
"You must first open your status screen, Sir Kite before we can proceed." After that, she took a transparent card from the cabinet beside her. Kite paid her 10 silver for the membership.

He then did what he was told and activated his status screen. Anna gestured for him to click the transparent card. He put his finger down and gently touch it. He felt something connecting with him. This was a strange feeling, his eyebrows quivered slightly. 

"The only thing left to do is say your codename that will be used as your new identity as an adventurer in your mind." Anna gently said.

Kite pondered for while. Choosing a nickname was not that important. But as a modern kid transmigrator, choosing your in-game name took a lot of time. He then finally made his decision.

"Loup will be my codename from now on."

Loup was the french word for Wolf. He remembered this when he was having his French class back on Earth.

After stating that in his mind, a bright light covered the card. Then magically, words began to appear. He took a look at his new identity card and checked it.

Adventurer CodeName: Loup

Membership Status: D

Class: Swordsman

"Membership status will automatically rise up if you complete more high-level quests. It starts from F and to a maximum of S status", Anna slowly explained.

She then continued, "But since you completed some quest earlier, you've been promoted to D status"

Kite nodded and replied, "You did mention free lodging if I become a member right?"

"Oh, I forgot! Pardon me. The place where you'll be living is in the back corner of the guild. Just enter that door and you can see for yourself." She pointed on the backside of the guild where countless brown wooden doors were in place. There was also a transparent monitor embedded in it.

Kite looked at it and nodded. "I think I'll check it for today."

"You just had to place your identity card on the monitor and it'll automatically send you directly to your room!" Anna reminded Kite before he walked away.

Kite rushed towards the doors. There was a line there. They must be members of the guild. He silently mused.

He saw a female ranger placing her identity card near the monitor. White light started emitted from it and scanned the ranger. She entered it when the door open and it closed after that. Next, another man did the same and it was repeated until it was Kite's turn.

Kite placed his card in front of the monitor. The monitor released white lights that seem to scan him. The door opened after a while and Kite entered it.

"Is this spatial magic?" Kite contemplated for a while. This place was a world of sword and magic, space magic might be common here.

After stepping out of the door he instantly arrived at his own room. It was a squared room with exactly over 5×5 meters of area. It was quite small, his bedroom was even larger than this on Earth. It has one bed and some pieces of furniture in it. A small table was also beside the bed. The walls were white making it look decent.

He laid in the bed to rest for a minute. He was quite surprised to discover that the bed is really soft and comfortable. Before he could doze off he snapped out of it and left the room. He appeared in the guild again but this time via another door next to the door he entered earlier.

He looked around and head to the quest board to get some quest. He took his time choosing and finally found something suitable. He accepted the quest and directly headed to the shopping district in the inner area. It was close by so he walked towards there. He learned where this district was when he chatted idly with Nessa the last time.

| System: Combat Quest 'Exterminator' accepted.

Difficulty Grade: C

Rewards: A random suitable weapon and 10 silvers

Quest Details: Kill 50 Forest Wolves and give back its meat to the guild

Time Limit: 3 days |

This quest will make him earn a decent amount of coins. Apart from that, he was really excited about a new weapon since his current sword's durability wouldn't not last long.


Noises could be heard everywhere. The shopping district in the inner area was packed to the brim. Many stalls and shops were placed everywhere. Some people were haggling, bargaining, fighting, and so on.

Kite was currently walking casually in the area. He planned to buy some new clothes for himself. He couldn't just equip his armor all the time. His current clothes were garbage, he needed something to replace them.

He looked around and finally saw a cheap stall. There are a lot of clothes on display and all of them at a low price.

He picked up three sets of white shirts, simple pants, and underwear. He then placed it on the counter.

The shopkeeper was a pretty lady that had an amicable smile. 

"10 coppers sir." The lady noticed the boy in front of her. He seems to be young but the sword he had signifies him to be a warrior albeit his young age. Originally this cost 13 coppers, but she gave him a discount because he may be an adventurer.

Adventurers were well respected in this city. They were the ones who helped the soldiers of the city to ward off beasts and monsters. You could also pay them to help you with something important. They do all sorts of jobs so the citizens admired them a lot.

Kite paid her and ask if they have a changing room or something.

"I'm sorry sir. Unfortunately, we don't have enough space. But you could change inside the shop if you like to." the lady respectfully said. Then she blushed. She quickly added, "Don't worry sir no recording stone is there or any recording device. Those are too expensive, I can't possibly buy those. Just look at my shop." 

Kite laughed at loud. He didn't thought of this thing before but the lady reminded him. But why would he care? This world was not Earth where there was a website that could show the whole world his video.

And if there was, why would he care? He'll never feel anything shameful about it. He didn't have any friends nor family here, no one knows who he was. And even if his face was shown to the world, he might feel a little embarrassed. But still, he doesn't have friends nor acquaintances here. 

"Don't worry I'll trust you. Can I change now?" He finally stop laughing and smiled. 

"Sure thing, sir."

Kite entered the shop and changed his clothes. The remaining pairs were placed in his bag. After that, he thanked the lady and left.

He still needed something to buy. He walked for a couple of minutes and finally found what he was searching for, a mask shop.

At first, he didn't plan to buy because of Nessa's help. But then he realized that this protection will not last long. Maybe some daredevils or someone he unintentionally offended will try to harass or even kill him. He couldn't risk it. By only hiding his face will he escape those tragedies.

He entered the shop and bought a green wolf shaped mask. After all his skill and class is related to wolves. This will totally hide his past identity.

He also needed a new bag with a higher degree of magic inscriptions on it. Fifty wolves were a lot after all. His old bag couldn't contain all of them.

He went to a nearby stall and bought a shoulder bag that could hold a total of 150 items. There was also a weight magic inscription in it. The heaviness will be divide into four and it cost four silvers.

After window shopping for a while, he finally left the area.

Now it's time to grind some levels!