Going to get him

 After getting out of Corey's body, the late king, Charles had to go somewhere else, since he can't enter the castle and he prefers to be in the place he felt alive in, the place he died inside of, by his own son. Charles entered the cave, he died inside of, floating around his own body, that's only bones now, thinking of how to enter Corey's body again, to take over the kingdom. Corey is the weakest, out of all the princes, mentally, he is easily manipulated, but the curse, Corey casted on himself, will cause problems in the future. 


 Far away in the distance, Lyn watched Charles move around the cave, with a complicated expression on his face; he was planning something, she has to go warn Roselyn and to make sure Corey stays in the castle, because that's the only way they can save him, from getting possessed by an ambitious soul.