Him and the world

Standing in front of him, was the woman he fell in love with at first sight, her face was so close to his, that he could smell her perfume, she had her hands on the wall behind him, as she looked at the other side of wall. After a few minutes, she took her hands off the wall, bowing to him and apologizing for what she did.

 "It's alright, but why did you do that?" Jonathan asked, an innocent look on his face. He was standing in the garden, viewing the place, when suddenly he was dragged and shoved to a wall by a petite lady, he was distracted, he couldn't really resist or struggle, so let the lady do what she wants, assuming that the lady got the wrong person.

 "Hm, I wanted to talk to you about something and didn't want anyone to bother us, so I was looking out if someone was coming." Roselyn came up with an excuse on the spot, and lucky for her, Jonathan was naïve enough to believe her words.

 "What did you want to talk about?" Jonathan stared at Roselyn, waiting for her answer, while she was trying to figure out what to say.

 "Do you want to be friends?" Roselyn spouted the first thing that came to her mind, not considering how this will affect the story later on.

 "Are you sure you want to be friends with me? Won't your husband mind that?" Jonathan's class in the society is low, compared to a duke's wife, he is like the soil in the ground and she is the rose he can only watch.

 "Why would he mind? And it's my personal life, he can't control me." Roselyn believes that she can do anything that she wants to, nobody can control her, not even back in her world, except her parents when they were alive. 

Jonathan stared at Roselyn with amazement and fascination filling his eyes, most noble wives tend to do everything their husbands ask for, even if it meant putting themselves in a cage for their own good, but here Roselyn is free and making male friends, like himself, which is a great taboo, and considered poisonous to a married couple.

 "Why are you looking at me with admiration? I didn't deliver a speech, did I?" Roselyn said, raising her eyebrows. 

 As he is lost in his dreams, Jonathan had no filter, making him express hi real thoughts. "No, you did not. I just like you, no, I mean I like your personality, I mean your behavior, your...." Jonathan didn't know how to explain himself, after he blurted out what he did, exposing himself and the crush he has on the woman standing in front of him, whom he only met twice.

 "I understand, no need to get flustered Jon. I don't know where you got that idea, my personality is the same as many others." Roselyn said. In her eyes, she is the same as the ladies partying upstairs, maybe she has a different mentality, but it's not that different, in her eyes at least. 

 Jonathan and Roselyn kept talking in the shadow, nobody noticing their presence or disappearance; their conversation went smoothly, both enjoying each other's company.

 Everything was quiet, no soul in the garden, except for Roselyn and Jonathan, until one came out of nowhere, calling for Roselyn.

 While talking to Jonathan, Roselyn suddenly heard someone calling her name, in her head, but not any name, a familiar female voice was calling for her, saying Alex over and over again.

 "Alex, you have to go now, he is going to die and if he dies, the world will collapse, everyone will die with him, ran, ran to him." The voice repeatedly said, and after a few seconds, Roselyn realized who it was, the old soul of this body, the one that told her about everything and insured her with Bella.

 The young duchess excused herself and ran back to the party, trusting the old Roselyn because why would she lie to her? She has no benefit in doing so. 

 "I have been running since I came to this world, I seriously need a break." Roselyn complained to herself, inside of her head, while she was still running through the hallway, that suddenly seemed longer than she remembers.

 "Alex, we don't have time, you can have a break later." The old Roselyn said, her voice ringing in Roselyn's head.

 "Why are you with me now?" Roselyn asked, because for the last few months, she was nowhere to be seen but now she is with her, for some reason she doesn't even know.

 "They said that I have to help you, to live in the world I want to live in. I will always be with; my soul is connected to yours until you die in this world and then you go to your world and I go to the world I want to. You can call me Lyn; I will be near whenever you need me." Lyn said, her soul floating near to Roselyn; for now, she doesn't know how to control her current but she doesn't have time to ask them about it, so this has to wait.

 "Is Corey the person you are referring to? The him? Or is it Oliver?"

 "It's Prince Corey, someone is going to try to assassin him, during his dance with Bella, which should be in three minutes." Lyn said, knowing every little detail of the story, more than Roselyn herself, because she wrote it.

 "Doesn't he have a bodyguard? Why would I need to save him?"

 "The bodyguard is on it too, the king is the one that send the assassins, he wants to get rid of Corey because he is chosen to be possessed by the late kind, who was killed by the current king and he doesn't want that."

 "Huh? I don't quite understand." Roselyn got lost halfway through what Lyn was saying, confusion brushing through her mind.

 "You don't need to, I can explain to you later, for now, go save him, you are his last hope before falling into insanity, you are the hope of this world." 

 After approximately five minutes of running, Roselyn reached the party hall, trying to spot Corey, in the huge crowd of couples dancing. 

 Once she spotted him, she looked for the assassin, short after she saw that someone from a faraway distance was pointing an arrow at Corey.