The cause of everything

 Not knowing what to do, Roselyn stared at the both of them, intensely if I may add, until Bella broke the silence with three words.

 "Cheating is sinning." Bella said, confusing Jonathan and Roselyn, who didn't understand the meaning of her words, does she think they are in a relationship?

 "Are you tell this to me or….?" Roselyn added, making the scene more awkward that it already was, because in her head, Bella is in love with Jonathan, because that's what written in the story, it's said that once Bella saw Jonathan, she instantly fell in love with him, the same with Jonathan.

 "You figure it out." Bella said, then turned her heels back to the house, not giving them a second to react or answer her.

 Bella wasn't one to get angry or be mean, but thinking of the possibility that Roselyn might leave them because of a younger man, makes her blood boil; she finally got the mother and friend she always wanted, Roselyn have been so nice and kind lately and she won't let anyone take that away from her. Not even Corey, who has been taking her mother from her, multiple times, even the Jack guy has been monopolizing her, let alone the tasks she has as a duchess, all of these came together making it hard for her, to meet up with Roselyn and talk to her; and to put the icing on the cake, she has to go to school now, but she has a solution for that, thanks to Jack, when he talked to her, which he never does, in the garden.

 Bella didn't know why Jack came to talk to her, while she went out to take a breath, all she knows is that he was acting weirder than, trying to smile and act more 'human', but it didn't work, it only made him sound and look more weirder, but there is one thing that came good out of that, his suggestion to have Roselyn in the school with her, either as a teacher or a student; after hearing that, and thinking about it, she ran back to the party, to have the discussion, about the subject, with her father, but couldn't because the moment, she came in contact with her father, he told her to go dance with Corey and to talk later, then went back to talk to others.

 Now, she is standing in front of his office, determined, not willing to go back to her room, without having a talk with her.

 Back to Roselyn, saying goodbye to Jonathan, after promising to meet in the local market, nearby, the next week; to talk and get to know each other better, to be the best of friends, in her mind, and to make sure he doesn't fall harder for Bella.

 Once inside of her, Roselyn changed her clothes to comfortable ones, and laid on her bed, thinking about what Lyn said, when she suddenly a teenage girl wearing a blue dress appeared in front of her, right in front of her, causing her to release a scream, that got was confined by the girl, as soon as a noise was going to be made.

 "Shh, you are going to wake someone up." Lyn put her hand on Roselyn's mouth, being able to touch her, even though she is basically a ghost, floating around.

 "Lyn?? Are you trying to give me a heart attack or what? If so, you almost succeeded." Roselyn put her hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeats, that are louder than drums.

 "I didn't think you will be this scared, sorry."

 "Where were you? You have been gone for like hours."

 "I had gone to talk to them, about my body."

 "Is this going to be your permanent body?"

 "Yes, isn't beautiful? Almost as beautiful as my original body." Lyn said, twirling around Roselyn, cheerfully.


 "Meanie, not even going to agree?"

 "You look really pretty, now are you going to explain what you said earlier?" 

 "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I have to explain things to you, so it all started when…."

 The story goes as told, Lyn wrote the book because she was bored and had nothing else to do, she started it off simple, with one female lead and one male lead, that fought the world to be together, but one day, she let go of the story, she got busy in her own life, completely forgetting about the story, that was sitting in her computer; until one day, she opened the computer and found the documents, and got back to writing, not knowing the side effects of her story. 

 But on an unfortunate day, she accidently deleted it, she cried the whole night, feeling that her work of two years was flushed down the toilet, with no one knowing about it, except herself and a couple of her friends, but that was only the beginning of the end.

 A few months later, she died in an accident, going straight to them, to realize that the world she created was not only a reality, but also causing problems for the other worlds, the ones in charge tried to fix but couldn't, always ending up, stopping the time and repeat everything. With things repeating themselves, they realized that the most affective character, who makes the most noticeable difference is, Bujin Roselyn, the problem was that, no matter how close she gets to solving the problem, she dies. 

 As a final resolution, they decided to summon the author of the book, the cause of everything, to fix it once and for all.

 "But I couldn't do it and died, I was the one that got the farthest in the story."

 "So, it's like a game?"

 "Yes, but you are the last player, if you don't succeed, everything will be over."

 "What will?"

 "This world and some other will get destroyed and maybe even our world."

 "But why and how?"

 "I don't know how to answer that, I only know the cause of it, Corey, Jonathan and Jack."