Infinity Ring

"Good morning, Sir Kite!"


I just died right?


Infinity Ring?

What in the world is happening?

Kite furrowed his brows, his body was sweating intensely. His face showed a terrifying expression as if he was facing the gravest problem of his life. 

"Sir Kite?" 

'I have to open my status screen right away! This is impossible! I just got revived from death!'

"Sir Kite! Are you okay?" This time the voice's pitch got higher. 

Kite was brought back to reality. He lifted his head and saw a beautiful elf. 

"Uh, yeah? What's the matter?" Kite was confused. How did he manage to respawn exactly in the Saviour's Guild? He looked around and felt deja vu. 

What's the matter? What's the matter your head. It's obviously you who had a problem but your acting like I'm the weird one here. 

Anna was confused. This boy in front of him was acting weird today. He approached her and after greeting him, he turned silent. And now he was asking what's the matter?

She dismissed this in her mind and act as nothing happened, showing her professionalism. She thought that Kite was just exhausted resulting in his eccentric behavior.

"You just approached me, Sir Kite. I think I should be the one asking you that question?" Her tone contained a tinge of worry. 

Now Kite was panicking. Did his body move unknowingly without him knowing it? Or his body got controlled by another entity without him realizing it? Wait... I read something similar to this before. Heck, it was also adapted as an anime!

What's the title of that anime again? Something that starts with 'Re'? 

As expected from a transmigrator. His knowledge regarding fantasies was superb 

Kite smiled wryly. Because of his confusion, his thought was running amok. 

He tried to test this hypothesis of his and asked the crucial question.

"Oh sorry. May I ask if there's any forest wolf-related quest?"

Anna fumbled some files on a cabinet. She took her time browsing and finally took out three papers. Those papers clearly contained quests.

She handed them to Kite and said, "Take a look, Sir Kite." 

The scene was exactly what happened earlier when he asked for this kind of quest. Did he get back in time when he was revived?

'So even time travel exists in this world.' He mused silently

Kite looked at it and finally clicked two quests to accept. Then he took out his bag and removed the wolf meats. He looked at Anna's surprised face and said, "All done Anna". He laughed for a moment before Anna finally received it.

It was exactly the same.

She took out the meats and fumbled something in the air. After that Kite received two system messages.

| Combat Quest 'Wolf Hunt' complete!

Received 8 silvers! |

| Combat Quest 'Two Wolves' complete

Received 3 silvers! |

Anna gave Kite 11 silvers and realized something. She looked at Kite once more and opened her mouth. But just before she could talk, Kite butt in. "Oh look I have 10 silvers now. Do you think I can sign in for a membership?"

Kite glanced at her meaningfully. When he saw her shocked look again he felt satisfied.

Just like what happened before, the same procedure in signing up for membership was the same. After that, he turned around and left.

As a transmigrator, he adapted to the concept of revival easily. If it was possible to be transported to another world, then reviving from death was also highly possible. 

Anna wanted to point where the door was when Kite voice drifted over. 

"Don't worry. I know."

After that, he flashed his card and entered his room. He sat down in his bed and reviewed what happened earlier.

"So I got ambushed because of Nessa." He clenched both his fist and teeth. It's probably either her admirers or one of her 'partners'. 

He opened his system and read the description of one of the items. His item is named Infinity Ring.

| Infinity Ring(Titan's Ring)

Level 5- Level MAX

Description: One of the ten artifacts the two Titans created. These artifacts are gifted to ten Gods that will help restore peace in Godryk. The Infinity Ring was bestowed to Sword God, Jax |

"Sword God Jax. So you're telling me this body I currently have is Jax's body? " His tone got fainter and fainter as he spoke. His expressions were quite a show to see. 

From shock to a weird look then he turned expressionless after processing the information. 

After that irritation and anger appeared on his face. He smashed his fist in the table and howled. 

"F*ck you, Jax. You've been killed by a random dude and now my body is here in this world because of you!"

"You can't activate the Infinity Ring because you're still Level 2 back then. How careless can you be? You dare call yourself a God? Sword God? The title of Idiotic Dumbass fits you better!"

He couldn't fathom why a God became a mortal. Worst of all he was still Level 2 and loved the slums. Maybe because he wanted to hide from his enemies? But how could a God be careless to die in the hands of a man that looked like a beggar? All respect and reverence he had for the Gods of this world vanished. Even Gods make mistakes.

He then contacted Nessa. He must know if she knew someone that will potentially kill him in the woods in the future.

Sending messages was like chatting with your friend online. There was a voice message option and a normal message option. He types his message and clicked send.

How convenient! 


