
"Nothing, I was just passing by. Excuse me." Bella replied with a cold stained face, moving past Roselyn towards her room.

"What happened to her?" Roselyn asked herself, looking at Bella leaving.

The next day, Roselyn sat on her desk and called her five maids, and waited for them.

Once they arrived, they bowed to Roselyn and waited for her to say something.

"As you all know, me and Bella have been practicing magic for the past few weeks, and you five are the only ones to know, because you occasionally brought snacks. And I did mention not tell the duke about this. Now, I don't like going around words, which one of you did it?" Roselyn knew if she let this one slid, that person will keep doing it again, so she had to cut the roots before it grown.

She had a hunch of who was it, based on the body language, but she still wasn't sure, only three maids had blue hair, the two left having brown and black hair.

None of them said anything, only shaking in their positions, fearing the worst and what will happen to them if the madam doesn't find the culprit.

"Janet, Dona where were you two hours ago?" Roselyn knows that Oliver will take action immediately, after knowing Bella was practicing magic so she narrowed down the time to the maximum, the time when he found out.

"I was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast together with Yuhina. We were together." Janet replied, looking at Yuhina.

Yuhina nodded along, saying: "That's true, the two of us skipped breakfast so we took our break to prepare one, using leftovers ingredients."

"Can anyone support your statement?" Roselyn asked, looking at the brunette and the blue haired girl.

"Yes, the head chef, he was there and two other maids as well." Janet added.

"Okay, you two can leave." Roselyn said, making both of the girl's faces brighten, exiting the room with a face full of smiles.

"What about you Done? You haven't answered yet." Roselyn asked again, but Dona didn't answer, she nervously stretched her long dress, sweating.

"I....I....I was with someone." Dona replied, glancing at Roselyn.


"I can't say who it was."

"Then you prefer going to jail and stripped out of your magic powers? Because I have no problem doing it, it's a piece of cake for me."

"No! Please madam, no. I will tell you but can we be alone? I can't say it with others around."

"Fine by me. Kaila, Tina, what about the both of you?" Roselyn questioned, turning her head to the black haired, almost white old lady and blue haired young girl.

"I was cleaning your room, Madam alongside with Tina but Tina left after ten minutes then came back again later."

"Interesting, can anyone support your statement Kaila?"

"Yes, the young miss came looking for you and we chatted for a while as I cleaned the room." Kaila replied, head still looking down.

"You can leave as well and take the rest of the day off." Roselyn knew it wasn't Kaila, the woman has been serving this household for more than thirty years and in the story, she is the one who practically raised Bella after her mother's death.

"Yes, thank you madam." Kaila walked away slowly, a little smirk on her 'wrinkly' face.


"I went to meet up with my father, I sneaked out because I got a letter telling me he was sick, but when I reached my house, no one was there and my father was in his work place."

"Where is that letter?"

"I lost it."

"Can someone support your statement?"

"No, I left the mansion without anyone noticing, I didn't talk to my father, I only checked on him so he didn't see me."

"Alright, you can leave."

"Thank you." Tina bowed slightly and left the room.

"Now Dona, are you ready to talk?" Roselyn looked back at Dona.

"Yes, I met up with my boyfriend and we.... we had sex."

"Aren't you like eighteen?"

"That's true, Madam. Too old to have my first time but I did it and I am proud of myself." Dona said happily, making Roselyn depressed, if eighteen is too old? How about a thirty-year-old virgin? Even the old Roselyn lost it at twelve, is this a theme in this world?

"You can leave."

"Madam, I am not going to be punished?"

"I want to punish you, because you get laid and I am a jealous old lady, so I will. No break for you for the next three days."

"Isn't that too much Madam? Tina left the mansion and you didn't punish her, isn't this favoritism?"

"Keep talking and I will make it to a month."

"What a beautiful day it is! Perfect time to start working hard without taking a single break for two days and a half. Goodbye Madam." Dona hurriedly left the room, not letting Roselyn digest what she just said.

Roselyn looked out of her window, seeing Kaila leave without any bags, which was weird since Kaila always takes leftover sweets, to her two grandkids every time she leaves the mansion, that was heavily described in the novel for some reason, but now she was going empty handed.

"Jack." Roselyn called out in the empty room, soon after a man came out of the ceiling, bowing in front of Roselyn.

"Yes Madam."

"Send someone to follow Kaila and keep her movements on check. And keep an eye on Tina."

"Yes Madam." Jack replied, disappearing in thin air.

Roselyn still wasn't used to Jack's presence, since he only started serving her two days ago, on his own will, without even Roselyn asking him to.

The story about how Jack began serving Roselyn will be told for another time, since now it's the time for another one.

"Madam." Tina said, from behind the door as she knocked.

"Yes, come in." Roselyn said, glancing at the door.

"The twelve princes came to visit the young miss, but she doesn't want to meet him, what should we do? The master left the mansion as well."

"What? Why all of a sudden?" Roselyn started panicking, because she wasn't ready to meet the villain yet, she is scared.

"Madam? Are you okay?" Tina asked, a bit worried, because Roselyn looked like she is about to snatch her own wig, like someone just told her she is going to die.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, I am, I totally am, bring him and take him to the garden, I will be there in a second."

"Okay Madam." Tina was closing the door, when Roselyn said: "You will be punished for leaving without permission, you will work overtime for a week and no breaks for five days, now you can leave."

"Yes Madam." Tina accepted because she knows it her fault anyway, no use in denying it.