
Within the last thirty minutes, nobody spoke a word, everyone looking at each other, waiting for someone to say something. Eventually, Roselyn took the decision of postponing the meeting, to next week, letting them have time to decide.

Once the five men left, Roselyn told Eliot to get her all the information about the market and businesses in the last six months, their success, their failure, the profits, the losses, every little detail related to the cause of the meeting. It took Roselyn four hours to study everything and to summarize it, it started when a ship failed to come back to the port, resulting in many losing their resources, not having anything to sell, because they have put everything in that one single ship, soon after they shut down. This is was just the beginning, it didn't affect that many but it caused some chaos, the next thing that happened was the flood, that occurred four months ago, it simply put the icing on the cake, it made everything worst.

The public were given compensation, but that only served them, in rebuilding their homes again and feeding their families, and after three months their incomes became lower and lower, as days passed. Which leaves us to a week ago, when the people protested against the duke, to drop the taxes for a couple of months. The only ones who weren't affected by this, were local businesses, but eventually it caught up to them as well, since 90 percent of the business, in the province under the duke, was based on international exchanges.

This wasn't all, or even a summary, but that's all Roselyn's brain could register, before starting to malfunction. For that, she got up and left, to go back home and have a relaxing bath with some hot tea.

Entering the Blijin's household, Roselyn noticed how quiet it is compared to today's morning, which is calming in a way. After having some time alone, relaxing herself, Roselyn settled on visiting Oliver then Bella, to check on their condition.

Lucky for her, Oliver was awake and drinking a soup, not having a pleased look on his face, rather irritated and mad, and the moment Roselyn walked in, he directed his anger towards her, giving her his hardest glare.

"Please leave us alone." Roselyn ordered the maids and butlers in the room, who proceed on bowing to her and Oliver, then leaving.

Roselyn brought a chair closer to Oliver's bed, sitting on and smiling towards Oliver, who gave her no care, continue on drinking his soup.

"How are you now?"

"Better than ever, and I can go to work."

There was nothing more important for Oliver B, than his daughter and work, the definition of a workaholic. The only thing that stopped him previously, from working too much, was his late wife. Once she was gone, his will to do anything other than work was gone as well.

"No, just because your fever went down a little doesn't mean you can. You have to depend on me and Eliot to take care of everything."

"You cannot make decision on your own."

"I won't. I will discuss matters with you, when you get better. There is nothing urgent in the moment, so focus on your health."

"How is Bella?"

"She is still unconscious, but the doctor said she is not in danger."

"What happened to us?"

"The three of us were poisoned, someone put something in the drinks we were handed on the picnic."

"Did you start investigating the matter?"

"I did, but there is nothing to be said in the moment."

Oliver sighed heavily, glancing at Roselyn, at her serious expression. Girls her age should only care about clothes and jewelry but here she is, taking care of matters way beyond her. He didn't want her to hold any responsibilities, considering her past life, he wanted her to enjoy her life as a duchess and not do anything. Turns out, fate other plans for them, it's mainly his fault for not noticing the poison in the drinks, he didn't give much care to it and now he is paying the consequences.

"Roselyn, weren't you poisoned as well?"

"Yes, indeed I was. But it didn't have any effect on me."

"Of course, the blessed soul won't die just from this." Oliver mumbled but Roselyn could still hear him, considering how silent the room is.

"Blessed soul? What does that mean?"

"Nothing." Oliver responded, because even if he wants to answer, he can't because him, himself doesn't know what it means, the only thing he knows is that, two years ago, when he visited the holy church, the gods asked him, to take care of Roselyn because she is a blessed soul, not explaining anything further. To not raise any suspicious, Oliver asked Roselyn if she attended today's meeting.

"I did. Do you want me to give you a recap of everything that happened?"

"Yes, if you will."

Roselyn told Oliver everything that happened in the said meeting, how everything went and how they ended it, to presume it in a week, which gives time to both the nobles and Roselyn the time to have a solution, that's suits everyone.

Oliver suggested some solutions to Roselyn, taking the fact that he won't be able to work himself even if he wants to, deciding he will be obedient and take care of himself, for now. After finishing their conversation, Roselyn excused herself, letting Oliver sleep and going to Bella's room.

Opposite to Oliver, Bella wasn't awake, she was still fast asleep, not showing any signs of waking up any time soon, which raised the problem, of how is she going to get enough nutrition to stay alive. One doctor did say, he will try to find a solution, but Roselyn's worries will always be present until that happens.

Later in that night, Roselyn was walking in the empty hallways, a single lamp in her hands, walking straight to an unknown place, only known to three individuals.

Somewhere else, far away from the Blijin's household, a couple were arguing, the woman screaming hysterically while the man was trying to reason with her.

"No! I will take revenge! You can't stop me!"

"You have to understand Kate, this won't do any difference, she is already gone, Mary is gone."

"And she is the reason, she has to pay for her actions, for what she did to my precious Mary."