Going to the academy

 Roselyn woke up the next morning, because of the maids filling her room, she looked around, half asleep, not knowing what is going on in her room, or why is it half empty.

 "Dona, what is happening here?" Roselyn asked, glancing at her now most trusted maid.

 "We are packing your bags, madam." Dona said, with a cheerful smile.

 "Am I getting kicked out the mansion?" Roselyn said, she still couldn't process what was happening exactly, coming up with that reason was the only thing, her brain can do at the moment.

 "No, of course not, you are joining the academy." Dona said, chuckling at her madam's silliness.

 "What academy exactly?" Roselyn asked, narrowing her eyes, wondering if it's what she thinks it is, because that will be.... shocking.

 "The one Miss Bella is going to attend." Dona responded, and even though Roselyn expected this answer, she still wasn't ready to have it confirmed, by someone.

 "What?? Who made that choice and why wasn't I told before?" Roselyn was fully awake now, and ready to throw some hands, because she doesn't like making choices for her, in her place.

 "We also just knew about this, three hours ago, when the duke informed all of us." Dona said, going back to her work; while the confused duchess asked Lyn, who was floating around her this whole time and playing around, about this matter.

 'Lyn, is this supposed to happen in the story?' She said in her head, so people won't think she is crazy.

 'No, Roselyn didn't attend any academy in the story and neither did the other souls when they became her.' Lyn didn't understand why Alex's experience is different from everyone else, even hers wasn't this diverse and she is the author.

 Roselyn got from her bed, with her messy hair, night dress and bare face, to go see Oliver and ask about this, because this will give her a big disadvantage, considering Corey doesn't attend the academy, neither did Jonathan, according to her knowledge, she could bring Jack with her, but the others are important to her as well, to her purpose.

 "Madam? Where are you going looking that? Madam!" Dona left everything in her hands, hurriedly followed Roselyn, as she walked outside of the room, with a robe in her hands, because the duchess's clothes were inappropriate, her whole look was, and shouldn't be seen by any outsider, or worker

 She walked through the hallways, attracting everyone's attention, because of her outfit and face, and the maid running behind her. 

 Once in front of Oliver's office, she knocked on the door and waited for him to let her in, while Dona caught up to her and made her wear the robe; just in time, for Oliver told them to come in.

 "What's the meaning of this?" Roselyn asked, as soon as she stepped inside, making Dona scared, for both of their lives, even though she is his wife, the duke is still a duke.

 "The meaning of what exactly?" Oliver asked, nonchalantly, still looking at the documents in his hands.

 "Going to the academy, why did you think I would want to go to an academy full of kids?" Roselyn said, forgetting that she is 21 herself.

 "Bella wants you to accompany her and I thought it will be a good way to improve your magic and academic skills." Oliver said, being the doting father he is, sometimes, he almost agreed to what Bella asked immediately, after she showed him, her tears.

 "But I don't want to go." Roselyn didn't want to risk the possibility of her, never meeting Corey or Jonathan again.

 "Is there a reason for that?" Oliver asked, glancing at Roselyn.

 "I…...I still have my duty as a duchess, I can't leave just like that." Roselyn said, with a big smile, thinking that, Oliver will agree to letting her stay when hearing that, but he was prepared.

 "I will assign someone to do your work and supervise them, anything else?" 

 "I...…I can't leave you alone." 

 "I will be fine; I have been alone for almost half my life." Oliver said, a small smile on his face.

 "But…..." Roselyn tried to come up with another excuse, but got interrupted, by Bella, who has been listening to the conversation behind the door, but decided to brag in, before her mother can think of another excuse.

 "Mother, we are friends, right? You said you will always stay with me, are you going to break your promise?" Bella looked at Roselyn, with puppy eyes, a pout and teary eyes.

 "It's not like that…..."

 In the end, Roselyn gave up and agreed to go with Bella, while in her head, she is thinking of a way, to keep in contact with Corey and Jonathan, when she heard Oliver tell her, she is going to get registered in the academy, as his adopted daughter and that will have to change her name, along with her looks and real age, and when she asked her why.

 "A duchess won't be attending an academy, it's so you can blend in with the others." Oliver said, telling a white lie, the real reason why he is doing this, is because Roselyn is widely hated and talked about, especially with the youngsters, so she will be probably bullied. He doesn't really want to send her there, but she doesn't have any friends, acquaintances or a life for that matter, and she needs them, for when they divorce and go their separate ways, and maybe she will be able to find a husband as well.

 While Oliver was thinking about that, Lyn was telling Roselyn to ask him, to her stay here for at least a week, so she can meet up with Jonathan, at least once before leaving.

 The only positive outcome, that came from seeing her husband and daughter, was that she convinced them to let her stay here, while Bella goes first.

 'We are going to fail.' Roselyn thought, going back to her room.

 'Don't be so pessimistic, we have a week before you go, we can try to do something.' Lyn said, while trying to think of something, so they can meet the two villains.