Fatal Mistake III

Sensing the threat from Kite's attack. The Goblin Zombie Lord used its most powerful combat skill.

Death's Grasp!

The goblin lord's remaining hand turned entirely black. Death qi surrounded it. Its big body suddenly turned thinner while all its muscles were absorbed in its left hand.

Just as Kite's sword reaches the goblin lord, its hand that was three times bigger than its own body, grabbed the blade.

Shockwaves that were like typhoons blasted through everywhere. Vanessa ducked, and even when in that position, she was struggling not to be thrown by the wind.

"Eh!?" Vanessa panicked. This sort of battlefield was out of her league. Only Grade 2 Experts could unleash such might. 

Kite's veins bulged. He couldn't last much longer. His body and mind were still weak. He couldn't control and handle this amount of strength any longer. Just as he was about to give up and restart his life, Vanessa shouted.

"You can do it, Kite! Don't die on me!" Her voice was full of emotions. Although Kite took advantage of her and made her fall in love with him, Vanessa's feelings were genuine nonetheless. Seeing her loved one being slain in front of her was too much to handle.

Kite also knew this. He felt sorry for the girl. He can't just make himself fall in love with her at once. He knew her feelings were genuine and this type of love had already shaken Kite's heart. He promised himself to give Vanessa a chance if they could survive together here. His heart already belonged to someone else, but he'll make a space in his heart for Vanessa's feelings. Thinking about this Kite's left blue eyes shine brighter.

His attack was already enhanced by the technique, Moon Slash. But he used this technique once more, maximizing its power to its limit. Unintentionally inventing a new technique in the process

Moon Slash Second Style, Moonlight Cleave!

| 67% Completion Rate |

|Congratulations Moon Slash Second Style, Moonlight Cleave Technique was learned |

| 100 experience points is gained |

Behind him, a silver moon shined so brightly. His attack that was a combination of red and silver light grew in intensity.

Kite, right now, looked like a divinity, a moon god. The moon behind him also released a blazing silver light toward Kite's sword. It enhanced his already powerful attack. Kite's mind was on the verge of breaking. But the Goblin Zombie Lord was also not faring well.

Its pure black arm has cracked all over it. It was also on the verge of destruction.


Its roar shook the heavens. The goblin poured even its own life essence on this attack. But how could Kite lose here?


His arms shed blood nonstop. His left eye was bleeding. His nose was also splurting blood all over the place.

Even if he'll win here, he'll surely be in a vegetative state for months. 

The battle here caused typhoons and storms all over the place. Vanessa had to use a skill just to observe their match. She was shocked beyond reason. Kite, a Level 11 Grade 0 Swordsman Apprentice, could actually produce this kind of power rivaling that of a Grade 2 Swordmaster! 

The goblin's body was cracking all over. It couldn't hold on anymore. Kite's attack was clearly higher than it. It roared once again. It couldn't accept its death. It was just revived but right now it was being killed right in front of its own grave.

Kite's sweep attack slashed the goblin in its torso. Its black arm completely shattered, not a single flesh was left. It fell on its back and laid there. It looked pitiful. From a ten-foot monstrous monster into a goblin who was thin with no arms.

| - 1200 HP |

Kite looked at its corpse and smile. Finally, the battle has ended. He searched for Vanessa and saw her. She was running towards him.

But what made Kite felt strange was her expression, she looked terrified instead of being happy. She seemed to be shouting something and pointing somewhere. But Kite couldn't hear her. His ears were buzzing, his sight was blurred. He finally noticed that his hearing was impaired from the amount of damage his brain has suffered.

Vanessa's body flickered and she appeared in front of Kite. She pointed out where the goblin corpse was located. Kite turned and took a glance at the dead body. But what met him was the feet of the monster. The goblin was still alive and took the opportunity to attack Kite from behind. But luckily Vanessa warned him.

Kite brandished his sword to defend himself from the attack. However, his sword slipped from his grasp. Kite looked at his hands in terror. During the first time he hunted boars in the forest, one of his fingers was bitten off. Now that he was missing his index finger in his right hand, which was holding the sword, slipped away. Kite was about to use his Star Blink skill, but the attack was too fast. He closed his eyes due to instinct and heard a sound cutting through flesh.

But he didn't felt any pain. He opened his eyes and stared in front of him. Vanessa's heart was laying in the ground. The goblin's foot accurately left a hole in her chest. During the last moment, Vanessa grabbed Kite and turned around, she then pushed him away. Resulting in the scene happening now.

Kite's heartbeat stopped. He stared at Vanessa's body. She was not breathing anymore. But her expression before she died was a happy one. She was smiling.

Seeing this Kite lost his rationality.

Star Blink!

He appeared near his sword and picked it up. He blinked once more and appeared on the goblin's head. It was still laying on the ground but its eyes still showed life. Its torso moved on its own and attack Vanessa.

Wolf Bite!

| Critical Hit!

- 113 HP |

He completely shattered the goblin's head. Its body shined and completely disappeared. What replaced it was a ton of pieces of equipment and materials and also a skill book.

But he was not happy at all. He ran towards Vanessa's corpse and hug it. His tears were flowing without any reservation. He ignored the system messages and the items on the ground. His gaze was only locked into Vanessa. He howled in grief and pain. This was supposed not to happen.

"Silly lass. Why did you do that?" He whispered. This was the first time he saw someone close to him dying.

This emotion... 

This was the first time he felt it. He was an average man back on Earth. How could he suffer such feelings like this there? He lived a happy and fulfilling life on Earth. 

But now his heart was unstable. This was the feeling of... 

Intense grief! 

He picked his own sword and pointed it in his own throat.

He suddenly laughed crazily and recited a poem.

Love transverse all! 

They appear suddenly, not a single hint at all

Like this girl who appeared without any warning 

Made me, a man from another world... 

Helplessly mourning 

After reciting that he pierced his own throat and died. 

| You Died! |

| Activating 'Infinity Ring' |

My second death, huh. 

| Reviving in 10 seconds |

How idiotic... 

| 10, 9, 8...1, 0 |

To die because of love? Aren't I irrational? 

| Revived! |