Fatal Mistake II

Kite rushed towards Vanessa's location. He raised his sword and used a skill to enhance his damage.

Wolf Bite!

His sword was covered by a green wolf's maw. Because of his battle experience in Jax's memory, he was now more adept at the battlefield. Flawlessly joining the battlefield and directly interrupting the enemy. 

The Goblin Zombie Lord defended with its only hand. This hidden boss has a height of 3 meters. Twice the height of Kites. Its body was green and red blood drip from every pore in its body. It has pointed ears with maggots wriggling inside it. His mouth was the worst. It was dripping black saliva with flies and worms on its lip. Even the term disgusting was more than a compliment. 

When Kite's sword clashed with the boss's only remaining hand. Shockwaves occurred and Kite took 4 steps backward. Bits of flesh were torn and its blood spilled on his face.

| -13 HP |

| You've been damaged!

-50 HP |

Just from a distance of 9 meters, you can smell an intense nose-wrenching scent. It was like you were standing in the middle of the garbage site.

The goblin boss dashed towards Kite. The latter reacted by executing his first and latest movement skill.

Star Blink!

He reappeared just in front of the Goblin Boss feet. He didn't flee but instead rushed forward. Gaining memories of Jax's past lives, it felt like he was the one who was in there. This resulted in Kite gaining a massive amount of battle experience. Sometimes offense was the best defense. Because of the momentum of the boss plus Kite's momentum by the instant movement resulted in an increase in damage.

Moon Slash Technique!

His sword began emitting silver light. Kite used all his strength on this strike. The Goblin Zombie Lord's hand was already stretched out, and this was its only arm. He has no spare hands to defend the attack from Kite.

| -60 HP |

After that, a moon image appeared on its stomach and damage the boss's internal organs.

| -68 HP |

His attack landed on the boss's stomach. It directly cut a huge chunk of meat. And now that he was a foot distance from this monster, he smelled the boss' entire scent.

Kite used his remaining Star Blink charge and headed to where was Vanessa. The exchange between the human and monster only last a total of six seconds.

Because Vanessa was surprised by the exchange she didn't react nor move. Kite was totally amazing and cool earlier, his moves were flawless. As if he was a general with thousands of battles on his record.

She only used the bow and attack from a distance. And although she used a knife to attack from a close distance, her skills, and experiences were more suited in long-range attacks. And even if both Ansel and she were rich, blink skills were rare. Her skill 'Shadow Steps' only gave her a short burst of strength to her legs increasing her movement for a short amount of time.

To think this boy from the slums possessed such rare crowd control and blink skill. 

She immediately thought of his master. 

Now it all made sense. Since Kite was his disciple, of course, he will equip his student with the best skills and weapons available. 

If Kite could her thoughts, he would have already puked in blood. 

'Sister! That master of mine is much more unreliable than Sakura!'

She only noticed the change in Kite's left eye. It was bluish in color. Seeing two different colored iris she blushed. Kite looked stunning right now.

When a woman was in love with a man, even if he looked like a pig, to the girl, he was the most dashing individual in the world.

Kite was unaware of Vanessa's thoughts.

His Moon Slash Technique, an ability he gained from a tablet skill, also has a high completion rate. He exactly looked like how a real swordsman presented themselves.

"Let's deal with it together!" Kite encouraged Vanessa.

"Are you gonna be alright? Let me deal with it on my own. Bring Ansel and quickly get out of here." But Vanessa was worried about this. She only hoped to help him with her best abilities. 

He looked directly at her and gently smiled. He ruffled her hair and spoke. 

"Silly lass. We're in a party. We are supposed to support each other at the very end." He laughed.

But before Vanessa could reply, the hidden boss has already made its move. It regenerated a bit and rushed toward the two.

"Do you have any binding or stunning abilities?" Kite asked. He wished to finish this battle as soon as possible. Vanessa has only 1/4 of her health.

"I have two skills. Both binding skills that will last a total of 4 seconds." Vanessa replied while nocking an arrow on her bow.

Kite smiled at her answer, he was visibly happy with her response. "Good! At my signal prepare to use those skills"

Vanessa didn't question his order. She blindly trusted the man she loved. Nevertheless, he was quite curious about his plan.

