Haruhi of the golden River

"I'm pretty sure you have snatched every treasure in this forest with your spell by now. Why don't you stop and take a look at your storage ring?", Kiyne asked.

Taking her new companions advise, Lisiah took a look at the treasures she gathered.

There was a lot.

And because she was lazy, she cast a spell that organized after its rareness.

Oooooh, lucky me!

Two dragon eggs and one white lion cub!


Golden Bambus, good for building furniture and houses because of its natural protection magic and very shiny and pretty to look at!

Various kinds of herbs that could heal all sorts of deadly illnesses and injuries.

Perfect for making a favorable expression on possible love interests and great to gain rewards from rich families.

Flowers that could be used as poison, cosmetic creams etc.

Crystals and other materials that she use as jewelry with various, useful effects or sell for at least 200 gold coins.

Some weapons were there as well but not really good ones.

Though, for a mortal, they were probably incredibly rare.

There were even some money pouches with gold coins inside that probably got lost and chests.

Upon opening the chests with another spell she gained a phoenix egg, several crystals, around 1000 gold coins and... a house?

What the actual fuck os wrong with my luck??

Isn't it too much??

What do I have, Luck: S??

Quickly, she pulled out her mirror to check her stats more carefully.

Name: Lisiah

Demon race: Succubus

Demon lv: 1 (no experience)

Goddess category: chaotic, evil

Goddess level: 300 (400+ years experience, maxed out)

Looks: S+ (still growing)

Charm: SS (might become SS+)

Strength: B (too lazy)

Mana: SS+ (because of laziness)

Luck: SS


Wtf happened to my luck??

And what do you mean y goddess level os maxed out??

In my last life I wasn't even close to the maximum level!

Besides, my luck was at best rank B!


"Lisiah? Are you ok?", Kiyne asked after seeing the immortal pale.

"My stats... They're not right"

"Not right? That's impossible"

"My luck is rank SS!"

"That's... Uncommon but not necessarily wrong. Your mother is a pretty powerful demon, right? That means, her luck must be SS+. Since you are her child it's only normal for you to be lucky as long as you don't supress your mother's blood that resides within you"

So I was unlucky because I didnt accept my demonic half?

That's... Reasonable.

Especially since Father has always been rather unlucky.

And because I embraced his legacy only, I became as unlucky as him.


What a bastard!

Can't he be more useful!!

I suffered a lot because of his shitty genes and blood!

For fuck's sake, mother really is the better parent in every aspect.

Maybe I WILL take revange on him...

We'll see.

While I had told Kiyne a lot about my life, I didn't mention me being reborn yet.

She will probably realize soon that I know a tad too much for my age, no matter if I'm immortal or not.

Because my current age, that was also shown when you were powerful enough to look at another person's stats, was 20 years, she thought.

Though, when looking at her stats, it flickered as if there was an illusion.

And one ould easily tell once they go through her stats and see her goddess level, which she sadly couldn't hide.

Anyway, those were things she could, but probably wouldn't, worry about in the future.

"Whatever. Do you know how to incubate a dragon egg?", Lisiah asked, swiftly changing the topic.

"I think as long as you have it close to you it should incubate", Kiyne aswered and Lisiah nodded.

She took out a small looking bag and one of the dragon eggs out of her storage ring.

Putting the egg into the bag, she cast a heat as well as a protection spell on it and then stuffed it into her robes, close to her chest.

"How did the egg fit into the bag? Did you cast a space spell to make it bigger then it is?"

"Yep. Practical and not as expensive as it would be when you would buy one"

"How comes you know that spell? It's one of the greatest secrets of all merchants"

One of her friends had been a merchant and one evening had told her about when they were drunk but... Lisiah couldn't really say that...

"I seduced a merchant into telling me"

The world's fell from her lips just like that.

Ooops, I never had a lover any to be honest, I blush thinking about having sex with someone...

Oh well, at least it's believable.

I AM a succubus now, after all.

Kiyne didn't say anything to her lie and she continued her way, activating the gathering spell again.

After a while, she heard faint screaming and, curious as she was, walked over to see if someone was getting slaughtered.

A group of people appeared in her view who seemed to struggle with a bear.

A normal bear, she might add.

Nothing terrible or scary.

Just a little bear who was obviously protecting its cubs.

Useless idiots, all of them.

Sighing, she watched them die, one after another.

It was quite amusing to see them fly through the air.

The chaos was satisfying to watch.

"Help, please! HELP US, PRIESTESS!!", one of the men suddenly yelled as he spotted her.

"Aw man, I really enjoyed the good show", Lisiah muttered, unwilling to help.

"Just help them. We will probably even get a reward. They look as if they're from a guild", Kiyne responded and Lisiah started moving at the word 'reward'.

She created a ring of fire around the somehow still live group of people and after a moment, the bear and its cubs left.

The fire vanished and Lisiah cast a healing spell upon them, feeling generous.

"Many thanks, priestess! You saved our lifes!", the men who had yelled at her, said.

"No need to thank me", she answered graciously but secretly wished for more praise.


I'm great, incredible even!

Tell me about!

Go on, mortal!!

I sure deserve your praise!!

"You truly are a good soul! Even healing us after protecting us!! How can we reward you?", a woman asked.

"We don't have any gold coins with us...", another man added, looking depressed.

"Hm... Ah I know! If you come with us to our guild, our master surely will reward you greatly!"

"Your master? Are you part of a guild?", she asked and they nodded.

"We are members of the Guild of the the blooming Lotus! It's a prestigious guild and very popular and powerful! We are still juniors though. But our master is awesome!"

