
Alex found herself in a dark space, alone, floating in midair, she looked at her surroundings, noticing a little girl crying in the distance, she tried to go to her, but the closer she got, the brighter the space became, until the whole space become white when she reached the little girl, who become a lady, with fancy clothes, once she was there.

"Who...who are you ?" Alex asked confused and scared.

"The forgotten, the one mentioned once then never seen again." The lady answered, a sad look on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Alex said, not understanding a word from the lady in front of her.

"They gave me a chance, to live again, to have love and care, but I needed a pure soul to take my place, I wasn't pure enough to survive, it's your turn, to protect that world from collapsing. Will you do it ?" The lady requested, as she held Alex's hands, a pitiful look on her face.

"I still don't understand what you are talking about, what world? What pure soul? The last time I checked I was reading a BL story in my room, while the mc was getting banged by the ML, I think you got the wrong person, where are we anyway?" Alex looked around here, the space was empty as her fridge, not even a fly was here.

"I don't have time, I have to go, I will come visit you when you meet him, I will tell you what to do, to not end up like me, goodbye." The lady started fading away, as the place grew darker again.

"Wait!" Alex called out, because even after their conversation, she still doesn't understand what was happening.

"Take care of Bella, tell her I am sorry, I am sorry for not being a better mother. And live! Live for all of us." The lady said as she disappeared in the darkness.

Alex woke up, surprised and shocked, then slowly adjusted her eyes to the light, then looked around her. The room was beautiful, but it was too girly, and most importantly this was not her room, because for one, her bed is not this comfy and her room doesn't smell so nice, where was she? She thought she finally woke up from the dream she had but was she still in the dream? She is doubting if this is a dream or not, because something strange is going on.

 The girl, from earlier, entered the room hoping that her mother is awake now, as 2 hours already passed since she fainted; thankfully she was awake, her eyes wondering around the room with a questionable gaze.

  « Second mother, I see you are awake. » The girl said, trying to start a conversation. 

Alex glanced at her weirdly, asking with her eyes who was she.

  « Second mother, it's me Bella, your daughter, well your step-daughter. » The girl said the last part in a whisper.

'Daughter, what daughter? When did I have a daughter? Did I give birth without my knowledge? But she said step, but again I was never married. How in the world is she my daughter? Wait, Bella? Didn't that lady mention her?' Alex peeked at the girl in front of her, and suddenly strange memories came flooding to her, the headache coming back with it.

The Memories:

Roselyn was a child of divorce, her parents divorced when she was 5 years old, because her mother Raina cheating on her husband Damian, her father didn't want her as she was useless to him because she a girl, so she stayed with her mother.

After Raina got her divorce, she didn't have any money, Damian didn't give her any, except the child support money for her useless daughter, which stopped after 2 months.

  So, she sold the house he bought for her and moved to the cheapest place in the city, becoming a sex worker in the process, to enjoy the luxury all by herself, forgetting by that her only child.

The forgotten child Roselyn, grew up without love, by herself, she learned how to earn her money, to stay alive, because the only thing her parents provided her was a place to stay in, where the sounds were terrifying for her 6 years old self.

  When Roselyn became 12 years old, her mother died from an unknown disease, that sex workers suffer from.

  Roselyn had 2 choices, either become a sex worker like her mother, or go to her father's house. She chose the first option, she didn't want to beg the man that left her, who is probably living his life in luxury, who probably forgot about her existence, and became a sex worker until she got 16 years old, when she met a man who wanted to marry her, she accepted because he was rich, what she didn't know that she will live her worst nightmares there.

  The first months of their marriage, he was gentle, caring, he was a gentleman to her, she thought he was the one for her, that she finally found the love she craved for, she never was this wrong before, it was the complete opposite.

  One day, while she was in the garden, he came to her and started hitting her like a beast, then pursued to rape her in the grass in front of the maids and butlers.

  Days passed since that day, she thought it was just nightmare, but the marks on her body didn't let her think that. Plus, her husband coming to her the next day didn't let her forget too.

  3 Years passed, 3 years of constant beating, being in prisoned, being hungry, getting raped, getting tortured with nobody by her side.

 On a rainy day, she was thrown out of the house, because her husband got married to his true love, it turned out she was merely a stress reliever, he kept her by his side to torture her, for two reasons, the stress reliever and because his lover demanded him to, saying that Roselyn did horrible things to her, making Roselyn realize this is her friend from back when she was a prostitute.

When she asked her why, her only explanation was, her jealousy, she was jealous of Roselyn beauty and fame in the sex work industry, she was so jealous that she wanted to give her a taste of happiness then snatch it away days later, to make Roselyn miserable, which she succeeded at.

   A year after that, she became the wife of the richest man in the country, Oliver. Becoming his second wife and the step-mother of his daughter Bella.