I Am Grounded

Miracle's POV

The moment we came back to the penthouse, the house is still quiet and so dark, the moment we are about to go to our room the whole living room suddenly lit up, then I am face to face with my father, he looks so angry, it was the first time I saw my father looking at me without love in his eyes.

"Where have you been Miracle? Amanda? It is already four o'clock in the morning. Can you explain it to me young lady?" My Dad asked me angrily.

"Uncle Thomas, please don't get angry with Miracle, she just asked me to accompany her to a beach party, we just had fun uncle." Amanda said, I was so shocked when she told my Dad the reversed story of our sneaked out.

I wanted to tell my Dad, that it was Amanda's plan not mine, but I don't want my cousin to get punished, that is why I haven't said anything to my father, besides I had a good time, and I was so happy being with Jax.

"Mira, I didn't expect you to sneak out in the middle of the night, and you brought Amanda with you, then you lied to the bodyguards, since when did you become like this?" My father said angrily.

"Do you know I have to fire all the bodyguards, their duty was to look out for you, but instead they all watched a movie in our mini theater? I believe it was also your instruction am I right, Miracle?" Dad asked me again.

"Dad! It wasn't me who instructed them to watch a movie."

"I was the one who told them uncle Thomas, but it was Miracle's idea, I just simply follow her instructions." Amanda said, it made me more confused, why is she doing all this.

"You are grounded for one month Miracle, no malls, no movies, all you will do is to stay in your room after class, we will go home to the estate tomorrow. Am I clear?" Dad asked me, he is now shouting at me, I can see his face turning red because of his anger, I just nodded to him.

I hate Amanda for lying to my Dad, but I better get the punishment than she will be punished. I don't want Amanda to go home and left me, I want her to stay with us, I am just wondering why she suddenly turned into this way.

"Go to your room now, ladies, we will leave at exactly ten o'clock tomorrow morning." Dad said firmly.

"Miracle I am sorry." Amanda said.

"Why you need to lie to my Dad, Amanda, I don't even know your friends, they are your circle of friends not mine, look what happened, the bodyguards lost their jobs, because of what we have done." I said, I can't hide my disappointment.

"Well, it wasn't our fault Miracle, they should be more careful and do their jobs well, it was their duty to protect you, but they easily give in to me, when I informed them that they can watch a movie, if they really perform their jobs, we should not be able to sneak out." She is smiling at me.

I couldn't believe Amanda, how could she be so heartless. I felt sorry for what happened to the bodyguards.

"I can't believe you are saying all of this." I said, I felt frustrated and guilty, I should have not listened to her in the first place.

"Mira, we have done nothing, we better go to sleep now." She said, then she went to her room in an instant.

I was really grounded for one month, I am not even allowed to go swimming in our own swimming pool. All I do is study all my lessons in advance, Jax calls me every day and night. At least he made my days bearable. I noticed Amanda was keeping her distance from me, she doesn't go to my room anymore. I can see that she is trying to get close to my Dad.

I just ignore her, I don't know what is her problem, I am glad that Johnny is still around.

"John, please help me, I want to go out, I am so bored right now." I am facing Johnny, he is sitting in the living room.

"Miracle, you want me to get fired? You know I can't do that right? I really want to help you, but if you want I can go with you at the meadow, we can have a picnic in the grove." He said, then he smiled at me widely.

"Really? Can we do that?" I asked him.

"Of course, I will be the one to ask permission from your Dad." Johnny said, I felt so happy, at last, I can go out from the house after fifteen days, I still have another fifteen more days to go.

It was Saturday and I heard knocking on my door. I stand up lazily and open the door of my bedroom.

"Good morning Miracle, we can have our picnic today." Johnny said, my smile widened the moment he told me the good news. John was a good singer too, he brings his guitar on that day, then he played the guitar while I sang my favorite love songs. We eat snacks and we play card games.

"Thank you, Johnny for always being here with me." I said to him.

"All the time Miracle, I hope one day you will meet my son, I think you will get along." He said, I can feel the sadness in his voice.

"Can you tell me about him?" I asked curiously, this is the first time Johnny talks about his son.

