
Alex stared at the man in front of her, Oliver Blijn, more known as Oliver B, Roselyn's husband and Bella's father, a person with ego higher the sky, whose business is more important than everything else, but still cared for his family. His description in the Yujun was short, he was not given enough screen time to know his personality well, making Alex scared of him, because he is portrayed as a man with no care for Roselyn, so why is he here?

"Father, weren't you go to arrive in the evening?" Bella looked at her father.

"Yes, but I figured I should get here earlier, I was worried. What were the two of you talking about" Oliver responded.

"Talking, I wanted to keep mother awake until the doctor came, he should be here by now." Bella made up an excuse, because she got nervous and didn't know what else to say.

"Bella, go tell the doctor to not enter, I need to talk to Roselyn." Oliver spoke in a smoothing tone, with a smile on his handsome face.

Bella peeked at her mother, worrisome written all over her face, the last time she saw them interact was a year ago and it didn't end well, from then on, her father and mother didn't even see each other faces, living in the same house. Bella wanted to be there with them, so even if something happens, she will be able to help but how can she when she is far away?

Alex gave Bella's hand a little squeeze and a small smile, reassuring her that she will be okay, making Bella reluctantly leave the room, turning around every two seconds to take a glimpse of them, until she reached the door, gave her mother a thump up and left.

Alex almost chuckled loudly, but remembered there was a man staring at her, this man, Oliver is forty-eight? How come? He appears to be in his thirties or so? His face looks charming, with thin lips, a straight nose, flawless skin, no wrinkles on it, bright green eyes, thick eyebrows, fire like hair. The man is the definition of mesmerizing. She can see why Bella is such a pretty heroine.

Alex recollect herself and became in character, saying: "You didn't have to visit, Mr. Oliver. I am fine."

"Mrs. Roselyn, we are not husband and wife in name, if people were to find out I left my sick wife alone, it will affect our family's reputation." Oliver spoke in a cold tone, still standing up firm, hands behind his back.

"Yes, Mr. Oliver." Alex responded in a small voice, almost a whispered.

"Are you okay? Bella wrote about the pain in the head." Oliver asked.

"Yes, I am okay. I think I just got a heatstroke." Alex replied, not looking at Oliver.

"Good, hopefully nothing serious." Oliver said.

"Yeah." Alex replied once again, as silence came, both quiet until Oliver spoke.

"Mrs. Roselyn, I know when I married you, I didn't ask you for anything in return, I promised not to touch you and not demand anything." Oliver said, then stopped to take a breath, or more like to find the right words to say.

Alex realized something, it was never mentioned in the story why Oliver married Roselyn, a 21-year-old.

When she read the story, she thought he was a pedophile who wanted to use and take advantage of a weak girl, who didn't have anyone to support her, even in Roselyn's memories it was not explained, because she never had that discussion with Oliver.

"Mrs. Roselyn, today was the first time, I saw you and Bella interact in such a way. I haven't seen Bella behave like that in a long time, most of the blame goes to me, I ignored her rights as my daughter and didn't give her the attention she deserves. She remembered me of my late wife, looking at her was harder than anything, so I lessened our time together." Oliver spoke, his eyes showing regret.

"Mr. Oliver, what does have to do with me?" Alex spoke up, like Roselyn would and raised his eyebrows questionably.

"I want you to interact with Bella more and be her friend, Bella is an unsocial person, it's hard for her to gain friends. Seeing you both earlier, made me hope, so I requesting it now." Oliver said and gazed at 'Roselyn', waiting for her answer.

"You don't want me to be her mother?" Alex questioned.

"No, I don't want to make a young lady to hold that kind of responsibility, you are too young for it. Are you willing to?" Oliver asked again.

"You should have thought of that before marrying Roselyn." Alex whispered to herself.

"Did you say something?" Oliver said, looking at Alex with a questionable gaze.

"I will do it, rest assured." Alex said smiling, to not raise any suspicions.

"Thank you, Mrs. Roselyn. I will go now; the doctor will be here in a second." Oliver said then walked out, to find his daughter, her ear on the door.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked his daughter, who immediately stood up and laughed awkwardly.

"Nothing, I was just, just going to call the doctor now, ha-ha." Bella smiled nervously.

"Bella, were you eavesdropping on us?" Oliver asked, knowing the answer already.

"I am sorry father. I was worried something will happen between the two of you." Bella looked down in shame.

"It's okay, but don't do it again, it's rude. You don't have to worry about me and Mr.....and Roselyn, we are doing good." Oliver said, making Bella look up.

"Does that mean father accepted mother as his wife?" Bella asked with a big smile.

"No, we are.... acquaintances, I see her the same way I do to you, a daughter, you should treat her as a friend." Oliver declared.

"Then why did you marry her?" Bella asked, the same question she asked the day her father married Roselyn, which he didn't answer and kept quiet about it.