Almost getting killed

 Getting out of the room and chasing after Jonathan, made Jack rethink his decision, they might get killed, but oh well, he can't go back now, he has a face to keep in front of his sister and that pervert, who might his future brother in law. Once he got to him, Jonathan told him to go back, that he doesn't need him but Jack disagreed, stating that he is much needed and that he won't go even if he chases him with a machete. 

 "I never asked you but what is your relationship with Roselyn?" Jonathan asked, looking at the ceiling with a confused face, as he stopped in his tracks and looked at Jack briefly then continued walking. 

 "I am her bodyguard." Jack replied, as Jonathan nodded and their conversation stopped. Soon after they heard some noises, from the end of the hallway and quickly, hid behind a wall and stayed quiet, to not get caught.