Night Visit

According to Lyn, Corey has fifty to sixty percent to do with the destruction, Jonathan ten to twenty percent and Jack the same as Jonathan. And when asked about the rest of the percentage, Lyn told Roselyn, that's unknown and none of the previous souls knew why they died.

Then she questioned, the reasoning of those three, to why they caused destruction and misery to everyone around them, which Lyn responded to with. "Corey's hatred for his father will make him became evil and plan on destroying the kingdom, Jonathan will feel betrayed by Bella, when he realizes she is a duke's daughter and engaged, Jack's sister, Lola will die and he will try to get revenge and once the three of them meet, it's the end, the ultimate villains."

"And what does my character have to do with any of this? What does Roselyn do?" Roselyn questioned, not understanding why Roselyn was such an important character, to saving the world.

"Because she has some connection to our villains, she is the future mother in law for Corey and Jonathan, but for Jack..." Lyn couldn't really finish the sentence because she didn't know how to exactly explain to Roselyn.

 Ever since, she met up with them, there was no talking about Jack, he wasn't a part of the story, when she deleted the story, the characters developed on their own, but no new characters were introduced, except Jack; Lola already existed, she didn't have a role in the novel, other than die in the hand of the villains, to serve as a plot pusher, and to add to it, he only appeared in the time she became Roselyn, and now, when Alex is Roselyn; to make things worse, he is one of the main reasons, she died.

"What's wrong with him?" Roselyn asked, not knowing what was wrong, because for her, Jack is a really nice guy, that hasn't done anything outrageous.

"Well he appeared out of nowhere, one day, he was just there and he has the light magic, which supposedly doesn't exist in this world but he invented it I guess." Lyn said, it was absurd, how things turned out, they are all wary of him because he is unknown that just popped into existence out of nowhere, and to make matters worse, nobody knows anything about him, other than him having light magic and loving his sister.

"Well he is my bodyguard." Roselyn blurred out, shocking Lyn in the process.

"He is your what now? Why didn't I know about this before?" Lyn said, feeling betrayed that they didn't tell her about this.

"You never asked me about it." Roselyn answered shrugging, not knowing why this information was important or relevant to their talk, it's not like Jack will not take revenge, just because he is her bodyguard or servant.

"Is it the same Jack I am talking about." Lyn asked, to make sure that there is no mistaking this Jack with that Jack.

"Yes, his sister Lola works for us as well." Roselyn said, making Lyn's eyes shine and realize how suitable Alex is for this game, as they call it.

"You are really advanced; I think we will make it!!" Lyn said in complete happiness.

"Don't get too overexcited we don't know yet."

"Let me live, geez. Anyway, I got a planner on what to do, here." Lyn got a notebook out of thin air and gave it to Roselyn. The latter looked at it, putting down, she asked the question that has been bugging her for the last few weeks.

"Remind me again why I am doing this and haven't just left?"

"Because they won't be happy about it and that will make the both of us suffer for ages to come." Lyn said, meaning every word she said, her punishment will be worst then Alex, but they will both punished for failing. Roselyn stayed quiet and looked at the plan, Lyn made.

It read as follows:

Make Corey forget about his hatred for his father and make him feel loved

Keep Jonathan away from Bella and don't let them fall for each other deep

Protect Lola and keep an eye on Jack

Watch Bella closely

"Why is Bella in the plan?" Roselyn asked.

"Because she is the FML and she must be connected to one of these things." Lyn explained.

"What about the person that tried to kill us? Should we be worried of her?"

"Not really, she is just a minor villain, we will take care of her later."

"By the way, why didn't I suffer from anything when she poisoned me?"

"Your body is strong to any kind poison or diseases, you basically can't be killed by anything or anyone, except those three."

"Are we done?" Roselyn asked, after kept closing on their own, not being able to keep them open.

"Not really, but I will let you sleep since you look tired. Goodnight Alex." Lyn said, then disappeared like she appeared. Not telling her one of the most important details about Corey, that will probably cause him, to kill her when he finds out.

"It's nice having someone call you by your real name, I never thought I will miss hearing my name, but again I didn't think that saving multiple worlds will be on my back either." Roselyn said to herself, then put her head on the pillow, sleeping instantly, because of how exhausted she was by everything happening.

In the shadows, a person watched over her and wondered if she is the same as him, if she is trapped the same way he is.

He walked to her bed, sat on her bed, moving the hair away from her face, staring at her sleeping innocent face.

"I never realized my master is such a pretty lady." The person said, cracking a smile, that rarely came on his face; as he left the room, to go sit in the tree, that is beside her room, outside of her window.