
After being tested for several minutes, there was nothing wrong found in Roselyn's system, she is perfectly fine, in every aspect possible.

Being the only healthy one in the Blijin family, plus the fact that Oliver will take two weeks to recover, while Bella will wake up in a month, Roselyn decided to take over the business and handle all the matters involving the family.

The twenty-one-year-old doubted her ability to perform well, considered she never indulged in business and focused on her work, back in her world. But Eliot reassured her, that he will be there to give a helping hand. Corey also offered his help, to teach Roselyn all about what she needs to know.

Her first task is to attend the meeting Oliver was planning on attending earlier, a meeting about whatever the taxes should be lowered or not. Initially, Oliver was having this meeting with some nobles around the area, that will be affected by this.

The meeting will be hold in three hours, which gives her some time to figure out how things work. This specific meeting wasn't exactly the one Oliver mentioned, but it's the most important one out of all five Oliver has on his calendar. So, while Eliot managed the other four, Roselyn had to somehow manage the fifth one, because the nobles won't listen to Eliot, a mere worker for a duke, their ego won't let them.

So now, Roselyn is sitting with Corey, in the library, discussing matters about common people issues, taxes, jobs and what goes around it.

From what Roselyn's knows from the book, this meeting had a huge role in pushing the plot further on, later in the story. It was this event, that made Oliver became a hated noble and duke, because he did not just not lower the taxes but he raised them as well, for reasons that were never explained. It made the public hate him, and his daughter. Which played a role later in the story, because after the hero found out Bella is Oliver's daughter, he avoided her and began to hate her. Eventually, they redeemed their relationship, making it stronger than it was before.

If Roselyn did the opposite of what Oliver did, it will affect the plot, either be it in a positive or negative way, the choice will be hers.

The pair have been sitting together for two hours now, Corey talking and Roselyn listening carefully, until they got to the main point.

"That means if there are no earnings or profits, there will be no taxes. Then why not just lower the taxes, why does it need a meeting? It's simple."

"It's not. Taxes are one of the main things that keep things running in a country, the problem here lays in business. There are no successes in any kind of business at the moment, everything is failing. If we lower the taxes, it will make the currency drop, meaning the country value will drop as well. There are three grades, we are currently on second, if we lower our taxes for a year, which how approximately it will take for the businesses to raise again, we will be in third. Which will affect, our military forces and deals with other countries."

"It's more complicated than I thought."

"It is, you have half an hour to figure things out. Keep those things in mind, don't make yourself look stupid and good luck." Corey got up, making his way to the door.

"Wait! That's it?"

"Yes, two hours and half passed, you are on your own now. I have things to do, goodbye Roselyn." Corey gave Roselyn one last look and left.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Roselyn said to herself, her eyes almost tearing. But it was not the time for that, she shook her head and thought of a solution.

Time passed quickly, quicker than Roselyn anticipated, because the moment she regained her conscious again, she was sitting in front of four men, giving her a disgusted look, while one gave her a confused one.

"Gentlemen, my husband couldn't attend this meeting, due to various reasons, so today I will be the one assisting you all in this meeting. I hope none of you mind." Roselyn stopped talking, allowing them to disagree but none did, so she continued. "if so, let's the meeting, shall we?"

Nobody gave her an answer, so she continued talking anyway, projecting the problem and asking for their suggestions. None of them gave any reasonable answered, all they did was talk about wanting profits and not wanting anything less than what they are already getting. This went on for several hours, Roselyn trying to reason with them, by talking about the future profits they will have, how much they will be respected in the public eye, how it will make them good citizens but they were none of it, all they cared about was money. Roselyn could easily make the decision on her own, without even letting them know, she has full rights to do so as Oliver's wife, but that could lead to arguments and unnecessary confrontation later on.

'God, my head hurts from listening to them. Dear Mark, please give me the strength to not punch every and each single one of them.' Roselyn thought, still staring at the five men, arguing over, not lowering taxes which what initially focusing on, but raising their incomes by raising taxes.

Once Roselyn had enough of their behavior as hungry wolves, more like dogs, she slammed her hand against the table, making all of them quiet down.

"Either you want to kill the people or kill the country. Have you heard yourselves talk? You sound like you never had money before, are you all that desperate? What do you lack, for you to want more money? Houses? Fields? Jewelry for your wives? Or toys for your rotten spoiled children? Or to go cheat on your wives in a brothel? Or maybe to gamble?"

A man stood up, his face red from anger as he spouts in frustration: "I do not allow you to talk to me like that!"

"Let me finish, or get out." Roselyn calmly said, gave him one glare and he sat back down in his place. "Good choice. No need to pretend like none of what I said is not true. Maybe not all of it but some of it is. Have any of you ever been in a market? In a common person's home? I can't say I was, but I can imagine how it is, especially in this period of time. Has some humanity, or was it all washed off with money? I am not saying you won't receive any money from now on, all I am saying is to give some of it to support the people who are the reason of the house you are living in. In worst case scenario, the people won't be able to pay, what happens next? Maybe they will leave the country, again what happens next? The country will be empty, meaning no money. No money means scolding from your wife and guilt tripping from your children."

As soon as Roselyn said those words, three of the men face paled, while the two others seemed unfazed, until Roselyn said the following.

"Plus, no money, means no powers over anyone. No respect from the royal family, no chances to get any higher positions. So, what do you gentlemen want to do now?"