Fighting With Amanda

Miracle's POV

In the evening Amanda went home to the estate, I am still hurting and I hate her for fooling me and for using Jaxson, what made me more angry is she acted as if nothing happened at all, I am eating my dinner alone on the long wooden dining table when she arrives, she sat opposite of me, and she looked at me with her eyes full of anger. The maid immediately served her food, before she starts eating, she stared at me intently.

"Is there anything you want to say to me Miracle?" She said, her annoyance is very evident in her voice.

"Why do you need to hurt me Amanda? What have I done wrong with you?" I asked her, I am also glaring at her, then she laughs loudly, her laughter almost startled the maids who are standing nearby waiting for us to finish eating.

"I think you can answer your own question Miracle, you steal my boyfriend from me." She said angrily.

"What? Are you crazy? You introduced Jaxson to me, besides, who could have thought that he is your boyfriend when you were very busy making out with Ryan on the first day that I met him, it didn't make any sense to me, unless you are a two timing bitch." I said, I was not able to control my anger anymore, I can see Amanda's face turns red.

"Jaxson is my only boyfriend Miracle, how dare you steal him from me, you have everything in your life, you were born rich, popular, and you can have anything you want, but I won't allow you to take Jax away from me, he is the only real thing in my life." She said angrily.

"Amanda what happened to you? You never told me that Jaxson was your boyfriend in the first place, I want to remind you that he courted me, if I have only known that he was your boyfriend then, I will never steal him from you." I said, I can't believe what she was saying.

"You told me Ryan was your boyfriend." I told her, she really makes me confused.

"We were just playing games with you Miracle, you want to know the truth?" She asked me, I didn't answer her immediately, but I asked the maids to leave us alone, and they left immediately.

"We planned to fool you and it really happened,  you really fell in love with Jaxson, but I never expected him to fall for you too." She sighed heavily.

"Why you want to fool me Amanda?"

"Because I hate you Miracle, you act as if you are better than anyone, and I detest you for having everything you need and I despise you for being the only heir of the White empire." She said, my tears are streaming down on my face, I am so hurt that the cousin I love so much hated me unreasonably.

"Amanda, I didn't ask all these things, I am just so lucky and blessed to be the daughter of Thomas White, but I never look down on anyone." I said, she is still glaring at me.

"You better eat your food now before it will turn cold." I said, trying to change the subject.

"I already lost my appetite the moment I saw your face Miracle, one day I will get back to you for taking Jax away from me." She said seriously.

"You can have him Amanda, I don't need someone in my life who is so weak and stupid enough to play someone's feelings and emotions, and willing to do stupid things with his crazy girlfriend. I have done nothing wrong to you Amanda, how dare you hurt me this way, my father gave you everything you need, yet you have the guts to hurt me." I said, I am so angry with her, I can feel my whole face turn red because of my anger.

"You call me crazy Miracle?" She asked angrily, she stands up abruptly and moved speedily on my side, I placed my spoon and fork on the table slowly and I got up, we are now facing each other, we both have the same expressions on our face, I am standing taller than her that is why she slightly looked up at me.

"What are you then Amanda? What you did is only done by a crazy person." I said, I don't know where did I get my courage to face her, I am no longer afraid of her, I am tired of her, for creating chaos in my peaceful life.

She suddenly grabbed my hair, which surprised me so much, I struggled from her hold, but she is strong, I don't want to fight Amanda physically, but she left me no choice, I have to do something to stop her from hurting me. I was able to grab her wrists and used force to make her let go of my hair, I have learned martial arts since I can remember.

I hold her strongly, then suddenly she bites my arm.

"Amanda, please stop!" She didn't listen to me, I can feel the excruciating pain, because the bite of her teeth penetrated into my flesh, I groaned in pain no matter how I try to stop her from biting me, she didn't stop. I pushed her hard that she stumbled on the floor, blood flows in my arm, the moment she regains her footings, she attacked me again. I am so angry with her for hurting me emotionally and physically, for the moment I forgot that she is my cousin and best friend.

I kicked her on her stomach, she staggered and limping in pain, but I am impressed with her fighting spirit, it did not stop her to charge at me once more, I tried to counter her attack when I heard the loud voice of my father.

"Miracle! What is the meaning of all this? Why are you fighting with each other?" My father asked, we both stop and stand straight.

"Miracle attacked me Uncle Thomas, she hated me for telling you about her boyfriend that is why she kicked me on my stomach and I bit her." Amanda said, but she reversed the whole truth.

"Dad! She is lying." I said.

"Miracle! Why are you doing this?" My father asked me, he listened to Amanda, but he won't believe in me, I just bow down my head and waited for his decision, I felt so tired and hurt already, I don't have energy left to argue with my father.

"Let the maid clean your wound, then we will talk about this tomorrow morning Miracle, I am so tired from my business trip and I didn't expect that this is the kind of welcome you prepared for me, I am so disappointed with you Mira, I can't believe that you will be like this, I expect you to be like your mother." My father said, he is looking at my face with frustrations in his eyes.

He takes Amanda's hand and turn away from me followed by his bodyguards, I can see the wicked smiles on Amanda's face, I am tired to convince my father about Amanda's scam. I am too lost and I felt so alone. My personal maid immediately came into my aid.

"That brat is really something, I know she did it on purpose so that your father will get angry with you." Letty said, she is cleaning the bite wound and put antiseptic on it.

"It is okay Letty, as long as I am not doing anything wrong, I won't get sad, I am still proud of myself." I said weakly, Letty smiled and nodded at me, I tried to control my tears that are now about to fall.

"I don't know what is happening to her Mira, but she totally changed, stop being so nice to her Miracle, she doesn't need your attention, all she wants is to get close to your father, she is trying to brainwash your Dad." Letty said honestly,

"Thank you, for your concern for me, Letty, and for cleaning my wounds, but don't worry, everything will be okay, maybe you are right, I think I need to avoid her at all cost." I said.

"You better go to your room now Miracle, I am sure Johnny will tell your father the truth about your cousin, she should be stopped before she can ruin your relationship with your father."

"Yeah! I know Letty, but right now my father is very angry with me, it all started the night when Amanda brought me to the beach in the middle of the night, and now I am taking all the blame, Dad won't listen to me anymore." I said, and I am hopeful that Dad will listen to Johnny about Amanda's real motives, I tried telling my father everything, but he didn't give me chance to explain my side.

My father used to adore me, even he has very limited time because of his busy schedule, he will find a way, just to be with me even for a very short period of time, but lately since Amanda is always tailing him every time he is at home, father started to change too. I am hurt by Jaxson and Amanda's betrayal and now I am in more pain, because of my own father.

I lay awake at night crying and wishing that I have my mom beside me so that I can share with her everything that I felt at the moment, I want to tell her my first love and the pain that Jaxson and Amanda had caused. I don't want to be in love again and I won't let anyone kiss me ever again.