The Picnic

Miracle's POV

When I wake up, I was looking for Jace, I don't know what kind of love potion he is using, that no matter how hard I tried to be away from him, I always wanted to be near him. It was so unusual for me to go back into our estate in the middle of the night.

I love staying at the training camp for how many days. I wanted to deny that Jace was the reason why I suddenly instructed Mr. Roger to instruct everyone that we will go back to our mansion in the middle of the night.

I stand up and I realized I am wearing my favorite nightie, Jace could have seen my body, but I am fully covered with my blanket and comforter when I wake up, I felt embarrassed when I realized I hugged him very tightly last night.

Well, I can't hide the fact that I want Jace to see me as a woman, not his boss. I am wondering if he has a girlfriend at home waiting for his return. The idea of Jace having a girlfriend made me feel sad, I don't want to have a boyfriend for a long time, but why after meeting Jace King I suddenly wanted him to be my boyfriend.

I take a shower fast, I don't know what to do on my two remaining days of my vacation, I am not excited to work on my father's firm, I wanted to have my own business, but what can I do, being his only daughter left me no choice but to run his businesses in the future.

I love my dad, and I am so grateful for everything he had done for me, though he doesn't have time for me, I don't hate him, I know how he loved me and my mom, and I am so thankful that he never get married again.

So far, I never heard of my Dad having a relationship, I want him to be happy too, but I don't want my father to be used, my Dad is hot and handsome, and he still looks so young at the age of forty-eight. I felt sorry for my Dad because of me, my mom died. He always reminds me that it is not my fault, yet I still feel responsible for her early demise.

I am sitting in front of my vanity table when I noticed the contract I had given to Jace. I am shocked that he already signed the contract, but he added some additional stipulations in the contract. He will teach me everything for free, just thinking about Jace's lips make me feel warm. It was just my crazy idea at first, but now that he already signed the contract I don't have plans to back down anymore.

Wow! It seems I can't avoid telling him my reasons, if that is the only way, he will agree to be my tutor, then I won't hesitate to tell him everything. Jace King is the only person that I felt so close after the death of my personal bodyguard, Johnny. I wanted to talk to him right away, that is why I ask Jimmy to summon Jace.

"I am sorry Ms. White, but Mr. King had left an hour ago." Jimmy said, he looks worried.

"It is alright Jimmy, can you please tell him to see me when he arrives." I said, then I dismissed him immediately. I spend the rest of my afternoon reading, but I finally get bored. There are times I wanted to be free, and that is why there are times I run away. I don't want Jace to lose his job, every time I run off, my bodyguards will get fired, that is why this is the only time I hadn't done such a thing because of Jace. I don't want his batch to be dismissed from their duty.

"Are you looking for me, Ms. White?" I am currently in our library when Jace approached me, I slowly turn around, then I see his captivating eyes looking at me earnestly. I suddenly feel conscious, I don't understand why Jace has this kind of effect on me, I feel my face blushed, the way he stared at me penetrates my soul.

"Yes! I wanted to discuss the contract." I said, I am not ashamed anymore, I can't deny it, I am falling for Jace King, at first I just want to seduce him and make him fall in love with me, but it seems the opposite, I can't tell him how I really feel and besides, I am too proud to confess my real feelings for him, I rather experience pain than to let him know the truth, and I hate rejection, if this is the only way to get close to him, I will use this strategy.

I don't like the idea of thinking back to the days when I was young, wild, and spoiled. I know I had my fair share about what happened to Johnny, in fact, I paid a very high price, years of loneliness, and nights full of nightmares.

"So are you ready to tell me now?" He asked me.

"Please take a seat first Jace." I said, then he moved swiftly and seated on the opposite chair, we are facing each other.

"I want you to teach me because, I am not like other girls, I mean I am afraid to date again." I said.

"So, it means you have a boyfriend before?" I can see the sudden change of expressions on his handsome face.

"Yes! But it was a secret, my Dad doesn't want me to have a boyfriend that time, I was only fifteen."

"Why do you need a tutor then?" He asked me again, I can see the curiosity in his eyes.

"Do you think I am normal, I only had one boyfriend, and it has been five years ago, I was very young and naive, now I don't know how to react around boys anymore, I am afraid to date again, I don't know how to tell you this, but you are the first member of the opposite sex that I am comfortable with, then I can feel your batch is different from the previously hired bodyguards, I like Charles too." I said I am trying to hide the blushed on my face. I find his forehead wrinkles the moment I mentioned the name of Charles.