"I love his mother, but I chose to work for your dad, I asked her to come here, but she wanted me to quit my job here, I owe your father too much Mira, this is the only thing I am good at, and this is the only way I can pay him back." He said, I don't understand what Johnny means, I don't think he owes money from my father. I don't want to ask him.

"I almost lost my life Miracle, I was framed, but your father helped me. That is why when I heard he needed a personal bodyguard for her daughter, I didn't have any second thoughts, here I am, working for more than a decade now. Your father is very generous too. You know my salary is very high, but it is not about the money Mira, I just want you to know, you are like a daughter to me." Johnny said.

I know it, he really treated me like her own daughter, but I felt sorry for his son, John doesn't have time for him and I feel guilty about it.

"I think you better take a vacation leave Johnny, have time with your son, what I mean is, it will never be too late, I know he wants to spend more time with you too, I am a big girl now besides the new selection of bodyguards will be here soon." I said, I can see the wide smile on Johnny's face.

"Do you think so?"

"Yes! I am positive, he is like me too, don't know that I always wish that my father have time for me? No offense John, he is my father, but he seldom has time for me, I am happy that you are always there for me, but I need him to John." I said.

"This is the best time John, since I am grounded, you can take your leave the following day, while dad is here, I think his next schedule going abroad is next month, so you better file your leave tomorrow and book a ticket, or you can ask your son to come here." I said.

"Thank you, so much Miracle, I really want to see Ace, that is my nickname for him, I love to call him that because he is a bright boy, he is always ace with his exams, and he is a football player too, he is the quarterback at his school Mira." He said proudly at me.

"Wow! It seems you have a good son Johnny I am so happy for you."

"Yeah! I have a good one."

"I think I am falling for your son already." I said joking at him.

"How I wish Miracle, I want you to be my future daughter-in-law, but I know your Dad won't allow you to marry someone like my son, our life status is so different from yours, and he already ha a girlfriend, his childhood sweetheart." Johnny said.

"Ouch, you broke my heart Johnny, I haven't seen your son yet, and you are telling me he has a girlfriend already, this is so sad, and you judge my father too, do you really think he will not allow me to date with an ordinary guy John?" I said, I can't hide my sadness, I instantly remember Jaxson and his handsome face.

"Well, Miracle, even I am not your father, I want you to get married to someone in your society, because I don't want you to be used by some greedy person, then I feel pity for your husband to be, it will be a big challenge for him, heaven and earth can never meet Miracle." He said, I can feel the worries in his eyes.

"Don't you believe in miracle Johnny?" I asked him.

"Of course, I do Mira, miracle can happen every day, but it is hard to force the impossible Mira, the price you pay is always high." He said.

"Well, please John, ask your son to be my boyfriend then, I am sure my father will not object because you are his friend." I said seriously, but I am surprised when I heard him laugh.

"Why are you laughing John?"

"Mira, I don't want my son to break someone's heart, and judging by his words he is in love with his girlfriend, I don't want you to get hurt too, besides I am not sure if you will like him, my son would be very lucky to have you as his girlfriend because you are so beautiful." He is looking at me with fatherly affection.

"I am just joking John, but I already have someone in my heart." I said, I wanted to share it with Johnny. I can see him raise his eyebrow and I can see the full surprised written on his face.

"Really? Who is the lucky guy?" He asked me seriously.

"His name is Jaxson, actually he is the cousin of Ryan, Amanda's boyfriend." I told him, I saw the sudden change of his facial expression.

"Well, Miracle, I hate to tell you this, but I don't think it is a good idea, I can feel something is off with your cousin lately, when she first arrived here, I am so happy that you have found a best friend in the presence of your cousin." Johnny sighed heavily.

"Lately I am afraid that she is trying to harm you, first at school, though she claimed it was accidental, I know it was her plan all along to get your P.E. Uniform got wet, then you skip class accidentally because you were locked inside the female restroom. I don't want to conclude, but the result of my investigations was clear, it was Amanda."

"And you told me everything that happened the night you sneaked out, please be extra careful Miracle, I know you love your cousin dearly, but she is now starting to feel jealous of you, and she is trying to harm you. I will not let anything happen to you, but she is clever Mira." Johnny said, I can't deny that Johnny has a point, but I am in denial, but how can I explain her behavior when she lied to my father, that it was she who convinced me to sneak off that night.