In a grass field filled with weird-looking golems...

"Nessa, don't heal me anymore. I'll activate Life Grasp." A strong man holding a plump shield and a short sword shouted. 

"Okay," Nessa replied simply but grimly.

They were currently fighting a Level 35 Elite Monster.

[Stone King](Elite, Golem)

Level 35

HP: 6,806/10,000

Just as Nessa healed her Shield Bearer teammate a system message appeared.

| System: Kite sent you a message |

She remembered Kite. Honestly, he liked this guy. He was cute, charming and additionally he was young. She clicked 'view' and Kite's message appeared.

Kite: Nessa are you there?

She wanted to reply but they were in the middle of an intense battle. She discarded it for a while and shouted, "Let's finish this quickly, I have someone to talk to."

Her teammates were surprised. It was the first time Nessa gave an order. She only replied now and then, but her commanding tone was a first. They took this match more seriously and begun launching their attacks and skills.


Nessa hadn't replied for half an hour so Kite thought she is doing something important. He then decided to shop for the items he needed. Since he came back from time, all the things he bought in the past vanished. But his ExP and stats stayed the same.

"If this is really Jax's body then all the memories of his should be obtained by me. But this shitty system wants my experience points to unlock those memory fragments" He was frustrated.

He then decided to sacrifice a huge amount of experience points this time. He wanted to know what memory he'll obtain from a God.

| Click confirm to proceed to sacrifice 1000 experience points |

He clicked confirm. And this time because of the huge amount of experience points he sacrificed a huger memory flooded his mind. He felt intense pain in his head and after a while, it slowly dissipated.

He sorted out his memory and he was shocked. It was a memory from one of Jax's lives. It was not like the ancient era nor the era he was in. Maybe Jax has a lot of bodies from different timelines because of his unique skill and the Infinity Ring.

The memory depicted Jax training. The training was quite normal. He just kept his stance for a second then slash his sword downward. When he was in his stance his sword was lifted upwards. After that, a baneful Qi surrounded his sword and he slashed it downwards.

This training continued for years in his mind and after that, a system message appeared.

| New A rank-skill 'First Noxious Sword' learned! |

| First Noxious Sword[A Rank](Active Skill) Requirements: Sword. Attack Damage 10×, reduce armor 90%, and 100% Critical Chance Cooldown: 30 minutes. Profiency[0/150] |

"The f*ck! This skill is overpowered. I sacrificed a stone for a bar of gold." Kite can't believe his eyes. So he can also acquire skills. He laughed wildly. If someone can see his expression right now, then they will immediately think that Kite was a pervert.

Kite was itching to sacrifice more experience points however his level will degrade. His damage and stats will also be reduced if he continued sacrificing his precious experience points.

Once he drops a level, then how could he possibly revive if one of the prerequisites to revive was a level of five?


Kite scoffed. 

I'm not stupid. Unlike someone who died tragically at the hands of a beggar. 

He left his room after examining his skill. He looked around and head to the quest board to get some quest. He didn't take his time choosing rather he knows what quest he'll pick. He accepted the quest and directly headed to the shopping district in the inner area.

| System: Combat Quest 'Exterminator' accepted.

Difficulty Grade: C

Rewards: A random suitable weapon and 15 silvers

Quest Details: Kill 50 Forest Wolves and give back its meat to the guild |

He went to the inner area shopping district and looked for clothes. Just like in the past, he met the shopkeeper of the clothes shop and their conversation was also like usual.

He bought a mask, like before. It was the same wolf mask he bought last time.

Kite also bought the same shoulder bag before. After all that he realized something. He needs to buy a watch and a calendar.

He asked the shopkeeper where he could buy these items. The shopkeeper pointed to a store far away and Kite thank him.

There was a small store with different kinds of magic stones on display. "May I know where the watch and calendars are? I want to buy one" Kite asked.

The shopkeeper was an old man. He picked two different colored stones in his shop and give them to Kite. He then replied, "1 silver for all them. Just activate your system screen and insert these stones. Your system will gain the clock and the calendar option."

Kite did what he was told. He was quite surprised to see the time and date on his screen. The date and time were similar to Earth's so he got used to it quite fast.

| 11:46 AM, August 15(Saturday), 50760 |

The year here is long now. 50760 years since this calendar was invented. But why is their technology didn't improve like on Earth? He dismissed these thoughts and head to the guild once more.

He didn't immediately head to the forest. He'll be killed once more if he did so. He must wait for Nessa's reply so he can figure this out. The killer must die for sure.

The thought of killing people was scary. Although he wasn't ready yet, for killing him, he'll make an exemption.