I Am Fired

Jace's POV

"My daughter walked out on me, I couldn't believe she will do that, she must like you a lot, Jace King." Thomas White said as his eyes gazed at Mira's distant figure.

"She was hurt, Thomas, you just arrive and you can't stop yourself from grilling them with nonsense questions, son, your daughter is now an adult, and let her decide what she wants," Amelia responded, looking at the stunned face of his son-in-law.

"Amelia, she may be of legal age, but she will always be my little girl and I just choose what is best for her." He replied, and he turned his eyes at me and I can't stop myself from feeling uneasy, I know Miracle's dad knows what is going between us.

"I will ask you one more time, Jace, and I need you this moment to answer me honestly as your boss and your father's friend." He answered and I hold my breath as I nodded.