
 The week went as Roselyn expected, she spent most of it, managing the house, so that she can leave with no worries, took some of her favorite books with her; and thought of a way to change her entire look, to seem a bit younger and make people think she is not the Roselyn, but just Rose, an adopted daughter. 

 She ended up, dying her hair red, like fire, instead of the mix of red and bronze hair, ditching all the makeup products she usually uses, that are the original Roselyn's property, and went with much lighter look, rosy cheeks and pink lips, and nothing else. She did look pretty different, but not that much different, lucky for her, she never really went out of the house, she doesn't meet many people either, let alone the youngsters, they won't know who she is; hopefully the teachers won't either. 

 The academy gives a uniform, so she doesn't have to worry styling herself, the only thing that was left, is what the heck does she studies in the academy? She knows it's for magic, but how will that work? That's the most thing she is worried about, since her magic is not that powerful and isn't stable most of the time, she can only do one move then she will feel like collapsing, because of how tired she gets, her only powerful moves are, making someone go blind for a couple of minutes and spread darkness everywhere, which is not that much. She already tried training, but she doesn't have any guidance so that didn't really work out for her, it worked for Bella, because she is the FML and everything is supposed to work just fine for her, but for a side villainess like herself, that's not the case.

 But enough about her, let's about her date with Jonathan, sorry it's not a date, it's a friends meet up, that's why, Roselyn put on a beautiful white dress, that's goes right below her knee, put on a hat and left the mansion, after telling Oliver she is meeting up with a friend and that she will be back in a few hours, to go to the academy in the carriage, Oliver agreed and told her to have fun, not questioning her about anything else. 

 She cheerfully walked to the market, while talking with Lyn inside of her head, about general information she should know about the market, before going to it; by the time, she reached, she knew it by heart, all the shops, the merchants and the trading. She couldn't see Jonathan anywhere, so she bought a snack and stood by a tree, waiting for him to show up; and like magic, he showed only a few minutes later, with a dazzling outfit, dark blue pants and a white shirt, the simpleness and bright colors made him look perfect and feel out of place, along with Roselyn, that are unlike others, who are wearing dark colors.

 "Sorry for being late." Jonathan said, catching his breath.

 "It's okay, I just got here and we didn't specify the time either, I only said an hour before midday so I am at fault too." Roselyn smiled as she stood straight in front him, not leaning on the tree.

 "No, not all, you were clear with the time, I am the one who couldn't commit so it's my fault." Jonathan said, not letting go of the matter, how could he call himself a man, if he let a lady blame herself for a mistake he made?

 "Why don't we say it's no one's fault because I don't want this to go on for too long." Roselyn said, not wanting to go back and forth in the matter.

 "Alright. Did you change your hair color?" Jonathan questioned, noticing the slight difference in the color, at the end of Roselyn's hair.

 "Yes, does it look okay?" Roselyn asked, taking off her hat, showing Jonathan her hair.

 "It looks really pretty, but how did you do it?" Jonathan didn't know that changing hair colors was possible, so he thought that maybe it's a noble people thing.

 "I read a way to do it in a book and I tried it and it worked." Roselyn told him, the same excuse she told Oliver and anyone who asked her, because the real one is that Lyn was the one who did it, using a trick that was taught to her by one of them, when she was with them and waiting for a soul, for Alex.

 "That's impressive. But should we go?" Jonathan did not want to waste time, standing around, he wanted to show Roselyn the beauty of a market.

 "Yes, of course." Roselyn said, as they started walking toward the market.

 Once there, Roselyn could see all things Lyn described, with her own eyes, and it was fascinating, to the say the least, because it was so much, the collocation of things was eye opening, it ranges from different kind of foods, to clothes, to accessory, to jewelry, even to gorgeous things that Lyn told her about, but can't remember the names of, because of how blank her mind got when seeing everything, exactly like a kid in a candy aisle.

 "What do you want to see first?" Jonathan asked, chuckling at how amazed Roselyn looked by everything around her.

 "That! Let's go." Roselyn said, excitement visual on her face, that never looked more innocent, as she held the exhilarated Jonathan's hand, as she walked through the small crows, trying to get to the place, she liked.

Jonathan followed her, letting her do what she wants, because seeing her enthusiasm, made him feel good inside, good about himself; as she showed him, the pieces she liked, with a big smile, he only stared at her and nodded at everything she said, his eyes only filled with her.

 'Jonathan is looking at you weirdly.' Lyn said, noticing how his eyes haven't left Roselyn's face, for the past fifteen that she has been talking.

 'Huh?' Roselyn thought as she looked up, removing her eyes from the rock in her hand, to look at Jonathan, who is staring at her, with a small smile. "Is something wrong?"

 "No." Jonathan answered, with his usual innocent smile.

 "Then why are you looking at me like that?"

 "You are looking at the things you like, and I am merely doing the same."