
Alex put her head down on the fluffy bed, recollecting her information about the world she currently is in.

Yujun is a world where magic exists, it consists of five elements, water, earth, wind, fire and darkness, going from most common to least common. Everyone in this world had magic powers, be it one element or several ones, it depends on the family you are born in, for example all members of the royal family, possess four elements, while only the king possess five, for that, since birth, the future king is decided and taken care of, if none of the princes or princesses have five elements, they compete for the position, and the one who lives, is the king.

Common people, possess just one element or two, in rare cases they possess three elements, rare because only nobles can possess three elements, and for nobles it's rare to possess four elements. Bella was one of those rare cases, she had water, fire, wind and earth while Roselyn had one, darkness, but neither of them knew how to put them in use, Bella didn't, because Oliver didn't allow her to use her powers and he didn't get a tutor to teach her, in fear of what to her mother because of magic, but Bella still practiced secretly.

In the other hand, Roselyn never even knew she had darkness, when she didn't possess the water element, everyone though, even her, that she was a late bloomer and nobody told her how to train it or use it so she stayed her whole life without knowing anything about it.

Now, as far as the story goes in Yujun, Bella doesn't start using her powers, until she was 17 years old, when Roselyn dies and she goes to take revenge, which again is never explained why, Bella and Roselyn didn't have that close of a relationship, why would she go out of her way to fight for the sake of a stranger when even her father, the husband didn't care.

So many plot holes, but she liked it and didn't give much care to it, Yujun isn't a fairytale although the author categories as one, but she accepted it, what doesn't she accept that Roselyn dies in less than a year! That means her too, she is in Roselyn's body, she is Roselyn now.

She has to make a plan to survive, but what to do? She is weak and doesn't have any kind of experience.

Alex sat up frustrated, got her cotton pillow and knocked her head on it multiple times, trying to find a solution.

"Madam?" A robust man in his late twenties said, looking awkward and insure of what to do.

"Yes!" Alex sat up straight, looking at the door embarrassed then quickly fixed her posture and hair, with a chill look on her face, she asked: "May I know who might you be?"

"Yes madam, I am the family doctor, I am here to check on your health. May I come in?" The doctor asked as he was still at the door, and not stepped one foot in the room.

"Of course." Alex smiled respectfully.

The doctor came in and bought a chair and sat beside Roselyn. "Excuse me." He took her hand and checked her pulse.

After some minutes, the doctor made a confused face and asked: "Madam, do you practice your magic?"

"No, I don't, I never did." Alex replied, not knowing what does that have to do with her pain.

"There lays the problem. The mana is caged inside your body, you need to let it out or it will destroy your body. It starts from the brain and ends in the heart. You die. Most people don't realize this, we found out this information a few months ago, all of us use magic, but some don't and the effect their health."

"Oh, I will start practicing then, thank you doctor."

"No problem Madam, I am leaving now, take care of your health."


"Yes madam?"

"Does Oliver know about this?"

"No, I haven't told the master. The young miss practices her magic regularly, so it's not a problem."


The doctor bowed slightly and left the room.

Alex plopped back on the bed, closing her eyes, thinking about the plan, of what to do.

After fifteen minutes, she sat up, bright eyed and thrilled, she knew what to do!

First thing to do, is bound with Bella, strengthen her relationship with her and maybe Oliver, practice her magic and make herself stronger, to protect herself. Find out who is the hero and most importantly, not let the villain fall for the heroine or stop their engagement, to prevent her death.

With everything decided, Alex got up from the bed, to proceed with the first task, her relationship with Bella.

She called out for maids, through a magical bell, that make sound travel through wind, to help her dressed since her clothes are messy from sleeping in them.

Usually at this time, Bella will be practicing her magic in the unapproachable part of their mansion, while her father was away at work and her mother was locked in her room.

In the afternoon, Roselyn will read a book and request that nobody disturbs her, so hearing Roselyn ring the bell, the five maids assigned to Roselyn were stunned to say the least, as they went to serve her, they were even more astonished, their madam was smiling! She smiled looking at the view from her window, their madam never smiles, if she did, it will be a cold smile with no emotion behind it. Almost to the extent that they thought she lost her ability to smile, but seeing her now proved them wrong, which made ecstatic, because this household is full of sadness and emptiness, so if the madam started to change, everything will.

One particular maid didn't like the change, she hated it, she hated the smile on Roselyn's face, that made her look prettier than she was, jealousy ate her heart, she worked hard this past year to make the relationships in this house collapse, she won't give up just yet, not because of a stupid smile.