Unexpected Visitor

Miracle's POV

We return to the manor before the darkness crept the whole place, and I asked Nelson to head back since I don't want my grandma to worry about us; I noticed a white sedan parked next to my grandmother's truck. I felt excited, maybe Jace ex-change car with his mother, then I saw Trish talking with my grandmother on the porch, I know she's coming because Stella invited her, but I didn't realize she has a companion. A tall, slender woman wearing a skirt and floral blouse, and I can sense she is beautiful even as her back is on me.

We returned the ATV's to the shop, Stella and I get back to the mansion since Chad stayed with Nelson for a while in the repair shop. I spotted my grandma from a distance entertained Trish and her companion, but my world stops when I recognized the woman beside Trish was Caitlin, Jace's girlfriend. What is she doing here at the manor? I looked around and my eyes searched for Jace, but I can't see him anymore.