Trying Not To Fall In love

 Given the fact, that Jonathan is the ML and him being very charismatic, with his words and his way of expressing himself, didn't help, how serious his eyes look, the way he is looking at her, Roselyn couldn't stop the arow from piercing through her heart, with a slight blush. But luckily, it didn't go that deep, and it only gave her the same feeling she has, while reading a book, when the ML is flirtatious with the FML, with her fangirling over it. It didn't give her a romantic feeling, but an aww feeling, imagining how his relationship will be with Bella, with him being so.... lovely!

 But soon after, he realized what he said, he became nervous, getting the clue, that he sounded creepy by how quiet was being. So, he tried to explain himself: "I mean, I just like looking at the things behind you, like this, it was so close to your face so you thought I was looking at you, hahaha."

 "Okay." Roselyn said, not really believing him, but she didn't want to embarrass him, and he maybe was only because she is either too beautiful or too ugly, that he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, or maybe there is something on her face, because Corey does the same thing, he stares, really deeply in fact, to the point when it sometimes a bit scary, like he is trying to look at her soul.

 "Look at how beautiful this is. Wow." Jonathan said, averting his eyes from Roselyn, to look at the fabric behind her.

 'He is definitely lying and he is not that good at it.' Lyn commented, floating around Jonathan, noticing the deep blush on his face, that he is trying to hide, by looking down.

 'I mean, maybe he just was staring into space because he is bored and I was talking for way too long?' Roselyn thought, glancing at Jonathan, who's talking to the shop owner.

 'That could be true, but worst-case scenario, he likes you.' Lyn said, making Roselyn freeze for a second.

 'I hope that's false; I don't want that to happen.' Roselyn thought, considering that if Jonathan does like her, which is kind of possible, it's only their third meeting though, she will have to avoid him at all cost, she doesn't want to steal her daughter's lover from her; even if that's exactly what she wants to do, separate them, but not this way.

 "Here." Jonathan handed Roselyn, a bright blue headband. "I think it will suit you."

 "Thank you." Roselyn said, with a shy smile, finding his gesture really sweet, it has been awhile since she received a gift, so she took the headband and immediately put it on her hair. "How does it look?"

 "Perfect." Jonathan replied, smiling lightly.

 Their date went on, with them stopping at some shops and looking at the products, while talking and enjoying their time together; once they got hungry, they stopped at a restaurant and ordered their desired food, as people stared at them, thinking of how good of a couple they are, while Lyn told her the things that are people murmuring about, she could only hide her face in her hands, or put it on the table, embarrassed by some of the words, those people said to each other. 

 When Jonathan asked her what was wrong, she could only come up with an excuse, telling him she is a bit tired and sleepy. Hearing her words, he told her to lean on his shoulder and sleep, better than the wooden table, she refused at first, but seeing his clear dejection, she accepted and put her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and screaming, inside her head, for Lyn to stop talking.

 'You are so not fun.' Lyn said, rolling her eyes.

 'Well excuse me for not wanting to hear people talk about me and my performance in the bedroom, I don't want that information.' Roselyn thought, still regretting that she let Lyn tell her half of the things she did.

 The waiter was running late with their food, because of how many customers they have, and before she realized it, Roselyn fell asleep, putting all of her weight on Jonathan, that she was about to fall on him, so he had to hold her from the waist, to stop her from falling on his lap, and support her back, since there was nothing behind them. He didn't know what to do, their food is not here yet, his dat…. friend is asleep, so he figured why not take out the sketchbook, he always has in the bag he has, and draw something, it will be hard to draw with only one hand available, but he can do it.

 By the time, the food showed up, Jonathan was almost done with his sketch, but he decided to leave it for later, he has the picture in his head, so he can finish it in his home. He hid the sketchbook and shook Roselyn, to wake her up, and sure enough, she woke up as soon as he called her name, surprised if I may add, she looked around her confused, when she realized what happened, she started apologizing to him, and wiping her saliva from his shirt. He only chuckled and told her that it's fine, even though his hand was numb, making painful for him to move it, but he hide it behind him and told her to start eating, before the food gets cold, so she did.

 The only problem that, he couldn't eat, he was holding her with his right hand and drawing with his left, but it's not appropriate to eat with the left, especially in a public place.

 After she took her first bite, she found it delicious, so she turned to see what Jonathan thinks of the food, but got surprised by the fact, that he didn't even touch his plate. "Why aren't you eating?" Roselyn asked.

 "I am not hungry." Jonathan said, with a fake smile, but his stomach betrayed him.

 "But your stomach just rumbled and it was also rumbling like an hour ago." Roselyn said, not believing Jonathan, and just then, Lyn told her why, making feel horrible about herself and her behavior; so, she offered to help him, no she told him she will, with no room for him to refuse.