"Well, on my own observations Ms. White, the last time you had a date at the billionaire's club, you were able to handle it professionally." He said he did not take his eyes from me.

"You mean the embarrassing encounter with the son of one of my father's business partners? I don't think so Jace if it wasn't for you, I don't know what will happen to me at that time." I said, remembering the incident where Jace kissed me.

"What you want to learn then?" He asked seriously.

"I have written it on the contract Jace, I don't think I need to elaborate it with you." I said, suddenly shy.

"If you want me to be your tutor, you need to be honest with me." He said.

"Well, I want to be ready to date, just tell me what to do Jace, tell me everything you know, and of course I want you to teach me how to kiss Jace."

"Ms. White, I think there is no need for you to learn the art of kissing since you did very well the last time we kissed." Jace said, I unintentionally bit my lower lip, I felt butterflies in my stomach, Jace King is making me nervous and excited at the same time.

He suddenly stands up and moved to my side, then he takes my hands and pulled me up, I looked up at his handsome face, I can't help myself, I can't stop staring at his enticing lips, we are now standing so close with each other, I want him to capture my lips, but he only touches my waiting lips with his fingers, he is giving me the different sensation, I am totally lost for words.

"Tell me, Ms. White, do you want to start our tutorial right now?" He asked me without breaking our gaze, I just nodded since I don't know if I can talk, I can almost hear his heartbeat. He smells so good, he just arrived, I don't know where did he go, but his masculine scent is driving me crazy, I haven't felt this kind of pull to anyone.

"Very well then, okay, our tutorial will start today." He said, then he combs my hair with his fingers, I find it so sweet, then he goes back to his seat, I feel so frustrated and I can't hide my irritation.

"I thought we would start our tutorial, Jace." I asked irritably.

"Yes! I am your tutor, so you have to follow my instructions, and you have to answer all my questions if you want us to have a good tutor and student relationship." Jace said.

I pout my lips, I hate myself, I thought our first lesson is a kissing scene, but I find it so frustrating that Jace is taking this tutorial seriously. He looks at me tenderly.

"Ms. White, I don't know what happened to you with your past relationship, but can you share it with me? Judging by your expressions, it seems you had trauma at a very young age." Jace noticed everything, he is extraordinary. I never thought that I am going to share with him what I have been through, but I think it is time for me to tell someone about what really happened to me. Even my father doesn't know about it, I felt so ashamed.

I don't have a best friend anymore, because she was the one who almost got me killed. Jace just watches me, he didn't talk anymore, he is giving me enough time to tell him everything, he is patiently waiting for me to share everything with him.

"Can we go to the grove Jace, I will tell you everything?" I asked him, then he nodded and got up immediately.

I called Jimmy and asked him to instruct the kitchen staff to prepare something since I wanted to have a picnic in the grove. My father knows that I love nature like my mother, that is why within our property, we have a mini forest, beautiful landscaped, and a breathtaking garden. We also have a property in Montana, we have a beautiful ranch house over there.

"I am sorry Jace, I know it is your day off today, but I still ask for you to meet me." I said I feel guilty because I know he has a little sleep.

"It is okay Ms. White, I am used to having a small amount of sleep, I am good." He said he smiled at me genuinely.

I told Jimmy that I will be spending my afternoon with Jace at the grove. I drive the wild truck while Jace is sitting comfortably in the front seat, I am enjoying the feeling of being free, I know Jace is also one of the bodyguards, but when I am with him, I feel different. I don't feel suffocated at all. This is the first time I felt so alive, after five years. I didn't expect Jace King would be the reason for my happiness.

I can smell the fragrance of the mini forest, I can feel the freshness of the whole surroundings, I look for my favorite picnic spot, I used to come here with my Dad, we seldom see each other, but every time he has free time, especially during the holidays, he always brings me to this site, it is our secret place. Though I don't have the chance to meet my mom, I always miss her, I always watch her video, when she learned that she was pregnant with me, my father documented it.

The moment I saw the meadow, I park the pick-up, Jace gets everything from the truck. Then he opened the picnic blanket and put it on the grass, he arranged the food keeper and the utensils from the picnic basket, I felt thirsty the moment I saw the cold bottle of wine. He squatted in front of me, then he handed me the pillows.

"Are you hungry Jace?" I asked him after we settle on the picnic ground.

"I am good Ms. White, I just want to hear your story now." Jace is looking at me intently.

"Before I will tell you everything, I hope you won't judge me, Jace." I said looking at his mesmerizing eyes.

"I promise you, Ms. White, I won't judge you."

I started telling Jace the whole truth behind my nightmares.