Being controlled

 Walking through the hallways, her mind full of thoughts, of how to solve the issue, if she only was a bit stronger, and could resist puppy eyes, but unfortunately, she is doesn't have that kind of strong-will. 

 Corey was also walking through the same hallway, Roselyn was walking through, looking for her, when he saw her, he stood in his place and waited for her to notice him, but her eyes were on the floor, like it's her first love. The moment she reached him, she saw his feet, but it was too late, she couldn't stop herself from bumping into him; as she touched his buff chest, her body unconsciously fell backwards, because of how distracted she was and not having a good balance.

 Lucky for her, Corey had a quick reaction and caught her right in time, before she hit the floor; she was about to thank him when he said: "Why do you look like a hooker?"

 "And why are you always so rude?" Roselyn asked, her veins almost popping because of her anger.

 "It's how I am." Corey responded with a straight face.

 "Then you need to change, my dude. That's so not charming, for a prince, or even a regular guy." Roselyn said, still in Corey's arms, as they were staring at each other, not realizing how weird it is.

 "Why would I change? I don't interact with people anyway." Corey never felt the need to change, he doesn't talk with others, his personality isn't that great, because otherwise why would everyone ran away when they see him, but he got no one around him, to make him care enough to try and change for the better.

 "Change for me, I don't want to be associated with a mean guy." Roselyn said with a big smile, as the forgotten Dona was watching from a distance, still in shock of how they are right now.

 "How can you say such things so easily? And why do I feel like I heard that line before?" Corey said, trying to remember where he heard or read that line before.

 "It's from the book we talked about last week, the female lead says it to the second male lead, to stop him from being a horrible person. And can you let me go? We have been in this position for the past ten minutes." Roselyn said, after hearing Lyn tell her, people are coming and it will quite bad if they stayed that way.

 "Of course." Corey responded, pulling Roselyn back on her legs and letting go of her waist.

 "Do you have a fetish for holding people for way too long?" Roselyn said, talking like she didn't let that happen for ten minutes with no complains, she didn't give much care to it, it's the first time being in someone's arms, Jack even carried her, it may be a little, no too inappropriate to be in a man's hands, be it her world or this world, but for her, it's fine, because there are no romantic feelings between them.

 "The only people I ever held are you and my mother, so the answer is no." Corey said in a monotone voice.

 "Oh." That's the only thing she could utter.

 "I need you to do something for me." Corey suddenly said, after a couple minutes of silence.

 "What is it?" Roselyn said, ready to change the subject, to not talk about Corey's late mother.

 "I want you to talk to the duke about giving you something, to give it to me." 

 "What thing?"

 "His late wife's tears."

 "Why would he have that? And why would you need that?"

 "My father wants it." Corey remembers the day the king told him about the matter, making it clear as day, that it's the only time he was ever useful for him, the king.

 "But you are not entitled to do as he says, and if it's something Oliver has been keeping for this long, I don't think he will give it to anyone, it's probably one of the last things he has from his late wife."

 "I know, I know all of that, I just don't want to go the academy, he is threating to send me to it if I don't do as he says." Corey realized that this threat, was the lightest out of them and he wants to keep that way, he doesn't him to anger his father, and get the punishment more severe; he may not know this, but if he wants to, he can kill the king with his own hands, the only problem was, that he strongly believes he can't, the trauma he went through as a child is haunting him, and making his father seem like a monster; the only thing he ever dreams of, is escaping his father, but with his self-esteem, he won't be able to that.

 When she heard him, Roselyn eyes shined. "Why don't you want to go? Bella and I.... I mean only Bella will be there, you two can understand each other better if you met up every day." Roselyn got interrupted by Lyn telling her, the backstory if Corey does what his father tells him. He will try to steal it, gets caught, ends up in jail and when he is out, his heart will be as black as a phone's screen, with no coming back to the right side. 

 "And don't let him control you, if you keep doing what he tells you to, one day he will become greedy and will ask you to do something extreme and you will not have no other choice that to do as he pleases, it's not always ideal to try and please someone." Roselyn said, trying her hardest, to convince Corey with her words, that it's not always okay to follow orders.

Corey didn't answer her, simply walked away from her, with no expression on his face, as she stood there, wondering if he was okay and if she accidently rubbed salt in the wound, but it's best if he knows, before doing something to a father, that doesn't even care about him or his life.