The Heartache

Miracle's POV

Johnny assisted me in going back to the car, I cried as the car pulled away from his place. I looked back as I heard Jax called my name, and I saw him chasing the car, but Johnny accelerated the vehicle, and it made Jax impossible to catch up with us. He stopped running in the middle of the road, and I can see his figure slowly faded as the car moves away with a high speed.

I told Johnny everything I had seen and witnessed in Jaxson's apartment. And I told him about the relationship of Jax and Amanda, I saw he held his hands firmly on the steering wheel after I narrated everything to him. I can see the anger in his eyes as our eyes meet in the rearview mirror.

I can't explain the pain that I feel, I want to go back to Jaxson and kiss him again, he seems so perfect and real, I hadn't expected him to use me and to hurt my feelings badly. I watch the place that we passed by, but I was just staring into nothingness, I felt so hollow and empty inside, I am glad that Johnny kept silent. He is giving me time to cry and feel the aching of my heart.

"Miracle, are you alright?" At last, Johnny broke the silence.

"Yes! I am very fine John."

"Are you sure kid? Always remember, you can count on me, I will always be here to protect you, I don't want you to harbor the pain and the anger that you have in your heart." Johnny said seriously, I can feel the worries in his voice.

"John, you know me, I can't say I am good when I am not okay, I am always honest with you." I looked at him at the rearview mirror, I tried giving him my sweetest smile. I know he doesn't believe in me, but I don't want him to worry about me. He is right about Amanda, my cousin doesn't care with regard to me, her main concern is the wealth of my father. I thought she loved me, maybe when she was twelve years old, I ignore all the signs since I love her like a sister.

I grew up without a mother, when Amanda came into my world, my life started to have a color, I was so happy thinking that at last I have a sister, that I can count and have fun with, I had many wonderful memories with Amanda, she used to be so sweet and caring. I treated her like my twin sister, since she is only six months older than me, but her betrayal wounded my heart very badly, I can't quite imagine that Amanda is capable of making such scheme.

And right now even if I close my eyes, all I could see was Amanda's naked body as they shared the sweetness of their romance. My dad hates me because he does not know the whole truth.

The moment we arrived at the White estate, I immediately got out of the car and I run as fast as I can, I quickly climb the stairs, I didn't even respond to the greetings of the guards. I lay down on my bed and sobbed on the pillow, then I punched my bed angrily because I wanted to release my anger, then I heard the door of my room open, I didn't bother to look up because I know it was Johnny.


"Just leave me alone John, I just want to cry for a while, promise I am fine, and I won't do something stupid."

"Okay Miracle, if you need anything just call me okay, I don't want to see you crying Mira, it breaks my heart to see you like this, I want to punch your boyfriend for hurting you, but I don't want you to hate me." Johnny said, I even managed to smile even though my tears were dripping because of what he said, I know Johnny will always be there for me.

"Just stay, then John, but I'm sorry if I can't stop crying as of the moment." I said, I am still whimpering on my bed. I felt John moved and sit on the side of the bed, I turned my back on him.

"Miracle I know how you feel right now, you are currently in too much pain, you feel like the whole world is against you, but believe me, it will pass, someday you will look back on this day and laugh. I told you I have doubts about Amanda, lately I noticed that she change a lot." Johnny said, I just listen to him, and I continue sobbing.

"I don't like the way she tarnished your name, I know she was the reason why you skipped class, and you came home so late at night, I know you Miracle, you are the daughter of Thomas, but I never saw you violated your father's rules, you are a good daughter." He said.

"Thank you, John, but how can I tell my father about this, he is still abroad attending some company matters, I doubt if he will believe in me."

"Of course, you are his only daughter."

"He still hates me John, and I know he likes Amanda now compare to me.

"Don't say that Miracle, you are his everything, Thomas loves you, he is only angry because he thought you turned into rebel and hardheaded, don't worry, I will tell him personally, I wanted to monitor all Amanda's activity, but I was hesitant and afraid that you will be angry with me, I should have known, at least I could have warned you about Jax and Amanda's relationship." I can hear the frustrations in Johnny's voice.

"If I only did my job well, I could have prevented all this, you would not have been hurt like this."

"John, please stop, it is not your fault, I am the only one to blame, I am so naive, I know I am so young, but what I felt for him was real, I can't deny it John, I fell in love with Jax, even though I only have a few memories with him." I said honestly.

"I know what you mean Miracle and I understand, you can never unravel the mystery of love, I better get going now, please Miracle don't think about it too much, okay?" John said seriously, I turned to see him and I looked at him in the eyes.

"Yes, Johnny, and thank you so much for always being there for me." I said, trying to give him a smile, he just smiled in return and messed up my hair, then he finally left my room. I totally lost my appetite, I didn't eat lunch, I was just lying on my bed within the whole afternoon. One of the maids brought food in my room as per instructions of Johnny, but I did not even touch the food.

I am no longer crying, but I can't stop my heart from hurting. I have so many missed calls from Jaxson and there are a lot of text messages, but I didn't bother to answer and read his messages, at the end, I can't resist myself to open his messages, because I still want him, no matter how painful it was.

"Miracle I am so sorry, please give me another chance." Said Jaxson on his text.

"Please, Miracle answer me! I just want to hear your angelic voice, I cheated on you from the beginning, but I want you to know that I am really crazy about you! I love you Miracle." Declared Jax on his text. I touched the screen of my phone, I felt my heart felt warm. I can feel the sincerity of Jax, my cousin used him too, because of his dire need of money, I don't think he was lying about his mother's sickness.

I want to help him save his mother, I need to talk to my father regarding the health condition of Jaxson's mother. My dad is a philanthropist, I know he can save the mother of Jax.

"Hello!" I answer the call of Jaxson after fifty-eight missed calls.

"Thank God Miracle, please talk to me." I heard Jax said after I received his call.

"What do you want Jax? You already wounded me, isn't it enough that you hurt me? Do you really want to mess up my life?" I said, I try to fight my tears, my lips started to tremble.

"Miracle, all I want from you is forgiveness, that is why I am asking you to forgive me, I will forever cherish what we had Miracle, falling in love with you is the best thing that ever happened to me." He said.

"If you really want me to forgive you Jax, please stop bothering me, since I don't want to see you anymore. I can't forgive you just yet, maybe when the right time comes, thank you for making me experienced my first kiss, and for making me fall in love with you, and lastly for breaking my heart." I said, then I turned off my phone, I am glad that I was able to stop the call before I can give Jaxson another chance to fool and hurt me again.