Doting Brother

 'Do you think I was too harsh on him?' Roselyn asked Lyn, feeling that it wasn't her place to tell those things to Corey, he already had it bad enough, growing up with an abusive father and in an abusive home.

'No, you did a good job, it's best to let him know, so he doesn't commit the first step to his downfall.' For Lyn, it was never possible to talk to Corey, because he was too intimidating for her, she only kept her eyes on him from a distance, and never really approached him.

 Roselyn walked inside of her room, Dona still behind her, as she was following this whole time, and while the madam plopped on the bed, looking at the ceiling, the maid stood by the side and waited for any order.

 "Dona, what do you think will happen when I go there?" Roselyn asked, still looking up, she hasn't been to any kind of school for ages and can't really deal with a large group of people, let alone make friends in an academy with hundreds of people, adding to it the fact, that they are all probably spoiled brats.

 "I don't know what will happen, but I know that you should have fun and enjoy your time there, because it's an experience that won't be repeated." Dona expressed her opinion, with a small smile, feeling that her madam is unexpectedly more human than she thought, she gets scared too.

 "You are right!" Roselyn said, getting up with enthusiasm, realizing that, she can relax in the academy and doesn't have to worry about anything, only plan things, because Corey won't be possessed by his grandfather, until 3 years from now, and if she is lucky, he will be in the academy, Bella will also be in the academy so she won't meet Jonathan, the two of them can also bond and even fall in love, becoming a real fiancés that can die for each other, plus she has Jack with her. Speaking of Jack, where is he?

 'He is with his sister, telling her his plan worked."

 'What plan?'

 'Having you go to the academy, apparently he planned everything.'

 'That fu...damn it! How do you know these things by the way?'

 'I can know the past and the present, it's an ability I was given.'

 'Wow, lucky you. Anyway, I have to talk to him.'

 'Yeah, if he is already plotting against you, it will be harder to control him later. Maybe it's for a serious reason, to harm you.'

 'I don't think so, I think it will either be related to Lola or a stupid reason. And I want to control him, I want to trust him enough to know he won't do anything to harm anyone, but that's a long way to go.'

 "Dona, please go call Lola for me." Roselyn said, getting up from her bed.

 "Yes, madam." Dona left the room, leaving Roselyn to fix herself and not look like a hooker, as Corey said; he isn't wrong, she does look like what Roselyn looked like in the past, when working as a prostitute and with her so called ex-husband.

 Lola walked in the room, as Roselyn told Dona to stay outside. She told Lola to get closer to her, she crunched down in front of her, sitting on her knees, then asked her if she thinks her brother is a good person, Lola approved this statement, the next question was, if she trusts her brother, the little girl said yes, thirdly she asked her, if he will ever do anything behind anyone's back, making her shake her head viscously. Roselyn then called Dona back in, telling her to give Lola a treat, for being honest, emphasizing on the word honest.

 "Jack, will you please come out?" Roselyn said, as soon as Dona and Lola left.

 "Yes, Mrs. Rose." Jack responded, coming in from the window.

 "Do you know why asked Lola those three questions?"


 "It's because I want to know if she can think of you that way, will I be able to as well."

 "What do you mean?"

 "You know what I mean, don't act stupid, because we both know you are not."

 "I am sorry."

 "Why did you tell Bella to ask Oliver, to have me go to the academy, and I want honesty. Be the brother, she thinks you are." Roselyn said, using Jack's weak point, his sister, what is called emotional manipulation.

 "I didn't want to be separated from Lola but I didn't want to leave you either." Jack said with a straight face, staring at Roselyn.

 "Just how much of a doting brother you are?" Roselyn facepalmed, expecting this kind of answer, while trying to hide her face blushing, and how her heart almost started beating loudly when he said he didn't want to leave her, I mean when a handsome tells you, he doesn't want to leave you, what do you do expect have a small heart attack. 

 "I am sorry for betraying your trust, if you want to punish me, I will take it with no complains." Jack said, kneeling on one knee, in front of Roselyn.

 "I am not planning on punishing you, just don't do things that concern me without my knowledge. I want to trust you Jack, I don't want you doing things behind my back, it was only joining an academy this time, but who knows what will it be next." Roselyn said, with a loud sigh, pretending to be disappointed and sad.

 "I am sorry." Jack said, having a slight feeling of shame, he never felt before. 

 "Anyway, you should go get ready to leave with Lola, she and Bella are leaving in about two hours."

 "And you madam?" Jack said, the madam slipping accidently.

 "It's Rose and I am staying for an extra week to do some things." Roselyn said, herself not knowing what to do in that week, other than meet Jonathan.

 "Okay." Jack said, then immediately left to pack his things, not caring about the fact that Roselyn won't be coming, the person he vowed to protect, because his sister is far more important to him, she is his savior after all.