
In a dark room, where three figures were inside, one sitting and two standing up; the one sitting being Roselyn and the two standing up are Jack and his little sister Lola.

"Lola, did you find anything in her room?"

"Yes, a half burned blue wig, a diary, most of the pages were torn, and one single empty box."

"Get rid of the wig. I will try to find something in the diary and box. You can go back to your room and rest; Jack will accompany you as well."

"I want to help you madam; I can stay awake!"

Lola is fourteen, which is already a bit young to be working as a maid, in Roselyn's standers. She agreed on hiring her, because Jack and Lola only have each other, with Jack working under Roselyn, he wouldn't be able to stay with her. The two siblings used to work together, they would go out and try to find precious and shiny things, then try to sell them for a good price, to pay for their foods and necessities. Lucky for them, they owned a house so they didn't have to worry about not having a roof on top of their heads, the only thing they had to worry about is, if they will have the next day's meal. Magic powers was a secondary in their lives, only useful if someone attacks them, but they never used it otherwise or practiced that much.

"No, Lola. You need to rest; you have work tomorrow and I told you to call me Roselyn or Rose."

"But...." Lola glanced at her brother, who shook his head, telling her not to.

"Don't listen to your stupid brother, I am the boss here. Now go back to your room."

"Yes Mrs. Roselyn." Lola bowed to Roselyn, then left the room with Jack behind her. Ever since they were attacked, he didn't let her walk alone, especially at night, in the morning she stays with maids so he doesn't worry, but now nobody is out.

"Why the 'Mrs.' though?" Roselyn sighed, and turned to go over the diary and letters.

As expected, she didn't get much information from the diary, only incoherent sentences, which she couldn't get any reasonable answers from, so she moves to the letters. The first one had only two sentences in it, 'Kill her and poison the other two. Another fail and you will regret ever existing.'

It was clear as day, this person was the one who sent the fake Kaila to them. The 'her' could be Roselyn or Bella, but why would anyone try to kill Bella? She doesn't get out of the house that much and doesn't interact with people. On the other hand, Roselyn doesn't have any enemies, expect Sarah, who died four months ago, for unknown reasons. The letter was not signed, it looked it was rushed, even the writing was a bit off, but maybe the second will be more helpful, and indeed it was.

This is one had more content, most of it wasn't that important, just orders and statements, the most important part was the ending, which read as followed:

Mrs. Sam, I hope your cover haven't been blow, if it has, leave the place immediately and never contact me again, you will find your payment in the icy forest.

Kate M.P

There is a name, which means she can find who is behind everything, there a small ray of hope. It's can help, but the possibility of finding the person is really low, considering the last name is only two letters. The name doesn't ring a bell, it wasn't mentioned in the book, nor is it known to Roselyn's memories. She mumbled the name multiple times, trying to find any clues.

"Madam, want me to find this person?" Jack said, coming out of nowhere, appearing in front of Roselyn.

Roselyn had a shocked look on her face and froze in her place. "Please speak when you enter, I almost had a heart attack."

"I am sorry madam."

Even though, Jack apologized, there was no expression on his face and his voice was monotonous, making him sound insincere. This is a problem, Jack faced for almost his whole life, he lost his ability to have expression or reactions of any kind. The last time, he had a reaction or raised his voice was, when Lola got assaulted.

"You left Lola alone?" Roselyn said, a bit surprised, since she thought he would stay with Lola in the room.

"Yes, there is someone in the room and I casted a spell on the room. You haven't answered my question, madam, should I look for this person?"

"Yes, please do. And drop the madam, or you are not getting your payment. The madam makes me uncomfortable, having to hear it from the maids and butlers is enough."

"I am getting paid?" Jack asked confused, the confusion not showing on his face at all; he is the one who offered Roselyn to work under her, to show his graduate of what she did for him and Lola. He never anticipated for Roselyn to pay him; it never crossed his mind. He was planning on trying to gain money, by working at night, doing missions for different people, which he heard about from two workers talking on their break.

"Huh? Did you think I am asking you to do all of these different things and not pay you for it? I am not that horrible of a person."

"No, not at all. I didn't expect it that all. Thank you for your generosity mada.... Mrs. Roselyn." Jack felt more grateful than he already did, towards Roselyn. If he is getting paid for his services, Lola is safe in this mansion and getting food, he doesn't have anything to worry about, and with money he can buy Lola many different things, like dresses, shoes, jewelry, toys, and maybe even get her in the academy when she is at age. All the impossible dreams he had, could become true, all because of Roselyn.

For the first time, Roselyn saw Jack smile, a small little smile, he looked handsome, even the big scar across his cheek didn't hide that fact. When she met the brother and sister, she couldn't see their faces, since it was too dark and their main issue wasn't to see their faces but the big problem in front of them, at the time.

Back then, on that night when she found Jack and Lola and helped them, it didn't end there, they had to find a way to hide the bodies, because no matter what explanation they can give, no one is going to believe their story. First of all, Roselyn killed the two men and injured the third, she can't be a witness or confirm what happened, second, Jack can't either, he is the victim's brother, third, Lola didn't have marks on her body, only blue and purple bruises here and there, that could be explained by anything else, not just attempted rape.

After his sister fell asleep, from tiredness and crying, he glanced at worried woman who helped them, and only one solution came to mind, to save all the three of them from jail. "Let's burry them." Jack spouted, looking at the laying bodies on the ground.

"Do you think it's the right choice? What about their families?"

After everything calmed down, the guilt started sinking into Roselyn, feeling terrible for killing two people, even though they were that horrible, to try and rape a child.

"These kinds of people are better off dead, it's better for everyone."

"Okay, how do we do this?"

"There is an open field close to this place, I saw a shovel there, I will go get it. Please stay with Lola, my sister."

"Of course. Do you need a lamp?"

"No, I have light magic. I can help myself." Jack replied, not knowing that by this information, that he destroyed the setting the book's author made and created.

And soon after the conversation ended, Jack left, leaving Roselyn and Lola alone. Roselyn head was full of what Jack said, light magic, it was never mentioned in the book, there is only five elements, where did this one come from? Is the book developing on its own? Everything is different from what the book said, there was never a murder attempt against the duke and his family, it was never mentioned. What in the world was happening?

While Roselyn was busy in her thoughts, the unconscious man woke up, his head beating up, feeling blood dropping from his forehead. He looked around him, trying to find out what happened. His eyes wondered to his friend's dead bodies, no movements shown from them, eyes open and blood around their bodies. This made him furious, forgetting about his injury, he searched for that woman, the one who caused this, if she didn't show up, they would have done what they wanted and left, but no, she had to interfere. She has to die now.