Forest Wolves

Kite reached Millow Forest in just fifteen minutes. He wanted to complete this quest as soon a possible. It was already noon, and when nighttime comes it will be more complicated and dangerous. 

He didn't even roam around nor glance at the people on the border of the forest. If it was before he'll probably stop for a view. But after being humiliated last time, he was a little embarrassed to show his face. 

At first, he wanted to buy a mask to cover his young face but Nessa told him yesterday to not bother anymore. He guessed it has something to do with her identity. A Level 34 Cleric was considered a big shot in this city. Where can you find a high-level priest like her? Offending her may bring someone trouble. She doesn't even need to act herself. People who want to seek her favor will definitely make a move before her.


Kite finally reached the entrance of the forest. He sprinted to a specific location where he'll begin his hunt. He encountered three wild boars on his way. How could Kite spare free experience points? Now that he has a technique to increase his damage, the boars only need one to two hits and they were already dead.

He gained experience points on the way and finally reached his destination. There were many trees in the surroundings and a conspicuous cave was on the side of a mountain.

He slowly approached the cave and hid in a bush. He picked a small stone in the ground and lightly threw it in front of the cave.

The wolves inside raised their ears. Finally, one of the female wolves got up and went outside. It used its nose to smell and checked its surroundings.

The wolf was grey in color but its fangs were deep green. Kite focused on it and use inspect.

[Forest Wolf](Common, Wolf)

Level 4

HP: 210/210

The Forest Wolf raised its nose in the air. Seemingly using its sense of smell to search for the intruder. Its olfactory was obviously above normal. 

Of course, Kite also knew of this so he hid in a bush that produced a strong smell of flowers. It's to avoid being detected by these wolves.

When the wolf realizes that nothing was wrong it turned back. But just as it was about to walk towards its home. A sword entered its anus.

Kite pierced its backside. He planned to aim for a critical strike.

| Critical Hit!

-110 HP |

Kite put all of his free status points when he leveled up in strength. At first, he wanted to save it because he's not sure how to distribute it. But later on, when he was in the library he decided to put all of it in strength. Strength increases his damage points.

He didn't plan to use his moon slash technique because it causes a strain on the mind.

Before the wolf could howl in pain, Kite immediately removed his sword and pierce its mouth shut.

| Critical Hit!

-95 HP |

| 60 Experience Points earned! |

The wolf died on the spot. Copper coins dropped from its corpse. It failed to warn its family.

Kite then cleared its body and plucked out flowers. He put these flowers on the ground where the wolf died and crush them. It's to remove the smell of blood. Wolf has a strong sense of smell after all. This technique was learned in the book. Wasting a silver in the library was worth it. 

He took out another stone and threw it lightly. The wolf inside reacted once more. Although monsters had a decent amount of intelligence they were still beasts.

Monsters were physically stronger than humans. Other races possess different kinds of abilities that humans don't have. 

But the world is fair.

There was a famous saying in the book he once read in the library. 

Humanity's intelligence transcends all. 

Another wolf went outside and smelled its surroundings. Just like what the last wolf did, it turned around and went back. Kite then jumped out of the bush and pierced its anus once more. He instantly followed it with a pierce in the mouth.

His actions were fluid and swift. After being 'baptize' in this forest before, he was slowly adapting.

| Critical Hit!

-113 HP |

| Critical Hit!

-93 |

| 60 Experience Points earned! |

Copper coins appeared on its corpse.

The poor wolf also failed to utter a single sound. Kite did what he has done earlier. He plucked flowers and scattered them on the place these wolves died. A small pit was dug to prevent its smell from scattering. 

Kite continued doing this for half an hour until the whole pack got suspicious. It sent two wolves now to scout its surroundings. They only lack intelligence. But these wolves were somehow cunning. 

Kite was now forced to use his moon slash technique to one hit the wolves. He was still waiting for a higher leveled wolf to use as his animal spirit. It must not also exceed level 10, the quest details said so.

The two wolves split up and went more further than before. This situation was really suspicious. Where did their brethren go? When they didn't found any clue, they went back to report to the pack.

