My Cousin

Miracle's POV

I was twelve years old when my father informed me that my first cousin Amanda from my mother's side will be staying with us. I was so happy, that I will have a friend that I can confide and share my secrets with.

I know that my mother's family is not well off, their lifestyle is very different compared with my father's family. My Dad was born wealthy because he is an only son and my grandparents are filthy rich. I haven't had a chance to meet with my relatives on my mother's side, except for my grandparents, I love them both, and they adore me, but Dad has constant communication with them.

My mom meets my Dad, when she was studying in college, my mother was granted a full scholarship for she was very intelligent, Dad fell in love with her at first sight. Though my grandparents were against their relationship, they had been separated for how many times, but in the end, when my father took over the company business, he looked for my mom and married her without his parent's consent, at the end my grandparents accepted my mom wholeheartedly because they knew that my father loved her so much.

"Hi! You must be Miracle, I am glad that your Dad asked my mom to live with you." Said Amanda, she looks so pretty and friendly.

"Yes! I am so glad that you came." I said we came along just fine. She enrolled in my school and became popular to be my cousin.

I am so happy having Amanda in our lives, but during our freshman year in high school, she started to become wild, and I started cutting classes with her, and I made Johnny worried. Johnny is my father's friend who became my personal bodyguard. He is my godfather too. Because of the busy schedule of my Dad, Johnny was the one who was always there for me. He taught me everything, like how to swim, martial arts, and firing.

"Mira, I think doing those stupid things with Amanda is not good." He reprimanded me one time.

"Relax, I am just having fun, John." I said, and I ignored all the advice of Johnny.

I used to be shy and alone, even though all my classmates wanted to be close to me, I keep my distance, maybe living without my mom made me that way, but when Amanda came she started to have a close relationship with other popular girls. I started to mingle with them.

"Are you ready Mira?" Amanda said she went to my room, she is groping in the dark, since I switch off all the lights in my room, I lay in my bed with my pajamas.

"Amanda, what are you doing?" I asked, I am so confused about why she is in my room.

"I told you we would go out tonight, Ryan is waiting for us, he will be our ride." She said.

"I don't think that is a good idea, Amanda." I said we are currently living in our penthouse in Miracle Hotel within the heart of the city. It is near our school compared to the location of our estate, but there are times, I will spend my weekdays at the White estate, and we will just onboard the helicopter going to school, but I don't like flying every day, and I want to be in the city most of the time because I love shopping.

"Please Miracle, I can't get out without you." She is pleading at me.

"Amanda, my Dad is in his room and there are bodyguards outside, how can we escape?"

"Relax, I already planned everything, just follow my lead." She told me, I don't have any choice but to change my pajamas, I just wear a simple blouse and jeans.

We get out, and we were tiptoeing from my room, the place is so quiet. I am shocked that none of the bodyguards are inside.

"Where are the guards?" I asked confused.

"They are just inside the penthouse mini-theater, I told them to watch a movie as per the instructions of your father, since the princess is already sleeping." She said she is smiling widely at me.

"Where is Johnny?" I asked her.

"It is his day off today." She said.

We are already in the hotel parking lot when a black SUV coming in our direction running so fast, I almost jump when it halted in front of us. I shake my head, he could have killed us.

"Hey, beautiful!" The driver said, after opening his window. He looks older than us, maybe he is eighteen years old.

"Hey! Ryan this is my cousin, Miracle."

"What's up?" He looks at me, he is assessing me, I felt uneasy and suddenly felt afraid of him.

"Hello!" I said, then waved at him.

The door opens and a boy gets out of the van, and he comes to us. It was the first time I felt my heart skip a beat. He looks so handsome, he is also tall, I think he stands six feet tall, his hazel brown eyes are very expressive, I can feel his gaze giving me butterflies in my chest. He is wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans. I can't take my eyes from him. He looks so gorgeous.

"Hey! Amanda." He said.

"Hello, Jax!" She said.

"By the way, this is my cousin Miracle, this is Jaxson, cousin of Ryan." Amanda introduced Jaxson to me, he offered his right hand, the moment his palm touched mine, I felt a sudden surge of electricity coming from my whole body, and I suddenly felt so warm. He is staring at my whole face for a long time.

"Please to meet you Miracle, Amanda why didn't you tell me, your cousin is this hot and beautiful." He said I can feel my whole face flushed. I am enjoying his compliments and it seems my tongue has been cut off, I can't even utter a single word.

