Running Away Is Also Being Brave

 A loud growl was heard, deep down in the forest, scaring Roselyn and making her stop in her tracks, to take a deep breath and curse at this world and her luck. 

 After some time, following Lyn, a small cub hiding in tree's gap came in view, while a bear was trying to get him; the bear was huge, really tall and robust, will she be able to save the cub and survive? Maybe she will, maybe she won't, but what's important now, is her small friend's safety.

 Roselyn stepped in the scene, waving and shouting at the bear, trying to distract him from the tree, to get his attention on her rather the cub, it worked, more than she wanted, because one minute later, the bear was coming in her, in a speed she didn't expect, she looked around for a way to escape and there it was, a tall tree that can keep her safe. She climbed it, while the bear slowly tried to climb as well, giving her mere minutes to find a solution.