
Roselyn took a deep breath, and walked to Bella, who was chanting a magic spell, according to her knowledge from the story, this type of spells is used by water magicians, to control water better.

She waited for her to finish, it's pretty dangerous to stop someone mid-spell, it can hurt them physically.

Bella turned around, as she felt another presence beside her, seeing it was Roselyn, she asked questionably: "Mother?"

"Hello dear." Roselyn smiled warmly at Bella, approaching her.

"What....what are you doing here?" Bella asked, nervously.

"You said you wanted us to practice magic together, so here I am." Roselyn had a warm aura surrounding her, making Bella feel comfortable.

"Really? Father won't mind?" Bella could hide her practice schedule but two people practicing will give a lot of suspicious.

"Let's not care about him, he is just an old man, I am here with you, if he does something, I will back you up. I will take the blame." Roselyn smacked her hand against her chest proudly.

Bella laughed slightly and said: "We will both take it. Let's start now."

"Umm, I... I never practiced so I don't know how." Roselyn nervously declared.

"It's alright, I will help." Bella said smiling widely, proceeding to go teach Roselyn how to do it.

Some time passed, Roselyn learned to control her powers and how to use a small amount of it, but it still wasn't enough, she needed a tutor, so does Bella.

Roselyn sighed and thought of a way to convince Oliver, she knew it will be hard but she had to, her life is on line.

A few weeks go by, Roselyn still haven't told Oliver anything, she has been spending most of her time with Bella, from eating breakfast together, to practicing magic, they almost did everything together, like two best friends.

Roselyn and Bella were having lunch, when out of nowhere a butler came in and requested that they follow him immediately, to Oliver's home office.

Roselyn glanced at Bella, a steady look on her face, she can guess why he called them, he usually doesn't spend time with them and this is the first time he asked them to come to his office, which means serious talk.

Bella previously had a scared look on her face, but seeing Roselyn's calm look, its kind of gave a boost of confidence.

They slowly walked to Oliver's office, reaching it, Roselyn opened the door and walked in first, Bella slightly hiding behind her.

"Mr. Oliver, you called for us?" Roselyn asked, standing in front of Oliver.

"Yes, I did. Mrs. Roselyn, what have you been doing with my daughter every afternoon?"

"We have been...hanging out, bounding."

"Mrs. Roselyn, I requested that you spend time with Bella, not ruin her life! Do you know the gravity of your doing?" Oliver with an angry expression on his face, slammed his hand against the desk, making Bella shiver sacredly.

"I do not know what I did wrong, will you inform me of what grave action I made, that made you scare your only daughter?"

"You made her practice magic! Which everyone knows in this mansion that it's a forbidden thing. I told you on out wedding day and you agreed to never talk about magic in front of her!"

"I believe I did nothing wrong; Bella has the right to learn magic and have a teacher to teach her the right way to do it."

"She is not allowed to! And that's final."

Roselyn peeked at the shivering puppy behind her, she held her hand and said to her: "Go outside, I will talk to him."

"But mother...." Bella anxiously said, glanced at her father, seeing his furious expression made her hide behind Roselyn and clinch her dress, she didn't want to leave Roselyn alone, she never saw her father this angry before.

"She is not leaving! She is going to listen and learn not to do things she not allowed to."

"She did nothing wrong! She has the right to learn like anyone else in this country and you can't stop her." Roselyn declared loudly then turned to Bella. "Leave! Now."

Bella slowly walked backwards and hesitantly left the room under her father's glare.

"You are not a part of this family; you don't have the right to decide anything." Oliver coldly said.

"The moment you married me, you acknowledge me as a part of this family, even if we are only husband and wife in name, I won't let you destroy Bella's life because of your fear."

"What do you know about me? About us? Nothing, so mind your own business, or else."

"I know enough to realize you are acting like a child. You ignore all logic when it comes Bella's magic, do you even know what's the downsides or what harmful things will happen to her if she goes without practicing her magic?"

"What? You are spouting nonsense; nothing is going to happen to her."

"Talk to the family doctor, you will understand." Roselyn said then turned to the door to leave.

"We are not done talking yet."

"We are, just talk to the doctor and you will understand." Roselyn reached the door, then suddenly remembered something and rotated to Oliver's direction. "Who told you about this?"

"One of your maids, she didn't show her face but her hair is blue, and she declared being a maid as a reason to trust her information."

"Thank you for telling me, take your time to think." Roselyn left the room, leaving Oliver there alone, alone with his messed-up thoughts.

Roselyn left the room, feeling proud of herself for standing for Bella, this will mean Bella will trust her more which will make her mission easier.

Bella who was standing, far away from the room, bite her nails nervously for the past ten minutes, but seeing her mother leaving the room with a confident, if you can call it that, look on her pretty face. She relaxed her tense shoulders, as her brain started functioning normally again.

Getting her thoughts together, she remembered her father's words, Roselyn is only spending time with her, because har father told her to, does that mean it was all fake? All the laughs? All the time they spent together was only a lie, a lie made to please her.

"Bella, what are you doing here?" Roselyn asked, peeking at Bella behind the wall.