Returning the favor

The man got a hold of a wooden stick, that was laying close to him and attacked Roselyn. Roselyn who didn't notice right way, was saved by Jack who happened to see everything, hitting the man with the shovel in his hands.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, after he finished hitting the man several times on the head.

"Yeah, thanks." Roselyn replied, as her heart started beating fast, wondering what would have happened if Jack didn't come, which caused her to panic, so she quickly got rid of the thoughts and helped Jack burry the bodies.

After they finished, Jack carried his sister and thanked Roselyn before going on his own way, while Roselyn went back to the house. At the time, the young duchess never thought that she would meet the pair of siblings again, but what she didn't know is that their paths will collide very soon, actually the next day.

Roselyn went out on her own, with a maid and a guard, to but some new dresses, since she will be hosting a party in two weeks, and as Bella said, she needs to renew her wardrobe so that people won't make fun of her outdated style of clothing. While walking from store to store, trying to find a dress she likes, she found Lola by coincidence. Taking a glimpse at the girl, she knew right away it was the same girl as yesterday, so she went to check on her. Once she tapped on the little girl's shoulder, the said girl flinched and turned her way with a scared expression on her face, but once she saw it was Roselyn, a woman, her facial expression relaxed and put a little smile on her face.

"Do you want to buy something?" Lola asked, showing her basket, full of shiny things to Roselyn.

"Yes, what do you have here?" Roselyn asked, going down to meet Lola's height and look at the things she is selling. There were mostly shiny rocks, that were useless for a lot of people, which explained why her basket is still 80% full of things.

"Take whatever you want, it's cheap and really pretty. Madam is already so beautiful but with these, you will get even more beautiful, I promise!"

"Madam, I think we should move, there is nothing to see here." The maid whispered in Roselyn's ear.

"Just wait." Roselyn said to her maid, with a stoned face, then turned to Lola with a smile and said: "I will take these three, how much are they?"

"Since madam is buying three, I will let you decide the price but you cannot go lower than one copper coin."

"Hmm, then how about one golden coin, or maybe two, will they be enough?"

"That's too much! Even one silver coin is too much, the madam shouldn't be spending her money carelessly, brother always said money is valuable and we shouldn't throw it away."

"Where is your brother? Why did he leave you alone?"

"He didn't, I left our house before he woke up so I can sell some things, then bring him back breakfast to say thank you to him."

"You're such a lovely girl." Roselyn patted Lola on the head, making the girl blush and smile shyly.

Soon after, a figure could be seen running around the area, looking for a certain someone. Once he saw her with someone, he rushed to his little sister and out her behind him, asking the person who was touching her, to stay away. Roselyn's face was hidden under her hat, so Jack couldn't see her face, but soon he found out the identity of, who he thought was going to molester his sister, the person, being the one who saved them yesterday night.

"Hello Jack." Roselyn said, smiling towards Jack and waving at him.

"Does brother know the madam?" Lola asked, glancing at her brother then the madam.

"Yes, she is the one who helped us yesterday."

"Oh, madam is the one who brought us back home? Thank you so much!" Lola bowed, expressing her sincere gratitude.

At this point, Roselyn got a bit confused of what Lola said, because she never helped get back to their house, the only thing she did was help Lola from getting assaulted. As her thoughts got more chaotic, Jack got closer to her and explained the situation. He told her that Lola doesn't remember anything that happened yesterday, the only thing she knows is that she was walking with Jack home, suddenly it got dark and then she was home the next morning. It was probably due to shock, or the fact that she doesn't want to remember, so she buried the memory deep in her brain.

Roselyn decided to keep the act and go on with what Jack said, telling Lola that it wasn't much of a deal, but Lola didn't accept that and told Roselyn to come home with them and have lunch together. The two forgotten extras were totally opposite of this, urging Roselyn to leave and get back to the mansion, before the duke or the young start worrying. The family of three always, if not most if the time, have lunch together so if she didn't show up, they will be concerned and worried, and Bella will probably be disappointed. So, with a heavy heart, she refused the offer but told Lola she will come another day, telling her that she lives in the big house on the hill, and that she will find her there.

Lola was convinced and told her goodbye to Roselyn, a big smile on her innocent face, while her brother was calculating things inside of his head. He kept thinking all night of way to return the favor, for what Roselyn did to them, he didn't think saving her from that man was enough, because she wouldn't have gotten in that situation if she hadn't helped them. The only thing he could think about, was to work for her, since his powers are the only useful thing he has.