At the moment they showed their backs to Kite, this shameless boy jumped out again from his hiding spot. He shifted his distance farther and farther from the cave locations for every prey he killed. He noticed as time goes by these wolves advance forward away from their home.

He brandished his sword towards the wolf's throat nearest to him. He always aims for their vital spots to always score critical hits. This time he used the moon slash technique to increase his damage.

| Critical Hit!

-97 HP |

After that, the moon image appeared and directly slash the wolf's head.

| Critical Hit!

-123 |

| 60 Experience Points earned! |

He then steps back to gain space when the last wolf howl. Kite couldn't do anything to stop it. He immediately rushed towards the last wolf and executed the same attack pattern and killed it. He didn't bother collecting its corpse and loot. He turned around and swiftly run away from here.

Hundreds of wolves rushed from the cave and went to the area the wolf howled earlier. What they saw were only corpses. Anger flashed from their eyes and all of them searched the perpetrator. This resulted in all of them splitting up. 

One noticeable wolf was in the middle. Its level was high and it's bigger compared to its kin. It rushed ahead of them and use its nose to smell Kite's direction. Since Kite only left, his scent still lingered in the air.

Kite was running around the forest. He felt depressed. No higher leveled wolf came. He only killed a Level 6 Forest Wolf. Just as his body started relaxing, the huge wolf earlier appeared. It dashed towards Kite and open its huge mouth. Its one-foot-long green fangs emitted a killing glint.

Kite felt the wind gushed his back. He didn't hesitate any further and hurriedly rolled on the side. He narrowly dodged the wolf's attack.

He took a glance at his assailant and used inspect.

[Mother Forest Wolf](Uncommon, Wolf)

Level 10


Kite showed a terrified look. Too high, its health point was too high. He stood up and pointed his sword forward.l

The wolf raged. It didn't kill Kite in one shot. This human was the one who killed her children. He must not live. The wolf used an inherent skill of a forest wolf. It howled and stomp its paw in the ground.

Forest Bind!

Plants began sprouting in Kite's feet out of nowhere. He cut the plants binding him and tried to run away. But how could the wolf stay idle? It leaps and brandished its claw toward Kite.

Kite got scared. He steadied his will and use moon slash to counter the attack. Shockwaves were formed and sparks flew in random directions. A bright silver moon image slashed the wolf. The wolf howled in pain and retreated

| -33 HP |

| -68 HP |

Kite was also not faring well. He was thrown three meters away from the impact. The plants binding him in place were forcefully removed from the shockwaves earlier.

| You've been damaged!

-50 HP |

He regained his footing, his nose started bleeding. He wiped it and stared at the wolf. He must kill this monster. For completing the quest.

He dashed ahead and pointed his sword toward it. He planned to hit its other paw using moon slash to disable its movement completely. Its other paw was wrecked from the attack earlier so the wolf was slowed down tremendously. It raised its other paw for defense.

Kite put his entire strength on this attack. His veins bulged and his arm turned red. His eyes had a crazed look from them. Either of them must die.

But how could Kite die here? He still has his family on Earth. What will they feel if he didn't come home? He must absolutely not die here.

Another shockwave was produced. The wolf howled in pain once more.

| Critical Hit!

- 150 HP |

| Critical Hit

- 176 HP |

Kite felt a wild sensation when he looked at his damage. He was about to kill this wolf and finish his class quest.

The wolf looked miserable. Both of its front paws were bleeding nonstop. Its howl also turned fainter.

Kite executed the moon slash technique once more and aim at the wolf's eye. He dashed and his sword started to release silver light. He pierced the wolf's eye and the tip of his sword dug through its brain.

The Mother Forest Wolf failed to react in time. 

| 2x Critical Hit!

- 180 HP |

A moon image was release inside. The pitiful mother wolf's head burst into smithereens.

| 2x Critical Hit

- 194 HP |

| Level difference of seven is detected. Experience Points is tripled. |

| Congratulations 680 Experience Points acquired. |

| Level Up! |