They immediately started explaining how powerful, handsome and well-known their master was and that he was immortal already, he was only 120 years old which is a very young age as most people achieve immortality after around 180 to 200 years.

Apparently, he was also a master of alchemy and material arts and had a strong spiritual pet and weapon already as well!

"He is called Haruhi of the golden River!"

The first thing that came into her mind was the question as to why that guy had such a pretty name.

The second one was the realization that everyone with the blood of an immortal creature had a title like that.

She, for example, was called Lisiah of the red Lotus which was quite funny considering that she was now on her way to the Guild of the blooming Lotus.

Now you might wonder why everyone has a title.

Well, no one knows how it started, but since generations the child would get a combination of the title of its parents as its own.

Her father was 'Soren of the righteous Lotus' and her mother was 'Liliana of the red Moon' so naturally she had become 'Lisiah of the red Lotus'

She had always salty and bitter over the fact that it was 'Lotus' and not 'Moon' but it wasn't something she could change.

Haruhi of the golden River....

Where did she hear that name before?

It sounded familiar...


Wasn't that-

In her last life there had been a prodigy called Haruhi, if she remembered correctly.

A man of outstanding beauty and talent.

The son of the God of Music, or so she heard.

Lisiah never had had the chance to meet that guy but she had always wanted to.

Well, now was her chance.

He might even become the very first person to join her harem!

It was said that he had a very gentle and calm personality and that his spiritual weapon was a flute.

I wonder of that is true, she thought.

After two days, which she used to gather even more treasures, they arrived.

Lisiah had imagined the guild to be a big house complex, she never had found the motivation to join one in her first life, but she was wrong.

It wasn't just a house but a lot more than that.

Build on an island in the middle of a giant lake, there was a whole village.

Not just on the island but swimming on the water as well.

It was an incredible sight.

Walking over a bridge, they arrived at the entrance of the water village.

The juniors showed their master's token to the guards and they were met in.

"Our master will be waiting for us in the dorm", Elric, one of the younger ones, explained.

Following them, she had stopped her spell because Kiyne said it wasn't ok to steal from them when they would be rewarded anyway.

"It sure is nice here. Very calming as well", the 'young' immortal commented.

Before they could agree with her, they were interrupted by a calm but with authority filled voice.

"May I ask what took you so long and why only half of you are coming back?"

The juniors immediately flinched and cowered.

Lisiah just stared at the beautiful man in front of her.

He was tall and lean.

Black hair fell to his waist and stood out in contrast to his dark blue robes.

His skin was flawless and kissed from the sun.

His face looked at if the Goddess of Beauty had created him herself and maybe she had, who knows.

Nur sure when I became so poetic but that should stop, she thought rather irritated and decided to take a look at his stats.

Name: Haruhi

God category: gentle, creative

God lvl: 70 (120 years experience)

Looks: SS+

Charm: SS

Strength: S (still growing)

Mana: S (still growing)

Luck: E

Oh wow, he sure is-



How did that poor guy survive so long???

As if to prove the truth of his stats, a window crashed into his back all of the sudden.

Showing no reaction whatsoever, he calmly patted his clothes in order to get rid the splinters.

Wtf did just happen???

"Master Haruhi, we encountered a bear and would have died like the others if this young priestess wouldn't have saved and healed us"

Dark eyes met hers.

"And what is the name of the young priestess who was kind enough to save my foolish disciples?"

"I'm called Lisiah. A pleasure to meet you", she answered politely, still surprised by what had just orcurred.

No else reacted to it so I guess that happens all the time, she concluded secretly.

"I'm Haruhi, the master of those fools. Have my thanks for saving them", he said pleasantly and opened his storage ring.

Handing her a bag of gold coins, he glared at his disciples.

"You will train for 50 years till you are allowed to leave the guild and take jobs from outside. Understood?"

"Yes, master...", they muttered, bowed and left.

"You are free to stay as my guest, priestess"

"It would be an honor and please, call me Lisiah", she answered a bit flirty but hey, who could blame her?

He was right her type!

He just smiled gently and left, saying that he had a lot to do.

Not bothered by his reaction, she decided to look around a bit.

"Are you thinking about joining this guild?", Kiyne, who had stayed silent till now, asked curiously.

"Yes, how did you know? I think it will be fun. Taking different tasks and jobs, gaining money and popularity. It's a good opportunity for someone as, lazy as me. Especially since I already saved some members and got to know the famous Haruhi already. It would be a piece of cake"

"They will take a look at your potential, stats and abilities. Aren't you scared they will find out that you're an immortal and a half demon already? Besides, they will notice that weird thing with your age and that it doesn't match up with your immortality"

Lisiah just smiled.

"You are trying to get me into telling you why I'm immortal even though I'm only 20 years old, aren't you?"

"I might not be able to see stats yet but your age is flickering all the time. That's weird"

Should I tell her?


Why not?

Her reaction sure will be fun!

Walking out of the village, she cast a privacy spell that would stop others from listening to their conversation.

"Since you want to know it soo badly I might as well tell you. I'm immortal because I'm already over 400 years old. I was just reborn yesterday. Once you gain immortality it stays even if you are reborn, apparently", she said gleefully.

Sadly, the snake didn't react shocked or surprised.

"I see. That explains a lot"

"Pah, you're boring"

Kiyne just glared at her.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"I am old enough to trick them. As long as I'm not tested by another immortal nobody will notice"

"And if it is an immortal who tests you?"

"Then...I'll be screwed"

"Are you serious?"

Lisiah just laughed the snake's anger and shrugged.

"What can I do? I will just have to accept it and hope they don't expose me. It would ruin my plans though so I guess that would suck a lot"

"Unbelievable... How did you survive that long??"

That's a good question...
