
'Kaila' was confused of why Roselyn let her out without any proper punishment, at first, she thought she gave her mercy. That's hard to come across, but she believed it.

The moment 'Kaila' got out of the mansion, she considered going back to her master, to reveal what happened, but her guts told her not to, that she was being followed. In fact, returning to her master, will only mean death, she failed two missions, the first being to sabotage the relationship between Roselyn and the others, the second is kill Roselyn and poison Oliver and Bella, to make them lose their powers. She failed, meaning death, but not without torture, to be an example for others. It's pretty common to see people get punished, you don't care about it, until it's your turn.

So 'Kaila' made the decision of killing herself, wishing for a better life in the other side, where she can have a freewill and nobody can control her.

The carriage reached the front door, when suddenly it roughly stopped because of something, if someone standing in front of it, blocking its way.

That person walked to the carriage's door, opening it to see a man sitting inside of it, eyes hazy and body shivering.

"What do you think you are doing right now?" Roselyn entered the carriage and sat beside Oliver, questioning his sanity and ability to think straight.

Oliver didn't answer at first, not giving much care to Roselyn, but after being stared at for ten minutes, he talked.

"Work, there is an important meeting I have to attend." Oliver spoke, his breath unsteady and eyes dropping every millisecond.

"In this state? Impossible, get inside and have some rest, I will take care of everything."

"No, I can do it."

"Don't even try."

Oliver was about to protest, when his consciousness starting fading away, he looked at Roselyn one last time before he fainted.

Roselyn walked out of the carriage, as some butlers went in to take Oliver back to his room. After warning everyone about not letting leave Oliver again, Roselyn turned to Corey who just arrived there.

"Prince Corey, sorry to have called here. I figured that Oliver will want to leave for work, so I thought about taking care of that. But I don't have one clue about big businesses, and I wondered if your highness will accept to....no wait, there is Eliot, never mind."

"So, you called me for nothing?" Corey asked, since he was on the last pages of the book Roselyn recommended, but he stopped reading it because Roselyn called him. Corey considers Roselyn as a good friend, she is one of the only ones who really understands him and speak freely around him, so he wanted to help.

"No, I also want to confirm something." Roselyn approached Corey and put her forehead on his, closing her eyes and measuring his heat based on hers.

"So, what exactly are you confirming?" Corey said, unfazed, looking at Roselyn's face, her eyes closed as she seemed focused on doing something.

"Your heat." Roselyn opened her eyes and answered then moved her face away from Corey's and asked if he was sleepy, which he answered with no.

With that, Roselyn confirmed that Kaila did not poison Corey. Of course, she won't, if the royal family were to find out, the whole country will be upside down.

Attempting to murder a royal family member, is the same as trying to kill the king, even if the one getting killed is someone like Corey. The one sending Kaila would have faced instant death if they did that, with an obvious plan like poison, offered by a maid who can be easily captured, which confirms another thing, their goal was Oliver, Roselyn and Bella. But unfortunately for them, the poison didn't work on Roselyn, the darkness element user.

"Madam, Mr. Eliot and the doctors are here." A butler said, breaking Roselyn's train of thoughts and returning her to the real world, where Corey is intensely staring at her. Roselyn wasn't bothered by Corey's stared, he does it a lot, either when she is thinking or talking to him, she found it weird at first, but got used to it after a while.

"Yes, let them in immediately, I am coming." Roselyn responded, glancing at the butler, who bowed and left after hearing the order. "Prince Corey, if you don't mind, please meet the doctor to make sure you are really okay, I don't want something to happen to you."

Corey nodded and walked with Roselyn in the mansion, both quiet, walking silently and calmly.

"Jack." Roselyn whispered, so that she won't be heard by Corey. Jack came to her command slightly after, half of his head showing up from her shadow, that was exactly on the front, hidden from Corey. "What happened to Kaila?"

"She killed herself after leaving the mansion. I searched her body and found two letters and a strange object attached to her body."

"Tell Lola to search her room later, bring everything you find to the secret room."

Lola is Jack's sister, the one that got assaulted, after her brother decided to server their savor, she decided to the same, to return the favor.

As expected, it turned out Corey wasn't poisoned, but Oliver and Bella were. The poison was traveling in their body with a high speed, making it hard to save the both of them, because each had a different poison in their system. Oliver's body contained a poison, that kills anyone with a high magical powers and especially mentally exhausted people, and it effects the brain cells. While the poison in Bella's body, effects any kind of person with magical powers and makes their mana act against them, making them go to a comma, they might never wake up from.

On the other hand, Roselyn was indeed poisoned but it didn't react with her body, it didn't take effect or any kind of reaction, confusing both the doctors who checked on her and her own self.