Wolf Swordsman

Kite laid limp on the ground. He was very exhausted. He slowly became used to the smell of blood and the feeling of it. It may sound strange but the environment around Kite had changed him slowly.

He quickly lifted up his body, when he suddenly remembered his quest. He was dying to test out the skills this class has to offer.

He dried the blood of the wolf and slowly cut its body into pieces. After his experience earlier, also add his experience the first time he hunted boars, he didn't feel anything at all when cutting these monsters he just killed. 

His leather bag has a little magic formation inscribed in it. It makes his bag carry ten times its ordinary size. But the weight will still be the same.

After putting all the meat inside, he took a look at the wolf's drop. They were a silver and two items.

| Forest Plate Armor (Rare)

Level 1 to Level 20

Defense: +20

Vitality: +3

Durability: 70/70

Description: Armor containing the defensive properties of a Mother Forest Wolf. Its defense will be increase to another 20 when inside a forest |

When he tried to carry it he was surprised that it was not heavy at all. He quickly equipped it and his ragged clothes were now replaced by green plate armor. It has a strange wolf inscription on the front chest that glows with a green light.

He glanced at the second item. It looks like the beast core he got last time. Now that he remembered it, he forgot to sell it to the guild. He better sell it tomorrow.

| Beast Core (Wolf)

Level 10

Could be used for alchemy, forging, and others. Extremely rare and hard to find. Could be sell for a huge amount of coins. |

He also put this in his bag and departed the area. The smell of blood will attract a lot of monsters.

The sun was setting while the moon slowly appeared. He didn't have any device that tells the time in this world like the watch on Earth. He planned to ask someone regarding this. He also doesn't have any clue what day was today. What he only knew was this was his third day in this place.

He walked towards the city gate. Some adventurers noticed him. Kite got famous somehow without him knowing it. Someone who could sleep with a beautiful dark elf like Nessa could be considered a legend. But they didn't interrupt nor approach him. After all, he was Nessa's plaything. 

When he reached the inn he was staying at, he called the cook. He paid 20 coppers to the chef and asked him to cook the mother wolf meat and serve it to him.

After waiting in the cafeteria for two hours, maids finally appeared. There were four of them and all of the four carried a lot of dishes. Kite saw this coming. But looking at it again, his stomach couldn't help but rumble a little. It was not because he's hungry but rather he was afraid of consuming this huge amount of meat.

He tried to eat the first dish, Roasted Wolf Meat. His quest might be completed just by eating some amount of wolf meat. After finishing the dish he waited for a while. Nothing happened. Kite breathed a sigh of defeat. "Looks like I have to eat all of this..."


It was midnight. All the people in the inn were sleeping and the lights were turn off. Except for the cafeteria. The light was still on and slurping sounds could be heard. A slight chubby boy was eating a huge amount of meat.

Kite was still eating the wolf's meat. He did check some announcements from his system but it didn't mention the class quest being complete. At this point, he couldn't eat anymore, but he persevered.

The mother wolf was heavy when he fought it but after killing the wolf, it strangely reduced weight. He estimated that its 40 kilograms when it was alive judging from the impact in their battle. But when it died it magically reduced weight tremendously. Ten kilograms, that's right from almost forty kilos to ten kilos.

Kite happily thanked the two Titans that created this world. If it weren't for them, he might take two weeks to finish the meat.

After another hour Kite finally finished his class quest. A system message appeared after that.

| System: Change Class Quest 'Animal Spirit Swordsman' completed! |

| New rare class obtained! |

| Congratulations Wolf Swordsman Kite! |

His weight instantly decrease. He felt his body absorbing the wolf meat he had eaten. After that, he felt a lot better. His stomach was not bulging anymore.

His height grew a little taller. His frail body started gaining muscles. His physique underwent a mild transformation. 

After that, another system message appeared.

| All stats are increased by four. New skills gained. Attack Damage increased by ten |

| Consume ten Beast Core (Wolf) from different wolves to upgrade your class to the second level |

"So this beast core could also upgrade my class." He murmured to himself.

Kite immediately checked his personal status.

