First Meeting

The day got more chaotic than Roselyn could have ever imagined, running around the big house, maids following behind her as she told them what to do. They were in a pinch, the family doctor was out of town, he isn't coming back till the next day. Roselyn didn't have any acquaintances, so she had to give the job of finding a good doctor to Eliot, which isn't an easy task, doctors are rare. Plus, she still needed to talk to Kaila and question her doings, to find out if she was the one behind all of this.

They only thing they could do in the moment, is make sure that Oliver's fever doesn't get too high and that Bella continue breathing with nothing wrong going on with her body. So far, everything was going smoothly, she left three trusted maids, two butlers and a guard with Bella while with Oliver, she left five guards and a very trusted maid. She told one of them, to inform her when the doctor arrives while she went to deal with some business.

Roselyn walked to the warehouse, behind the mansion, Jack by her side, quiet as usual, not saying a word, making her wonder if he is the same guy, she met a few days ago. The first time she saw him, he made a long monologue and talked over and over again.

The story went as told, she sneaked out, late at night, to breath some fresh air and walk outside. She had her safety necessities, such as a knife and a perfume, to spray it on someone's eyes if they approach her. Once outside the mansion, Roselyn breathed a breath of relief and comfort, opening her eyes with a big smile on her face.

She strolled around the place, not going do far, viewing everything her eyes would fall on, from the trees to the stars and the moon; she felt alive, like she is living again, in her own world. Back there, she would always walk at night, with either her cat or alone, to enjoy the cold wind of summer.

After an hour or so, Roselyn decided to go back, she was getting pretty tired and sleepy. She turned her heels around, following the line she made with a stick, she took earlier, to mark her steps. On her way back, she heard screams and cries of agony, she doubting her ability to help but decided to go.

Once she arrived at the source of the loud noises, she saw two men holding a girl down, taking her clothes off, another man holding a guy down, as the guy screamed for them to stop. It was clear as day, that this was a rape attempt, the eyes of those hungry wolves towards the girl were disgusting, anyone can guess what are they planning to do.

Roselyn thought really quickly of a way to stop them, before they could do anything to the girl, she beat her head for a while before it finally came to her. She quietly walked to the captive guy's side, throwing a rock at him, while the man holding him, was watching his comrades strip the girl and assault her. He looked her way, and she made him signs, telling him she is going to help, that while she attacks the two men holding the girl, he should try and overtake the guy holding him. The guy wasn't convinced, how can a weak girl help them? But he took his chance, he didn't have much choice, his sister's dignity was in danger.

Roselyn took a deep breath and started to countdown, while positing her knife in the right direction.

"Now!" Roselyn shouted, catching the assaulter's attention, followed by her throwing her knife at one's chest, while she created a void at the other's leg, to make him trip. She rushed to him and started hitting him with the stick, hard and steady on the head, making him lose conscious.

She turned to check on the guy's position, to see if he was doing okay, but turns out he wasn't, he struggling to keep his breath as the man was choking him. Roselyn ran to him, hitting the man with the wooden stick on the back of his head, unfortunately he wasn't the slightest effected, he took the stick from her head, going for a punch, luckily, she dodged it, and served him one instead, hitting right in the nose, making him have a nosebleed and stumble back.

The boxer lover, was disappointed by her performance, if it was her old body, he would have lost his conscious by now, but this body was too weak, her movements won't help him with this kind of body, she is going to get tired in no time.

The man furiously went for another punch but again, Roselyn dodged it, using her right leg to fire back at him, and without wasting any time she attacked again and again, until her stamina was at the lowest.

Breathing heavily, she used her last card, her strongest magic attack, she blinded him, making him only see the dark. While the man was going around, trying to figure out what happened to him, he was stabbed from behind multiple times.

Roselyn looked at the guy who mercilessly stabbed the guy, shock visible on her expression.

"I am sorry for not helping, I was fed a drug earlier. Thank you for helping me and my sister. I am Jack. I will be grateful for you, my whole entire life." The guy bowed completely to Roselyn, head and hands on the ground.

"It's okay, it was nothing. Go check on your sister, she must be terrified." Roselyn said and Jack got up to check on his sister, who was still shaking in fear.

Roselyn looked at the pair of siblings, hugging while the brother was comforting the crying sister, it was a cute scene, the only problem was...

Roselyn flashback was cut short, as they reached the warehouse, where Kaila and Tia are held in. Opposite to Kaila, Tina was brought in to help them investigate. Unlike her, Tina is more trusted since her innocent was proven, a few days ago, several people saw Tina leave the mansion in a hurry and worried expressing on her face, confirming what she said, even the people by her father's workplace, confirmed seeing her on that day. To add it up, the only one who really knew Kaila was Tina, they spent most of their days together, and if what Roselyn think is true then Tina is the only one who can confirm it.