Feeling Grateful

Miracle's POV

I tried calling Jace, yet it sent my call to voicemail and I became more anxious. I am just afraid if he is now with Caitlin, and he doesn't long to be with me anymore. I want to tell him what happened this morning, and I got frustrated since I can't get through his phone. Maybe Jace doesn't prefer to talk right now, and I am just hoping that Chad was correct and I yearn to believe him that Jace will come back for me. But I can't stop myself from having uncertainties since he thought I kissed Jaxson of my own free will.

I keep myself busy the whole morning, and I am thankful to Stella and Chad's help we could complete the list of things needed in the guest houses. I am so overjoyed when I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I am a little down when I saw it was my dad who is calling me and not Jace.