
Running faster, the girl shouted at the doctor to do something. The doctor took the unconscious mother's hand to check her pulse, then checked her breathing.

 "What is wrong with second mother?" The girl asked him in a shaking voice.

 "Nothing is wrong with her for the moment, but I need to do further checkups to make sure what's the cause of what just happened." The doctor said in a calm voice.

 "But what about the pain in her head, what about that?" The girl said as she looked at the doctor, waiting for an answer.

 "I can't answer you now, I have to talk to the madam to know what happened, so we need to wait until she wakes up." The doctor said, still in a calm tone, that slowly calmed the girl as well.

 "Okay, thank you." The girl said, then waited for the maids and butler to come and take her mother to her room.

The girl decided to send her father a letter to tell him what happened, to see if he will come back from his trip and come see his wife and daughter, which he agreed to as we will see later, when he comes see them, leaving his work behind.

Once he received the letter, the man sighed and got up from his seat, as he planned on leaving his office.

"Sir, what about your meeting with the prince?" His helper, his right hand asked, after noticing his boss's assumed departure.

"Cancel it, or rescheduled to tomorrow, or talk to him about what he wants, I have matters to attend to." The man said, leaving the room.

His helper decided to meet up with prince, since he was going to be here in only five minutes.

The prince arrived as per scheduled before, but he didn't find the one he wanted, it was that man's 'assistant'.

"Hello your grace, Corey. My name is Eliot, I am Mr. Oliver right hand." Eliot said, as he sat down opposite of the prince.

"I can see that, why did not Mr. Oliver attend this meeting? Does he think my presence is not that important, so he sent his right hand to see me?"

"Not at all, the duke had to go back to his house, there has been a problem."

"What kind of problem ?"

"I don't know, I haven't been informed about anything."

"Then I will meet him when he is free, notify me later." Corey got up from his seat, going to the door.

"Please wait! You can tell me; I will inform him of what you need." Eliot got up, trying to stop Corey from going, since he looked a bit A personal matter, I will tell him personally." Corey left, a gloomy look on his face.

His father, the king ordered him to go to the duke, his fiancée's father, and talk to him about giving up his most prized property, his wife's tears, that turned to precious tresor, that everyone wants, awhile ago.

Corey knew this request was near to impossible to accept, because everyone knew in the five kingdoms how valuable it is, but his father didn't care, he wanted for his personal use, to gain more powers.

He wasn't the type to refuse someone's request, his father order is absolute, if he doesn't do it, he will be punished severely, he realized it the hard way. Other than his father, nobody had control over him, not even the crown prince.

The prince is known for being the weakly of the royal family, in fact he only possessed two elements, and to top it, he is the son of the first queen, the most hated queen in the entire kingdom, from the north to the south. Their hate for the first queen automatically transformed to him as he got older, starting to look more and more like her, making the king, his own biological father hates him as well, because the king was forced to marry the first queen. Little Corey who lost his mother, at 13 years old didn't care about their eyes or whispers, because he knows none of it is true, nobody knew his mother as he did, nobody stayed with her other than him, even in her very last moments.

Corey realized his weakness, the year he turned 14, because it was the same year, his ninth brother tried to murder him. He couldn't do anything about it, being weak and untrained. Spending all of his time with his mother didn't give an advantage, being hated didn't either, but after waking up from the incident, he was determined to become stronger.

In fact, he did, he became stronger than anyone could have imagined, in the span of three years, his mana reached the highest peak, passing even the king's, but he wasn't satisfied just yet, he kept on torturing himself to became even stronger, still believing he is simply too weak. With that, lowering his social experiences, making other people not approach him and keep their distance, as they were afraid of him and his eyes. Once the prince realized it, it was already too late, because everyone avoided him at all costs, going as far as to ran away when seeing him. He didn't have friends, nor a lover and he didn't need them, he was fine being all alone.

In fact, the prince didn't give much care to marriage, he didn't believe in love or relationships, his engagement with the duke's daughter was only a deal to make others satisfied, and think they have control over him and his movements. That's how they controlled half of his brothers, while his sisters were send off as an 'offering', to have peace or rule over other small countries.

Corey's personality could be summed up in two sentences, distant and has a low self-esteem, hates his father and everyone around him; not willing to open his heart for anyone, until she arrived and changed his whole mentality, along with the way he thinks and views the world.