"Get inside the van guys, our friends are waiting for us." Ryan called for us, then Amanda sits in the front seat with Ryan, while I seated beside Jax, he smells nice too. I don't have time to appreciate boys in school, a lot of them are trying to get my attention, most of my classmates are rich and I don't like the way they spend their parent's money.

That is why I stay away from them, but Amanda tried her best to be close to them that is why there are times I have to meet and associate with them. Because of her charms, many of my classmates became close to her, but I always stay away from them, but in the end, I became one of them.

I felt conscious because I can feel Jax is looking at me the whole time, from the moment I sat beside him.

"Do I have something in my face, Jax?" Finally, I was able to talk after a long time, he smiled at me widely, then his whole face lights up.

"Wow! Even your voice sounds so sexy!" Jax said, then he looked at me seriously.

"I find you so fascinating, you are very beautiful Miracle, I don't believe in love at first sight, but I think I am going to change my point of view for that matter, now that I met someone like you." He said.

"Wow! You are good with words" I laughed, we are talking while my cousin is so busy talking with her boyfriend, and they are making out, every time they can get. I don't know where we are going, but judging by the path that we are heading, it is telling me that we are going to the beach.

I am shocked when Amanda handed me a paper bag.

"You can change at the back of the van, sorry I didn't tell you a while ago, but I already prepared our swimsuits." Amanda said.

"Thanks, Amanda." I said.

The moment we arrived at the beach, they are waiting for us outside the van, while Amanda and I changed into our swimsuit.

"I think Jaxson likes you Miracle." She said.

"I don't think so." I said, but I felt excited.

"He is only two years older than you Mira, but you look good together, he is more handsome than Ryan, I had a crush on him, but he doesn't like me at all." Amanda said, I just shake my head.

I am having a good time, but at the same time, I felt so nervous, I am so afraid of what will happen if my father finds out that I sneaked out in the middle of the night.

"Amanda, what time are we going home?" I asked her.

"Hey! We just got her Mira, just try to relax, okay? We are here to have fun, so stop thinking of going home, just live for the moment Mir, you need to experience being free and alive." Amanda said, then we get out of the van, I heard Jax whistled the moment he saw me with my swimsuit.

"Please kill me now Miracle, I know you are hot, but that swimsuit you are wearing emphasized all your perfect curves. Amanda told me that you are only fifteen, but your body is way too hot to belong to a fifteen-year-old girl." Jaxson exclaimed, he can't take his eyes off me.

We were walking beside each other, I can see my cousin is kissing Ryan, they can't stop touching each other's body. Well, Amanda is so open to me, she wanted Ryan to be her first.

Then we met their friends circling in the sand while facing the bonfire, they are drinking beers and some of them are smoking. I think Jaxson and I, are the only minor among the group, but they all looked so young. I only drink soda, I don't want to get drunk, I am glad that Jax is not drinking too.

He then asked me to go with him to take a stroll on the beach, I can feel the cold wind on my skin, I am only wearing my bikini, then I felt Jax put his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you still Cold?" He asked.

"Not any more Jax."

"I am so glad that I came with my cousin tonight, or else I wouldn't have a chance to meet you, Miracle." He said, we are already far from his friend, he stopped and sat on the sand, he asked me to sit beside him. We are watching the waves together, that constantly pounding on the shore. I can hear the laughter of his friends.

"Me too, Jax." I enjoyed talking with Jax, we have a lot in common, he also loves music, and he loves reading books as well, I don't peg him as a bookworm.

"I want to spend more time alone with you Miracle, I hope I can take you on a date. I will bring my guitar next time, and you can sing your favorite songs, while I will play the guitar." He said genuinely.

"Really Jax?" I asked, unable to believe that he also wants to spend time with me.

"Sure! Can you give me your phone?" He asked, I am confused, but I handed him my phone.

"I already save my number on your phone, I hope you will text me so that I will have your number." He said, and he gives me back my phone.

I smiled at him sweetly and dial his phone number quickly.

"You can text and call me now too, you have my number now Jax."

We kept silent for a long time just watching the starry night.

"Do you think it would be alright with your father if I will come to your house Miracle?" Jax asked me, I was not able to answer him immediately.

"I am not sure Jax, but I don't think he won't allow me to have some visitors in our house, my father is a reasonable man." I said I am thinking about my father's reaction if he will find out that someone is courting me.

Jaxson wants to know me, it doesn't mean he wants to be my boyfriend, I think I am thinking ahead, but there is nothing wrong with hoping and dreaming.