He was really curious about his current stats.

|Name: Kite

Title: None

Class: Wolf Swordsman

Job: None

Level: 4

Experience point: 270/1680

HP: 260/260

Attack Damage: 42

Attack Speed: 144%

Stamina: 200/200

Magic Damage: 0

Movement Speed: 210

Attributes: Strength: 13, Agility: 15, Endurance: 14, Intelligence: 13, Vitality: 17

Free Attribute Points: 3


Wolf Bite(Active Skill) Requirements: Sword. Add 10 Damage Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds. [Proficiency: 0/200]

Forest Bind (Active Skill) Requirement: None. Use the power of the forest to bind one target. Cooldown: 1 minute. [Proficiency: 0/150]

Bloodthirst(Passive Skill) Requirements: Damage. Every time you dealt damage, 4% of it will be converted into your own HP. Cooldown: None. [Proficiency: 0/250]


Forest Plate Armor (Rare)

Level 1 to Level 20

Defense: +20

Vitality: +3

Durability: 70/70

Description: Armor containing the defensive properties of Mother Forest Wolf. Its defense will be increase to another 20 when inside a forest

Ragged Pants(Trash)

Level 0

Defense +0

Durability 1/10


Level: 2

Durability: Indestructible

Long Sword(Common)

Level: 1-5

Strength +5

Durability: 12/20

A sword crafted by an ordinary blacksmith with an ordinary talent. Made from steel and give meager strength boost|

He happily looked at it and nodded. He was growing stronger slowly. Now that he has new skills he'll try leveling a ton tomorrow. Quest also gives some extra income so he'll remember it.

After sorting out his gains, he went to his room and finally fall asleep.


Morning came. Kite abruptly woke up. The sun was shining on his face. He arranged his bed, took a bath, and put on his new armor. Now he looked more decent, except for his pants.

He grabbed his bag and left the inn. He planned to go to the Savior's Guild to look for some quest. He also wanted to find a specific quest regarding forest wolves so he can hand out his remaining wolf corpses. He killed a total of nine forest wolves and a lot of money could be gain from them.

He hailed a carriage and finally went to the inner area where the guild was located.


Kite jumped down the carriage and proceed to head towards the guild. There were many people like always and he looked around. He had this tiny hope that he'll see Nessa somewhere.

He could message her using the system but he didn't do so. Why? Because Nessa always reminded him to not get too attached. And sending her a message at this point in time clearly means he misses her or something. The act of sending a friend request to Kite only signifies that she'll protect him for a day.

Kite shook his head. He entered the guild and saw Anna as usual. He headed towards her and greeted her.

"Good morning Anna!"

"Good morning Sir Kite" She respectfully replied. Kite's reputation has risen up among the adventurers. His said companion, Nessa was really famous after all.

"Is there any quest regarding forest wolf?" Kite tried to ask. If there weren't then he'll just sell it somewhere.

Anna fumbled some files on a cabinet. She took her time browsing and finally took out three papers. Those papers were clearly quests. She handed them to Kite" Take a look, Sir Kite".

Kite look at it and finally click two quests to accept. Then he took out his bag and removed the wolf meats. He looks at Anna's surprised face and said, "All done Anna". He laughed for a moment before Anna finally snapped out of it.

Even though forest wolves could be hunted by higher leveled adventurers, low-level ones were rare. Kite was only Level 2 when he first entered the guild. The next day he's level 3. And now he seems above Level 6 for hunting these forest wolves. She couldn't see Nessa so probably Kite hunted them himself. And even though Nessa joined Kite in his hunt it was still surprising. After all, Nessa was still a priest and possesses no attacking capabilities.

Shee took out the meats and fumbled something in the air. After that Kite received two system messages.

| Combat Quest 'Wolf Hnt' complete!

Received 8 silvers! |

| Combat Quest 'Two Wolves' complete

Received 3 silvers! |

Anna gave Kite 11 silvers and realized something. She looks at Kite once more and opened her mouth. "Sir Kite you could sign up for membership now. You already have 10 silvers in your hand after all".

Kite remembered that and nodded. He was now going to be a member of a guild.