The Deception

Miracle's POV

"Where is your boyfriend?" Asked Johnny, the moment I get in the car.

"He is not in the shop, but I have his address here, can you find this place John?" I handed him the piece of paper that contains the home address of Jax. John took the paper and starts the car, he doesn't say anything, I on the other hand felt so nervous, I don't intend to go to Jaxson's home, but I don't want to go home without seeing him.

The moment we arrived in Jaxson's neighborhood, John doesn't want me to go, but I insisted on looking for Jax. I get the address of Jax from him.

"Mira, I think this is not a good idea, I will go with you." He said, I can feel the worries in his voice.

"Relax, John I will be fine, besides, I can take care of myself, all our training will be wasted if I can't defend myself." I said proudly.

"What if your opponent is using a gun Miracle, what can you do?"

"John, nothing will happen to me, okay?" I will call you if I find something unusual, don't worry too much about me."

I left my bag, I only bring my phone and the piece of paper, I climb out the car immediately, before he can convince me to stay, I walk fast, and when I reached the elevator, I am disappointed to find the sign that says under preventive maintenance, I don't have a choice but to use the spiral staircase, his door number is room 808, I need to climb until eight floor.

Since I am used to exercising with John daily, I don't feel tired at all, but when I reach his floor, I can't explain my tension. I fidgeted and I felt like I am hyperventilating, not because of the stairs that I climb, but because of my anticipation of seeing Jaxson on his apartment.

My steps falter when I am at the front door of his apartment, I knocked several times, but no one answer, I tried calling his phone number, but it keeps on ringing, yet he is not answering his phone, out of curiosity I turn the doorknob, and I am surprised that it was opened.

I am not a bad girl, but my urge to see him is driving me mad, I get inside his home even if no one answered me, I saw his stepfather sleeping on the couch in the living room, judging by his looks I am very sure that he is drunk.

"Jax! Hello Jaxson!" I called out his name, but nobody answered.

Then I continue to roam around the place until I heard some moaning, my instinct is telling me to go back in the car, but I am curious who is moaning, I am not that innocent to know that the sound I heard coming from someone who is having a great pleasure.

"Oh! Jaxson! Please." I heard her say, my world temporarily stopped, I am certain, it is Amanda's voice, I am stunned, but I want to know what is she doing in Jaxson's home.

"Jax, I really miss kissing you, I hate you for liking my cousin, and I won't let you have her, you are only mine Jaxson, why you have to change your mind, we are in this together, we are almost there Jax, just hang on a little." I heard Amanda said, I am having goosebumps all over my body.

I felt like I am having a nightmare, while I am fully awake. How could they lie to me, I continue to move closer to the bedroom where the voice of Amanda is coming from.

"Amanda, you put me into this situation and I want to be out of it, if you want me to break up with Miracle I will do it, just stop ruining her life, or else you will not see me anymore." I heard Jax said, I don't know what I am feeling at the moment, I am so angry with both of them, what are they talking about?

"Don't challenge me Jax, you started to change the moment you met my cousin." Amanda said, and I can hear the hurt in her voice, I am wondering what is going on.

The bedroom door is slightly open, and I peeked inside, and I am horrified by what I saw.

My cousin is straddling Jaxson who is shirtless, he is wearing faded jeans, I covered my mouth in horror, they are kissing each other hurriedly, Jax is cupping my cousin's face, then Amanda kissed Jax on his neck, then he looked at her with fervor.

"Ohhhh! Jaxson! Please!" Amanda said, then her hands try to fasten the belt of Jaxson in a hurry, I wanted to run but I can't make a single step, my tears are pouring down on my face heavily, my knees trembled and my whole body is shaking, but Jax holds Amanda's hand, he is trying to get away from her, then he suddenly stopped when he realized I was watching them.

In swift moment, Jaxson was on his feet, while Amanda covered herself with a blanket. I turn around and run, I can feel my tears are pouring down on my cheeks, I almost collided with a beautiful woman who just get inside the apartment, I guess it was Jaxson's mother, but I am to hurt to look back, I run the stairs two steps at a time, but Jaxson was able to catch up with me, and he immediately blocked my way.

"Miracle, please!" He said, I tried to push him away, but Jax is too strong, I am trapped, I tried to turn back and climb the stairs, but he was able to caught my hand, and he embraced me tightly.

"Mira please listen to me." He said, his voice is hurting too.

