Rising problem

Time passed, making Roselyn almost forget about Jack and Lola, but Jack breaking in her room, didn't let her. It was a normal day, she passed it as usual, until night time arrived. Roselyn got in her bed and closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep.

"Madam." Someone whispered close to her ear, frightening her, making her scream loud but the person put their hand on her face, shutting her mouth before she could bring any attention. "It's me, Jack, you saved me and my sister a couple of days ago." Jack said, trying to calm Roselyn down and stop her from struggling and screaming in his hand.

Roselyn was confused, but hearing that made her relax a bit and stop struggling, resulting in Jack moving his hand from her mouth and lighting up the room, with his powers.

"Couldn't you have done that first? You scared me, my life flashed before my eyes, both of them." Roselyn complained, sitting up and waking herself up by rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, that was a bit dumb." Jack said, expressionless as ever, not showing any remorse.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Who is Sherlock?"

"My great great great grandfather. Now, why the hell are you in here and how did you found my room?"

"By coincidence, I was going to around all the house, but the second room I searched was yours so it made things easier."

"You still haven't explained why did you break in, I think that's the most important part."

Jack explained that he wanted to return the favor, not knowing what to do for Roselyn, he decided to serve her as a guard and an assistant, as he waited for the drug to wear off, so he could give his all to this job. Roselyn refused and told him to leave, but he didn't budge, telling her he won't leave until she agrees. At this point, Roselyn didn't know what to do, she couldn't just let someone, a stranger she knows nothing about and have an additional power not mentioned in the book serve her. Ten minutes passed, Jack still kneeling on the ground, his eyes down, while Roselyn walked back and forth, wondering what she should do.

In the end, she agreed and told him to bring his little sister with him tomorrow morning, so they can decide on everything, as it is way past midnight. Jack obliged and left the room, going back to his sister, who is hidden with magic, in their house, that is under a spell of protection.

And that was the start of how Jack and Lola started working for Roselyn.

Back to the plot, a whole week passed since the poison incident, took place in the Blujin's household, and now it is time for the second meeting, that will decide everything for the future of this family and the public. Oliver gave Roselyn a lecture of how to handle the matter, if things didn't go as planned, and told Eliot to help her. Before she left, she kissed Bella's forehead and told her to wish her luck, soon after she left. Seeing Bella, made her remember that she hasn't seem Corey since the incident broke down, not even a letter, did he forget about them and his engagement with Bella because of what happened? If so, that's a really good news.

On the way to the place that holds the meeting, the carriage got struck in a mud lake, stopping it from moving any further. This was a huge problem, if Roselyn didn't make it to the meeting, the five greedy men will be the ones to decide what will happen, because the king's messenger was going to be there to take their signatures on the agreement they reached to. Roselyn currently has the agreement, she wrote with Oliver's help in her hands, but they could easily fabricate another one and make it seem like she didn't attend and take the decision in her place and nobody will question it.

She had to find a way to be there on time, which is in thirty minutes, the place is an hour away by foot so she had to find a way to get there faster. Eliot is waiting for her there, she has no way of contacting him so she is on her own now. Roselyn walked away from the carriage, leaving the driver to deal with it, while she tries to find a way to get to her destination on time. To add it up, Jack was not with her, he is with Lola because she got sick and he couldn't leave her alone, he didn't trust anyone to take care of his sister as much as he did.

Minutes went by with no signs of anyone going by, at this point, the young duchess was getting tired and lost hope of getting there on time. Lucky for her, a man on a black horse was approaching her, once Roselyn saw it, she jumped in front of it, making the horse rider forcefully stop the horse, as the horse hit Roselyn in the face and made her fall flat on her butt.

The man got down from his horse, petting him to calm him down, while asking the woman, who he believed is completely crazy but still questioned. "Are you crazy? Or do you have death wish? Why did you jump in front of the horse?"

"I desperately need a ride, I will pay you anything, I really need to be somewhere in ten minutes, so please."

"No, why would I? You almost got me and my horse killed, why should I help you?"

"Because it concerns the matter of this whole province, if I don't make it, it's going to get worst that it already is."

The man suspiciously looked at Roselyn and asked for her identity.

"I am Roselyn, Roselyn Blijin, the current duke's second wife, meaning the duchess and I need to get the meeting considering the taxes."

"You better not be trolling, get on."