Killer Friend

Several weeks passed, since Roselyn joined the academy, her routine being almost the same for every single day; have breakfast with the girls, sometimes Jack joins them, go to her classes, lunch break, evening classes, going to the library, practice her magic, then go to sleep, the only different days she have, is when Jonathan sends a letter back, which happens at least twice a week.

 The letters consist of them talking about their day, the events that happen in their lives and anything that concerns them, those days are one of the most joyful days for Roselyn, she loves writing to Jonathan and reading his letters; he is a big source of joy for her.

 Today was no different, she was informed that she got something, when she went to see what it was, she expected it be another letter from Jonathan, it was, but there was also one from Oliver; she sends letters to Oliver, but it's only once a month, he usually answers her a week later, it's only been a day since she sent hers, so what's this?

 Roselyn went back to her, opened Oliver's letter first and read it; realizing that Bella was the cause of this, she told him, Roselyn was having a hard time studying and keeping up with the others, so she begged her father to do something to help, and that's what he did.

 'Lyn, aren't you supposed to tell me things like this?' Roselyn said, trying to contain her anger and not explode at Lyn.

 'I didn't think it was that important.' Lyn said, shrugging. Lyn checks the events of everyday, at night, to make sure nothing wrong happens without her knowing or being at guard, but she didn't think that much of this one, since Corey and Roselyn are friends.

 'Oliver convincing Corey to tutor me and join the academy is not that important? What's kind of logic is that?' Roselyn once again, realized how unreliable Lyn really is.

 'Where is the fun if I tell you everything that is happening.' Lyn said mischievously.

 'I hate you.' Roselyn glared at Lyn.

 'The feeling is mutual, hun.' Lyn said, winking at Roselyn.

 'What do I do now?' Roselyn asked herself and Lyn, scratching her head.

 'I don't understand why are freaking out right now, it's not like he is going to kill you, oh wait…' Lyn stopped before finishing, remembering the timeline of the fifth chapter of her book.

 'What?' Roselyn got even more scared now, is she going to die today? 

 'I forgot to tell you; this is around the time the original Corey killed Roselyn.' Lyn said, putting her head on her mouth, a 'I am kind of sorry' expression on her face.

 'You are telling me this now!?' Roselyn was freaking out, Oliver was sending her, her killer.

 After a while, Roselyn calmed down and started thinking of a way to avoid, what might happen to; she asked Lyn why would Roselyn get killed? Her answer was simple, Roselyn's mother was the cause of Corey's mother's death, and Corey bad obsession is getting revenge and since Roselyn's mother is nowhere to be found, she is most probably dead, Corey decided to kill Roselyn instead to ease the fire of revenge inside of his heart. Then she asked Lyn, where Corey was, it proved of how bad Roselyn's luck was, he is half an hour away from the academy, angry and ready to murder her.

 Roselyn was holding on to the hope, that they were friends and he won't do anything to her, but his hunger for revenge was way stronger than the short relationship they built, to prove how bad her luck is, guess who is doing a remake test right now? Jack, that's right, the only one that can protect her, is not around, she is all alone to face Corey. 

 She always thought that Corey will be the last to try and kill her, considering of good of a friend, she thought she was to him, but it was wrong of her to think that way, because apparently, once a villain, always a villain, even though, she still doesn't want to believe that.

This happened out of nowhere, because of someone not telling her anything, she has nothing under her sleeves, and twenty-five minutes already passed, with her roaming around her room, trying to find something to defend herself, against the ultimate villain, of the whole story. She had her magic, but how can she fight someone with more elements than her, and way more skillful than she could ever be? It was near damn impossible, she could blink in his presence, and she is dead; before she realized it, the last thirty minutes of her life were over.

 There was a knock on her door, she hesitated, she didn't want to open, but as it got more aggressive, she couldn't ignore, she slowly walked to the door and opened it, to find an unknow person at her door, who asked her if she knows someone called Corey, she so badly wanted to say no, but him standing right behind the man, and staring at her with deadly eyes, she could not do anything but nod and let Corey inside her room.

 The moment she closed the door, and turned around, he got a hold of her neck and lifted her up against the door, with burning red eyes, as she struggled in his hands and desperately tried to escape, but to vail, he was way stronger than she is, leaving her no chance, to survive.

 "Thank you for letting me in, I didn't want to kill an innocent man, because of you, but now time for punishment." Corey said, tightening his grip around her neck, making it hard for her to get any oxygen inside her lungs.

 'Am I going to die?' Roselyn thought to herself, as she was slowly losing conscious, then she couldn't fight anymore, her body stopped moving and she closed her eyes, ready to die in Corey's hands.