
Kite leaped out of the carriage. He was now outside the city currently. He dashed towards the forest. He was quite excited about the notion of leveling up.

When he entered the forest, two guys who were silently hiding in the bush followed him.

"Hey dude, he really is the one who slept with Nessa?" An assassin clad completely in black coldly spoke.

"He is. Even though he hid his face with a wolf mask, his frame will stay the same." A summoner beside the assassin coldly replied.

"I also memorized his scent using my summoned rat that day." He added. His body movements and his tone showed fear and respect to the assassin who asked earlier.

This assassin's codename was Hidden Blade. He was a Level 23 Grade 0 Assassin. He was slowly approaching Grade 1.

Nessa also had an affair with this man. Although their relationship was casual and didn't last long, how could this possessive man forget her? 

Nessa's beautiful body and her flawless face could topple even empires. How could he let her go easily? He has been pursuing her for three years but never succeeded. 

Now that he heard someone sleeping with the girl he likes, how could he accept this?

From his expression, you can see the dense killing intent he had. Removing Kite's existence will make his pursuit of love easier.

He can be a potential enemy after all. So rather than waiting for him to grow, why not kill him earlier instead. 

He and his follower, Pigeon, followed Kite silently in the dark.


The one who was being stalked now was currently fighting forest wolves. Now that he killed a lot of them last time, he now planned to achieve killing all the wolves inside the cave.

Because of the incident last time, some male wolves were mixed in with the female ones. Only a small amount of males hunt every morning tonight.

He continued what he did the last time, throwing stones. When he killed approximately six wolves they become warier. They now sent three wolves to look out for their brethren. They were still monsters, their intelligence isn't high. 

[Forest Wolf](Common, Wolf)

Level 6

HP: 240/240

He used the same tactic every time to kill these monsters. But now he was a Grade 0 class, Wolf Swordsman, new skills were now gained.

'Wolf Bite!'

| Wolf Bite Proficiency +6 |

His sword started to shimmer and an illusion of a wolf's mouth appeared. He slashed with his sword and blood spurted everywhere.

'Forest Bind!'

| Forest Bind Proficiency +4 |

One of the wolves was bounded. Now that Kite has this skill, he realized he had full control over the plants. He made the plants bind the wolf's mouth to avoid calling for help.

Next, he followed up with a stab in the throat to the remaining wolf. Effortlessly killing all three.

He continued this step until he was exhausted. He rested for a while then resumed hunting.

Later on, the pack sent four wolves. But Kite could still handle it. Alas after sending a ton of wolves outside, the pack got alarmed. There were only eleven or so wolves remaining and Kite already killed forty-four of them. Six more kills and his quest will be completed.

He confronted the wolves head-on. Now that he has leveled up once more, his stats and damage had all rose up. He now reached the first milestone. He was level 5 and received 2 added points in all of his stats and 6 free stats. The last time he leveled up, he didn't use his free 3 stats points. So he added it all to agility, for better attack and movement speed. 

He felt his body getting lighter. Now he was much more confident. 

One of the wolves look at Kite ferociously, it leaped and slash him in his face. Kite looked at it and sneered. He pierced its head and immediately followed up with a slash in the neck. The wolf died and lay limp in the ground.

Once they leap in the air, these wolves' fate was already sealed. Although they were fast, they were unable to maneuver in midair. 

Looking at their family members getting killed, all the wolves lost their reasoning. They all jumped forward and planned to tear Kite into pieces.

Kite looked excited. He felt his blood gushing at an intense rate. His body started circulating a lot of blood in one of his eyes. Unknowingly, Kite's right black eye released a faintly bluish tint.

Kite couldn't describe these feelings. His reaction speed increased. When he looked at these wolves he could faintly see their weak spot.

He was so engrossed in the battle that he didn't see someone coming behind. All the wolves were concentrated in front of him so he didn't bother what was behind him.

HiddenBlade was overjoyed. This punk was a greenhorn. One rule adventurers must follow was to always look at their surroundings. Kill stealing and being killed were common in the forest. 

He used stealth and turned invisible. Stealth is the most basic active skill all assassins have. He held his dagger in front of him as he slowly walked towards Kite.

Kite, who didn't notice anything weird at all continued fighting. He was covered in wolf's blood and gore. He was currently smiling. He was really satisfied with killing these wolves. He didn't know what was happening currently in his head. All thoughts of killing and massacre revolved around his brain. But the enjoyment overpowered his rationality.

Just as Kite was about to brandish his sword once more, a cold feeling enveloped him. He felt something behind him and turned around. But he didn't see anyone at all. He continued battling when a silver light slashed through his neck.

His vision started blurring and his body felt tired. Warmblood trickled his body. He then slumped on the ground laying on his own blood.

"Am I going to die?" He thought to himself.

"No, I don't want to, damn it!" He cursed.

He tried to see his killer's face but his neck lost the function to turn around. 

As if hearing his voice, Hidden Blade appeared beside him and spoke, "This is the price for sleeping with someone you shouldn't have."

When he heard this, Kite's heart crumbled. He didn't know that after wearing a mask, somebody would still track and find him. This world's magic was more complicated and diverse than what he thought.

He slowly closed his eyes although unwilling. Before he was about to die he clearly heard the system voice said.

| You Died! |

| Conditions met to activate 'Infinity Ring' |

Infinity Ring? What's that? His last remaining consciousness questioned.

| Reviving in 10 seconds |

| 10, 9, 8...1, 0 |


| Revived! |