're not here! Please come back home!"

As I read the comment section, almost all of them asked what happened and said they want to help. Oh no... They're at my house...

To be continued...