Kill or be killed

In the middle of their dance, Bella saw Roselyn and was about to make it an excuse to leave Corey, because the guy was more boring than Jack, her mother's server who came out of nowhere, but as soon as she was about to speak, Roselyn screamed at the top of her lungs, louder than a fan seeing their favorite idol, grabbing all of the guests attention. She hurriedly went to see what was wrong, only to find out that Roselyn was missing her necklace, that's according to her, a precious gift from her late mother.

 Hearing her words, Oliver assigned some men to look for it and search every guest, considering the fact that Roselyn said she lost it in here. The party got chaotic, in the span of two minutes, everyone murmuring to each other and walking from a corner to another, trying to find the necklace for Roselyn, to get closer to the Bujin's family. While everyone was looking for something that was in the hold of Roselyn herself, she took the chance to hug Corey, pretending to be crying on his shoulder. 

 "On your left, fifty feet up, black clothes." Roselyn whispered in Corey's ear, then continued to pretend to be crying. He calmly looked at the direction, Roselyn mentioned, finding a man, in all black, an arrow in his hands, as he was pointing at some people by his side, and by the time the man pointed the arrow back at him, his eyes were already back on Roselyn, as he put his arms around her comfortingly, to look less suspicious, which only made him more suspicious to the people around, who were connecting the nonexistent, that meant that the duke's wife is cheating on him.

 "How did you know about this?" Corey asked, having a thought, that he didn't want to be true.

 "Is that your way of thanking your mother-in-law?" Roselyn said, keeping her hands around Corey, her face buried deep in his chest, only showing up, from time to time, so he can understand her.

 "You are only a couple of years older than me, don't call yourself my mother-in-law, it's weird."

 "I am offended."

 "Are you waiting for an apology?"

 "No, I am waiting for you, to handle the guy and let go of me, I am getting uncomfortable being like this for long." Roselyn could only go this far, warning him is the only thing she could really do, considering how powerless she is, compared to an assassin.

 "Can you turn off the lights in here, pitch black?"

 "What am I getting in return?" Roselyn tried to drag the conversation, noticing the assassin intensely staring at them, and their movements.

 "Saving a prince's life, the possible future king of this country."

 "You are too full of yourself."

 "Thank you. Are you going to do it?"

 "If you promise to go on a date with..." Before Roselyn could finish, Corey cut her off, aggreging to her condition.

 "I will, just do it, he is going to shoot any second now." Corey responded, not taking more than two seconds to think about it and notice Roselyn joking voice, nor her eyes sharpening slightly.

 They let go of the embrace, eyes watching their every move, make it harder for Roselyn to use her magic, time was running out, so she did the oldest trick in the book, she pointed at a direction, while saying loudly that, it's her necklace. When their eyes, got to the said direction, Roselyn concentrate on her magic, on the darkness, the vision of the whole place being dark, with no lights anywhere, then poof. It started from her, spreading through the whole room, no one being able to catch it or realize what happened.

 The moment the darkness started spreading, Corey made his move, using the water element to suck every last drop of water, that's inside the body of the assassin, then proceeded to burn what's left from his body. After finishing, he tapped on Roselyn's shoulder, and the room light up again, with the both of them standing in their place innocently, meanwhile, the guests were freaking out and some rushing out of the place, Oliver trying to find out what happened, and Bella staring at her fiancé and mother.

 Two hour later, the Bujin's household got back to it quietness, the calm aura that usually surrounded it. In addition to that, Oliver wasn't satisfied with the results, his wife's necklace went missing, for it to later turn it that she forgot it in the balcony, when she took it off and left it on there, making everyone view her as a stupid idiot with no brain and whisper about her behavior, the lights tuned off with no explanation shown to this point, a weird smell broke in the room soon after that; to sum it up, the party was a failure, they made themselves a laughing stock, which will surely hunt their future.

 Whereas Oliver was stressing over the party and their reputation, Roselyn was seeing Corey off, with only one intention, asking him what he did with the man.

 "He is dead."

 "What? Why? We could have gotten some information out of him."

 "You won't get any information out of an assassin assigned by the king."

 "You know?"

 "I can guess, but how do you know?"

 "I saw the guard giving a signal to the assassin." Roselyn thought about her answer already and prepared it, knowing that Corey will get more suspicious if she doesn't answer.

 "I should get a new bodyguard. Thank you, Rose." Corey said, with a stiff face and a very monotone voice.

 "Prince Corey himself is thanking me? I am honored." Roselyn joked, to ease the tension and make Corey smile, but it didn't work.

 "See you Rose." Corey said, before closing the door and taking off.

 Roselyn went back inside, while thinking about Lyn and why she hasn't heard of her yet, and going through the garden, just to check if Jonathan was still there, like the last time, but what she saw was more than she thought, she will find.

 "Bella? What are you doing here? And Jonathan?"