"I am, sorry Miracle." He uttered, I slapped him strongly on the face, then he just rubbed his face slowly, then he moves closer to me and holds my hands.

"I will give you five minutes to talk Jax, just let go of my hands and I promise you I will listen to everything that you want to say." I said to him angrily, then I sit on the stairs, he is standing in front of me, he looks so disturbed.

"Why Jax? She is my cousin and best friend for God's sake, why?" I shouted at him, I can hear my own voice echoed the whole emergency exit.

"Mira, I don't know how to tell you this, but before anything else I want you to know that I fall in love with you." He said and looked me in the eyes with longing, I want to believe him, but I can't forgive what he had done, the image of him kissing my cousin is enough for me to hate him.

"I love you Miracle, that is why I will tell you the truth, Amanda is my real girlfriend."

"What?" My eyes go big when I hear his revelations, no wonder Amanda is angry with me.

"Why did she introduce me to you?" I asked him, I felt like my whole body weakened.

"I am no longer in love with her, what you saw a while ago was a goodbye. I told her that I fell for you, but you know your cousin, she doesn't want to lose, I hate all the things she did to you, she became evil because of her jealousy of you, I thought you were a spoiled brat as what she calls you, but when I met you and know the real you, I realized it was Amanda who is wicked." I am shocked to hear everything.

"She asked me to court you and turn you into something wild, so that your father will hate you, but I can't take it anymore, you are innocent and pure, even though you are born rich, you didn't make me feel that we are so different, but instead you accepted me for what I am, I was not lying when I told you, you keep me awake at night, thinking of your beautiful face and angelic voice." Jaxson said, I am so hurt, not only because of Jax, but because of Amanda, I am wondering why she hates me so much.

"At first, I accepted her proposal, because she promised me to divide the money she can get from your father, I am a fool Miracle, she made me believe that you are evil and wicked, that is why I said yes to lure you, she wants to get rid of you, and to become your father's favorite, she wants your father to adopt her and becomes the heir of the White empire." Jax said, I can feel his sincerity.

"I know I needed money to pay for the medical expenses of my mother, she has cancer and I don't know where to get money to pay for the chemotherapy, but I can't use you Miracle, I told Amanda, I will do everything to protect you, I am so sorry for hurting you this way." He said.

"To be honest Jax, I fell in love with you too, that is why I wanted to see you in person, to tell you how I really feel about you, I never expected that I will be surprised, I just can't believe, why my own cousin used her own boyfriend just to hurt me, I love Amanda Jax, she is like a sister to me, I always ask my Dad to give her everything she needs." I said, I am no longer crying, I need to be strong.

"I know what I did was unforgivable, but please Miracle forgive me, I don't want to ask another chance because I know I don't deserve you, all I ask is your forgiveness." He asked me solemnly.

"Jax, I can't answer you right now, I am in too much pain, I just couldn't believe that you fool me." I said, then I get up and started to walk away from him, he embraced me from behind, I wanted to face him and hugged him too, but he played with my heart, I won't allow him to hurt me again. Jaxson was my first love, but the pain he gave me was too much to bear.

At the end Jax let me go, I didn't turn around for I might change my mind, I can't deny my love for him, I am too young, but I know what I felt for him was real, I continue walking the stairs, with every steps my tears fall, I can't comprehend all the things he said about my cousin.

The betrayal of Jax is so painful, but Amanda's treachery is too much, she is my cousin, I treated her like a sister, she planned everything, I couldn't believe she made her own boyfriend a pawn just to have what she wanted, I hate myself more for I can't hate Amanda.

I still want her to stay at our house, I was thinking that I don't have any right to get hurt, since Jax is her boyfriend in the first place, I am the third party in their relationship. My pace are so slow, my vision became blurry because of my tears. I am walking like a zombie, I am taking everything in, if I am in the middle of my nightmare, I already want to wake up.

The moment I get outside the building I realized I am not dreaming at all I can feel the heat of the sun on my skin. I suddenly want to go home and spend my time boxing to release all the pains I feel inside me.

I saw from a distance that Johnny was in front of the car pacing back and forth, the moment he saw me, he came running to me, and I embraced Johnny tightly, while I sobbed heavily, he doesn't say anything, but he was stroking my back softly, he is comforting me in his own ways.

I am glad that I have Johnny on my side protecting me, and giving me his undying fatherly love, I hate myself for being selfish, I know he has a son who needs him, but what can I do, Johnny is part of my life that I can never let go.