The Story

 After bandaging her hand and leg, with the bandages she bought for emergency reasons, she drank two healing pills and waited for the pain to go away, so she can move on. 

 While waiting for the pill to take effect, Roselyn laid down on the grass, leaning against a tree, as Koi was sitting down and taking a nap and Leo was playing with an extra roll of bandage, she had on her.

 She didn't want to waste her time laying down, she needs to stay awake, because even if their location is far away from where the bear is, he could still come and attack again; she has Lyn but that won't be enough, so to keep her eyes open, she told Lyn to give her the notes, she was talking about earlier.

 Those notes contained more information that she could imagine, starting from the beginning to the ending, Lyn wrote herself and even if the events keep changing, those information are still valid in a way or another.