The boss has only 1/3 of its health.

| Goblin Zombie Lord(Hidden Boss)

Level 20

HP: 1350/4000 |

They continuously kite the boss at a safe distance. Since they had no Tank among them, Kite had a hard time maneuvering in the field. They continued this tactic until the boss HP only has 1/4 on it. Its regeneration was insanely high.

"Vanessa! Now!" Kite shouted. 

Vanessa nocked a special arrow. It has a strange engraving it and the arrow's whole body was painted in grey. She pulled the string in a wide manner and let go.

Stone Arrow!

This was one of the special qualities the class, Ranger, possess. Although they also possessed skills to enhance their damage output, they could also buy arrows that were already enhanced and had an ability on their own. 

The arrow produced a shocking sonic boom. It accurately hit the boss' head.

| -40 HP |

Its eye that was full of resentment suddenly turned docile. Its raised arm slowly dropped. It was stunned! 

Star Blink! 

Finally, another charge was refreshed.

Kite appeared on the boss's backside. He attacked from that angle.

Wolf Bite!

Moon Slash Technique!

He used both skills and jumped. The boss was too tall, so in order to hit its weak spots, he had to jump. He chopped the neck of the boss with all his strength and successfully produced a critical strike.

| Critical Strike!

-137 HP |

Just like always, a moon image appeared to take more damage.

| - 58 HP |

Vanessa was stunned. 


To think Kite could combine a skill and a technique together. 

Only a genius could do it!

To put it in perspective, combining two abilities was the same as inventing a new math formula on Earth! 

Not only do they need to master the said skills and techniques, but they must also possess in-depth knowledge regarding swordsmanship. 

And this man in front of him was a swordsman for only a day! 

This was like how a 7-year-old child invented a groundbreaking invention. It was virtually impossible. 

But Kite defied logic and successfully combined two moves. 

But Kite didn't stop with his assault yet. He raised his sword up in the air and issued another skill.

Forest Bind!

Just as the boss was able to regain its consciousness, it was suddenly bound by a huge amount of plants. It struggled for a while and was finally free. But Kite's attack had already reached it.

First Noxious Sword!

His already raised Ogre's Tusk shined with a black hue. A baneful aura surrounded it and Kite's surroundings turned black. He slashed it downward. He used one charge of Star Blink and blinked again on the boss's head. He was supposed to enhance this attack with Moon Slash but his mind could only support one more. But he didn't wish to use it this early.

| - 300 HP |

Because of the level and grade difference, the goblin's armor was not 90% ignored. The goblin howled in pain and release a green gas from its body. Kite retreated, afraid this air was poison. But Kite was not that fast, he only has one movement skill and its charges were already used up.

He was enveloped inside the fog, but no damage message appeared. Instead, the Goblin Zombie Lord was healing itself crazily its low HP suddenly received 500 more.

| +500 HP |

Kite flashed a grim look. He rushed towards the hidden boss. If he couldn't kill him in a short amount of time the boss will continuously regenerate.

"Vanessa used your remain control skill!" He screamed in panic

Vanessa was already prepared. This skill required charging the arrow so she didn't attack while Kite was attacking the monster.

Fatal Strike!

She released this arrow and piercing sounds were heard. It hit the goblin's chest and was knocked back by four steps. This amount of time was sufficient.

He positioned his sword on his side pointing in the left direction. He inhaled a deep breath and prepared his mind.

Second Noxious Sword!

His sword started emitting killing intent. Unlike the baneful aura from the First Noxious Sword, this skill heavily emphasized on killing. His surrounding was dyed in red. Blood lust could be seen in both of his eyes.

His left blue eye shined brightly. He could now see every detail on the goblin's body. But he was not satisfied yet. He used every fiber of his brain to execute another skill to enhance his damage.

Moon Slash Technique!

"What the fuck!" Even the usual conservative Vanessa couldn't help but curse. 

Fine, I'll accept that you are a genius in the art of the sword. 

But you began on your journey as a swordsman just a day ago!

I accept that you possessed two skills that were beyond powerful. 

Ok, I'll also accept that you successfully fused two abilities that even Grade 3 Swordlord would have to spend years to create one. 

Yet not only did you create one, you actually created two!? During a life and death battle!? 

Kite, aren't you too Godlike!? 

Red and silver light intertwined creating a marvelous scene. Even Vanessa was stuck in a daze for a while.

Kite was trembling crazily. He couldn't control this attack for too long. Blood gushed in his seven orifices.

He slashed his Ogre's Tusk horizontally and intense pressure was released.
